Are you fine with immigration if it's legal and they're skilled workers?

Are you fine with immigration if it's legal and they're skilled workers?

No. It's a scam to undercut wages.

They all have to go back.

But your country was made from immigrants dummy

Really good question

>Are you fine with immigration
>if it's legal
>and they're skilled workers?
yea, sure.


Only if they're of european heritage.


no, you have to go back ahmed

Sure. As long as they are white.

Hell unskilled whites are welcome.

As an American I believe in letting White Europeans come here.
Europeans should otherwise stay in their own countries.

Are italians white?

Lower wages means even lower costs for basic necessities. Could you imagine the horror of what it'd be otherwise? $100 for a meal.... It'd be quite the way to reach your communist pipedream - mass starvation

We don't want any Jews, Gypsies, or Turks though.

I think the broader question is whether we need immigration at all and to what extent.

Then of course the people we take in should be the best we can get, more or less.

I guess, you have to deal with the unemployment that already exists in your country first though. Seems like a lot of countries nowadays skip that step.

Absolutely. That is the American way.

So long as they meet both of your criterias

What if they are spies

>yea, sure.
Wrong answer Sven

No fucking immigrants here
Maybe if it's another Scandinavian bro, then they can come.
But no fucking spics and niggers

No, all that does is drive down wages.

Yes, as long as gibs not allowed.

Says you

Y-yes ;_;

Then we round up the coolies and put them in concentration camps like in WWII.

Or we elect a foreign half-nigger CIA president and he passes the America Invents Act so we can give away our patents to the Chinese because apparently they weren't spying hard enough.

Immigrants should not make up more than 0.5% of the population, should be forced to adopt the majority religion and should be sterilized. If they are accepted into the country, their sperm/eggs can be frozen and if they show themselves to be productive members of society in 10 years, they may be allowed 1 child.

Where supply increases and demand stays roughly level, value is sure to decrease

Read a book nigger.

How is immigration beneficial for white Americans?

I don't care if they are "unskilled".
I am pretty darn unskilled and almost 50 years old.

I know nothing about MS Office products, can't operate a forklift, can't drive a stick shift car, know very little about my smart phone, know nothing about HTML C+ Python MCSE or similar.

>inb4 kys

As long as they live in Commiefornia then yeah.


is this autist trying to samefag on pol?

I never had a problem with the Mexicans.

Them Muslims can fuck off.

>bong education

>becoming less american is the american way

As long as they are being paid the same as everyone else and belong to a union, then fine. Bring them on. We need skilled workers in Canada. Millennial are lazy.


Ending anchor babies would achieve most of that in a more viable way. If you come here and pump out a baby and you're not here legally, you get a grace period of maybe 3 or 6 months to leech, and then after we're done being nice and you haven't demonstrated that you're here legally, then you go back and we sell the baby to Israel or China so they can harvest the organs.

You have to go back

They have to go back.

>t. boomer bureaucrat who works for the government
Yeah, nah cunt.

Aha, found the lazy Canadian.

Why do you care about the opinions of edgy 15 year olds?

You're the one advocating for unions you mook.

Exactly. No union = abuse from employers. It's a fact.

Because eventually these 15 year olds will inherit the world and have to figure out how to run it.

Learning from the mistakes of the prior generations is one of the hallmarks of human intelligence: maintaining recorded history.


You share a border with drug traffickers. No matter how much you try to deny it America loves their drugs. If they don't get it from the Mexicans they'll get it from their damn doctors.

Best workers I've ever seen.

Skilled immigration with a quota is fine, uncapped immigration whether it be skilled or not is not.

> also footfag doing no fap & no porn and then I see that gif, fuck u OP

No. Good or bad immigration, at this point there is too much.

Do you really anticipate the likes of Sup Forumstards will be running the world? More likely they'll work average jobs and shitpost their opinions online without affecting things for the rest of their lives. Maybe you get the odd school shooter or whatever but thats about it

Absolutely. Unskilled is fine as well, the only time in the last 100+ years Americans picked fruit in significant number was the Great Depression when there were no other options, otherwise illegals and and crap like the Bracero program have filled the jobs Americans won't.


The last time Midwestern meatpackers couldn't get illegals, they turned to refugees, think about that.

lel thought I was on Sup Forums this whole time, my bad

It depends. The transhumanists seem to think it won't matter and they'll all be culled. I think we're still heading there.

On the other hand, the people they have working shit jobs, such as at Google research offices, which are day care centers for autists who do it for the shekels with utterly misguided belief systems, are pretty much hiring out of the Sup Forums crowd. It comes as no surprise to me that UN Agenda 21 has been rescheduled to 2030 and beyond; the old AI crowd from the 70s also promised too much and had to go into hiding for a while to get more shekels to regurgitate more violent radical revolutionary communism.

You are, pretty much.

>falling for the judea no-fap challenge

roflmao if that was true then no one would be bitching about the cost of living. Go look at your local property market and tell me there's not something wrong when a house is a million dollars and/or rent exceeds 30-40% of your monthly income.




>but no fucking spics and niggers

Why no spics sven? :(

>it's a britfag wants his daily youfarm thread
>always some post highlighting his degenerate, disgusting fetish
>always one line or less
>people always respond

This guy is cancer, please stop bumping his trash threads.

> Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

t. Ben Franklin

Yeah, that's the whole fuckin point we've been saying it the whole time.

Only if the country need them for a limited period of time and don't get citizen rights, if no they can fuck off

I'm fine as long as they have qt feet


If they're white practicing catholics.

No hispanic "catholics" that only show up on Christmas and vote liberal, though.

Seriously though, fucking based Ben calls it.

Sven so cucked but still is aware of the beaners. Top lel.

No. Thats how you get pajeets overrunning your tech industry driving down wages. We all know some shitskin with a 3 month degree from a school in a third world hellhole isn't (((skilled))).

yes with stipulations.
the vetting process needs to be much stronger and we need to adopt an "all full of day laborers" attitude and start picking and choosing who we allow into our countries based upon what the market/industry needs.
it will severely decrease immigration and lessen the strain on economic migrants searching for a handout from welfare states.
germany should take note and stop letting northern africans migrate to their country.
italy needs to release the dogs on their brainless protestors.

Studies say otherwise senpai.


I'm fine with limited immigration from compatible cultures where we have a genuine skills shortage.

I am wary of giving my approval to just "immigration", no matter the qualifiers of who's coming. Who are they, what are they bringing, how many are coming and for how long.

Reality says otherwise

Studies or (((studies)))? Asking for a friend.

Just so you know some of us are born here

wow... so this is the power of paid shills

>samefag for a joke
>he's shillin guys durrhurr
i can't believe standards have dropped so quickly since t_d closed

Between near-full employment and an aging population a need-based system is as likely to INCREASE immigration as lessen it, at least right mow, and especially as more and more working-class whites can't pass employer drug tests. Just last week Sup Forums flipped its shit because a Republican Senator told the CATO Institute he wanted to increase annual green cards by 50% because Wisconsin businesses can't get the workers they claim to need. Likewise, Silicon Valley has been bitching for years they can't find enough tech workers, Sup Forums's whining about pajeets aside.

>Make highly suspect thread
>Act like a shill in it
>Act surprised when people call you a shill
>I was only pretending to be retarded

>as more and more working-class whites can't pass employer drug tests
Why is that?


>getting a free scenic helicopter ride
pick one

Wish they could come back.
Too much corruption in my country and massive inequality while the social system is cracking.
Kick out all the koreans and make them come back to make Korea great again.

How about investing in education for your citizens, bringing back manufacturing jobs and paying living wages? Am I a gommie?

Skilled workers immigration is good.

As a country creates an industry, there will be a point where it won't be auto sufficient in skilled labor. Thus the need to import people.

The benefit is two fold:
1. Get the most needed workers
2. Brain drain competing countries.

as long as they are skilled and not a drain to our society. exception for hot Asian chicks.

But they aren't needed with the massive boom in automated labor that's going to occur in the next 4 years. The need for a large working class will essentially vanish over night, and importing large amounts of unemployable and uneducatable brown people isn't going to help the issue.

Anchor babies don't really count. It's like leaving dog shit on someone's lawn and trying to convince them it's theirs. I don't own a dog, user. Pick up your shit.

Oy vey, these goyim, they just don't understand our plans for world domination and mass extinction!

>Kiked britbong thinks in terms of economics when approaching immigration
>Not the acceleration of cultural decay

Uncultured scrubs you lot

When the economy is good the kikes are in the shadows stuffing their pockets. Relentlessly exploiting and degenerating the nations they inhabit like parasites until they crash the economy and begin profiting on the next war. They bring in the shitskins in to further weaken and divide white nations so as to destroy their capability to unite and rebuild after the next crash. They want a divided and uncultured mass of mongrel hoards who are powerless to fight them. The only thing that can upend the Jew is a strong nation state with a healthy culture and racial homogeneity. "Goyim" means nation. God told mankind to stay in the nations until his return. The Satanic Semite will do anything to corrupt and destroy nations until mankind is nothing more than godless animal slaves.


>Are you fine with immigration if it's legal and they're skilled workers?

This isn't about "muh jerbs" or "muh assimilation"

This is about the survival of the White race.

Non-Whites literally do not belong in White countries.

If we are to save the White race from the extinction/genocide it faces, Whites need a White-only/pro-White country.

This is a wonderful analogy. I will try to remember it.

No, i want my people to become skilled workers

But they refuse to do the jobs that rapists and freeloaders in tent cities also refuse to do.

Im fine with immigration if they believe in American values and freedoms and want to work hard and make their own way in my country and not rely on the government.



If they refuse, there is a shortage in labor, which means wages for those jobs will skyrocket until people are incentivized enough to take up those jobs.
Theoretically, if you were paid 10 million dollars per month, you would have no problem picking up garbage and throwing it in a truck.

The market will stabilize at a price that people are prepared to accept in exchange of their labor. Immigration is just a ploy used by the elites to drive down wages and profit from slave labor conditions.

Implying they're skilled workers.

That's correct, but you have to think another step ahead. The new meme is UBI and free gibs.

The market is not going to stabilize at some price where people are willing to work. It's going to cause mass genocide and the few who are willing to work might escape the Great Cull if they are willing to be slaves to the money masters.

>kike worshipping bongboi gets btfo
>feels utterly humiliated by the superior intellect of the great white northern poster
>his deep sense of doubt and inferiority overwhelms him as he decides never to post on Sup Forums again.