Canada YES!
Canada’s transgender rights bill could become law before the Summer
>Dude like I shouldn't be thrown in jail for not saying that
Better start using they/them. I wonder what I will have to use in french since these words doesn't work in this language
god is unironically not real.
We shall rebel.
I'm thinking we have a "National Beat-The-Shit Out of a Trans Person Day" to celebrate passing of said Bill each year.
this won't impact me at all, idgaf
Peterson is such a cuck, no ones is going to go to jail for using the wrong pronouns
No He is real, most of us just abandoned Him.
Did you listen to the hearing?
>all those cucks giving him dirty looks
Jesus Christ.
>new speech restriction laws
>"this won't affect me at all"
How fucking out of touch can you be?
Good. then they should abolish anything related to Binary genders(clothes, bathrooms, gender roles, mandatory sex change to get rid of biological differences because they create sexism) to the point where there is no difference between the genders and we all could be called just Humans
No he's forsaken mankind for the time being. We are just seeing the Devil having a field day with no one around to stop him
enjoy your matriarchal totalitarian police state user.
Just become a Frogman like I am and just poke fun at it. If any tranny tells me to call them my their pronoun they better respect my froggieness
So, what does the bill say?
We, the undersigned, hereby declare
"feminine benis"
this "transgender rights" bill is infringing on free speech rights of everyone else therefore shouldn't be passed. it's a two second conversation, really.
We can stop this by allying with our enemy
Fuck you, dumb cunt. The bill isn't about "transgender rights" it's about freedom of speech. How retarded can someone be?
I wonder what the most obnoxious pronouns canadian trannies will come up with
imagine being a reporter/writer in canada, and you have to use whatever silly words the interviewee says, or you got to jail.
Just don't talk to anyone who might be one of these freaks. Eventually they will try to pass a law forcing you to actively associate with trannies and be their friends. Then the war starts.
>Everyone must legally play along with the freaks and their delusions or they'll shriek as loud as their stubble-lined chins allow them to and cost them fines, C&D, or loss of employment
Just smirk at the faggots and don't talk to them. Let them squeal and whine while you only speak to normal people because the freaks made it legally dangerous to even talk to them.
You leafs are really fucked. Spread the truth about Pimozide.
>Yes my pronoun is Admiral of the Royal Fleet
>But you've never served in the navy
>BIGOT! Write that I am an admiral or you're going to jail
>Malicious Avoidance
You bigoted goys. When someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, alienated, or dysphoric.
It is a privilege to not have to worry about which pronoun someone is going to use for you based on how they perceive your gender. If you have this privilege, yet fail to respect someone else’s gender identity, it is not only disrespectful and hurtful, but also oppressive.
Come on, this will eventually happen, don't hate it. Don't be bigoted like us.
Except that's exactly what the people who will be enforcing this legislation say they're going to do.
They literally believe that calling someone by their true and factual gender is the same as genocide.
I'm an atheist in the classical definition but Peterson said that god is simply the highest ideal you believe in.
So in literal terms there is no metaphysical being, however functionally there is a transcendent object that we all worship as individuals.
it would be a nice reprieve to be addressed as His Holiness
why not just... violate the law all at once. Your government can't imprison you all and if you're clogging up the legal system with bullshit while real murder cases are being pushed back they'll have to drop it pretty quickly.
I never talk to trannies anyways. I support the bill because it will further alienate trannies
The point of legislation like this is to make it so that in practice everyone is commiting a speech crime. Then they can selectively pursue those they don't like (for other reasons).
Typical Gestapo/Orwellian tactics.
The next law will mandate interactions with trannies, and make it illegal to refuse to have sex with one.
Jordan Peterson is excellent and Canada is almost lost at this point.
You're literal slaves who better damn well speak the way massa tell you to now, eh?
Serious question.
Can you say legally call someone/say nigger in Canada?
perfect example of media manipulation
Slow down Omar.
National trans suicide month would be much better.
Make a website and track all the actual trans suicides that occur to commemorate the month.
There will be some.
How can you even type while sucking all the cocks?
Never say canadians arent a determined people!
This leaf gets it
18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
>implying they care more about stopping murder than stopping thoughtcrime
>some niggers to raping and killing your mom doesnt threaten the power structure
>honorable people resisting their thought commands does
Didn't Peterson steamrolled them in the latest debate?
>no ones is going to go to jail for using the wrong pronouns
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Yep, they're only making it worse themselves.
Enjoy your alienation; I for one will will do my best to simply avoid these people. Can't offend what I don't acknowledge.
I really don't see this being a problem outside of the few liberal shitholes in Ontario and BC. But why the fuck would anyone live in those places to begin with?
Nice proxy tranny male comic creator
>C-16 passes
>Tumblrinas go outside for once
>Look for white males
>Intentionally annoy them
>"Hey lady, can you stop?"
>Tumblrina proceeds to scream RAPE and call the police
>Informs them that xe just got sexually, verbally and racially assaulted
Which one is most likely to happen afterwards?
>White male is beaten by trans-racial, trans-gender, gender fluid, pansexual, wolfkin police
>White male is taken before the gender identity tribunal
>Sentenced to the nunavut gulags for the rest of his life
>Police arrives to see the tantrum unfold
>Arrest tumblrina instead
>This happens all across the country
>Crime skyrockets because of it
>Trudeau government blamed
>They lose in 2019
Your apathetic/cucked attitude is what brought us to this point.
That's war-talk ...
>Implying progressives care about debate
>Implying progressives comprehend the purpose of debate
>Implying progressives understand the purpose of reason
>Implying progressives respect anything outside of their own ideology and desires
You are correct.
It further demonstrates that morals are of practical value and degenerates must be eradicated like the disease they are.
>Refer to man with "he/him/his"
>refer to woman with "she/her/hers"
>"wrong" pronoun
Whew lads
Guys stop the bigotry now. don't let hate consume you
Fucking leafs
>Gender based harassment can involve:
>Behavior that "policies and or reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms"
Behavior that "policies and or reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms"
Okay this is fucking insane, this country deserves to fucking burn
I hope China and the USA are ruthless when they chop up this shithole for resources
This, plus the chilling effect.
Still there is good opportunity for hilarity. If a public figure here in Canada does not like the bill, but does not wish to run afoul, here's what they should do, on live TV: every time they interact with someone on a panel representing the SJW stance, be they male or female, before a word is said, all they need to do is ask the SJW what gender pronoun they prefer to be addressed by.
First of all many of them will be taken aback on camera, especially if they are a metrosexual hipster dude or an antifa type chick who thinks she's hot but isn't.
Secondly, almost ALL of them are going to be forced to answer with the gender pronoun that matches their sex.
Beat it with kindness. Make it a trend to interrupt EVERY panel discussion at its outset with a public airing of everyone's gender pronoun preference. Make people commit to it on camera in real time.
All in the name of staying on the right side of the law and trying not to offend anyone.
A based guest will even make the HOST answer the question.
Done with a straight face this could be devastating, because the cognitive dissonance that will flash across their faces as they register microexpressions of disgust or incredulity at the question even being asked, will spell it out for all to see.
First option is vastly more likely. It's Canada.
Once this legislation is in effect it's permanent. CBC is going all out with documentaries that spread propaganda for this pro LGBTQ+Muslim+Indigenous women legislation.
>doesn't even live in the country
>no one will be prosecuted for this type of thing
you're so frightened and pathetic.
kek he's appalled by government attempting to control its peoples speech what a LITTLE BITCH huh
no one's controlling shit, i live here, i think i'd know if someone was trying to police my speech. you don't, and yet you're still bitching because you whiners love to latch onto this shit.
only a leftists could be so simultaneously oblivious and confident. have fun being annexed by us in about 5 years. we will not allow whites to be mass-imprisoned by tyrannical trannies and communist stooges.
Canada NO!
It's not permanent, Bernier said he will repeal it if elected.
No one needs to be getting their door kicked in by the pronoun police for us to be pissed off at these so-called progressives trying to force this shit onto ANY level of government, no matter how ineffectual
you're going to be in a civil war in 5 years, your country is imploding and it's hilarious to watch.
The mere fact that you have to do this shit will be psychologically damaging and soul crushing. Your post seems like a fantasy of revenge.
You need to learn to get mean. The proper response to this is not to indulge it but to get more creative with your anger. Anger is contagious. So spread it around. let people know you are angry and they'll feel more of a right to be angry too. Then let human nature take it course. It's no crime to feel anger in large numbers.
the reality is this shit means nothing here, it's not even going to hurt the leafs bitching about it, it's just Sup Forums getting outraged over nothing again just like the far left.
Requesting Doom Peterson memes.
I wish Canada were on the verge of civil war... it would indicate that Canadians weren't just a bunch of group-think sheep. Which unfortunately, we largely are. (Few exceptions, obviously.)
Sorry my prince
Man are you gonna swallow those words.
Not angry. I've met a few trans people and they were perfectly nice. Last thing I'd want to do is make them feel bad.
This is about stealing the smugness from the people (mostly straight and upper class) who are trying to use this as a wedge for their own power and status.
It's about making trendy people who want to virtue signal and get paid for bashing anything traditional follow their own rules.
This is agree and amplify.
And what it will reveal is the hollowness of this shell of an idea, because like I said, most of them will answer with the one that matches their chromosomes, and many will be taken aback, thereby highlighting their hypocrisy.
When a whole panel answers in sex-coherent pronouns (which will be almost every time), the guest can have a chuckle by saying "I hope our viewing audience doesn't think this panel is too lopsidedly cis-gendered."
It needs to be done in the spirit of pic related
Why did Bernier vote for it then? Cuckservatives are the absolute worst.
He's a leaf. He's used to swallowing.
"I'm sorry Mr. Mansbridge, before we proceed, I can't speak with you until you clarify for me what your preferred gender pronoun is."
Mad bonus points to the first person who makes Trudeau answer the question on live TV
What kind of fantasy world are you living in? The media is fully controlled. Nobody, let alone full panels, will br doing anything other than suck tranny dick.
Get your head out of your ass.
You're delusional if you think the CBC will be the source of resistance.
Couldn't they get in trouble for that though? If the offended party considers is to be joking about the "seriousness" of the whole thing. Because it looks like s pic would suggest that even making jokes about genders is to be illegal.
>Not angry. I've met a few trans people and they were perfectly nice. Last thing I'd want to do is make them feel bad.
Now I didn't say to take it out on the mentally ill. That would be cruel.
But you have every right to be angry and anger is how you leafs are going to get out of this. You have to let it motivate you and not suppress it or you'll be worse off. You've evey right to be steaming mad, so don't forget to treat your polticians like garbage. they are pieces of shit and need to be treated like it until they get with the program. You can change a man's life by looking at him the right way, in the right context.
'you' has no sex. And do you refer to people in the 3rd person while they're around? So will people do it on trans people's behalf? "You should know, Joe didn't refer to you as 'zit' the other day. Take him to court!"
Not that I think it's a good idea, but I just don't see how it will come up.
OP is what becomes of the world when you don't believe.
Since when was jordan peterson speaking in government now? I thought he was just some youtube philosopher like varg that gets mentioned on Sup Forums Is he gonna run for prime minister next?
How about if you said 'that trans shit'? Swearing is surely still legal.
Just brainstorming, user.
Listen, what do you think will happen on a live broadcast if someone pulls this with a straight face? Do you think they'll cut the feed?
Compelled Speech is a Pandora's box, and the power to compel can be SEIZED.
This is an opportunity to compel anyone and everyone to publicly state their sexual preference, and C-16 is the PERFECT cover.
Controlled anger, maybe, with a pinch of mischeviousness. But NOT violence. They WANT violence, so they can crack down on it and make an example. I have no doubt they are looking for that right now.
>"Please, before we go any further, as I want to ensure that I am being correct with my speech - which preferred gender-pronouns do you wish to be addressed with?"
"As well, please only address me as my preferred gender - I am bipantransfluidtrumpsexual"
Possibly, but if it's done publicly and without obvious malevolence, and it goes viral, the public backlash will be huge.
You clearly haven't read Gulag Archipelago. This is only the first step. Aside from future enforcers of this law already stating that they plan on jailing offenders of the bill. The Liberals have opened the gate towards communism with this bill. One thing will lead to another and this bill will lead to our country getting fucked
>Controlled anger, maybe, with a pinch of mischeviousness. But NOT violence. They WANT violence, so they can crack down on it and make an example. I have no doubt they are looking for that right now.
Trips of Truth.
Yuri was 100% right.