Ivanka #1 trending in the world

Saudis jizzing their rags


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It would be hot if ivanka did a blacked video tho


275K tweets now

It's always the god damn leaf posters.

Do they know she's a jew?

Jared (((Kushner))) is in saudi arabia

KEK, i love the Ree poster talking about the hypersexualization of women while her picture looks like a porn slut ready to suck cock

Is this how Trump going to make world peace?

By getting everyone thinking with their dicks again?

you must be confusing Muslims for terrorists

Yeah i saw that jealous shitskin woman too

>jelly nonwhite slag crying

Honestly if it's ever going to happen that's probably the only way it would. Pussy is just about the closest we have to some kind of universal truth.

The guy in the middle is the only one looking at her ass. The other two stares are above waist level.

>Top photo
It ain't her ass they're looking at, though.

They will only kill Kushner, then take Ivanka as a trophy

>They will only kill Kushner, then take Ivanka
It'll more likely be the other way around. The hag is waaaay too old for them.

Nice try, slavnigger.

>it takes $100bn to march a jewish woman into saudi arabia without head covering

This. It's gotta' be a troll, but if not, holy kek


just like the saudi leadership in private

>mfw when Ivanka's tits cause a Saudi civil war
>with the weapons the Lockheed Martin just sold them

You mean to say child marriage ain't the thing in Saudi Arabia, you baby bumping monkey?

>Atgaa, 10, and her sister Reemya, 8, are about to be married to men in their 60s. Atgaa will be her husband's fourth wife. Their wedding celebrations are scheduled for this week and will take place in the town of Fayaadah Abban in Qasim, Saudi Arabia.

>The girls are getting married because their financially struggling father needs the money that their dowries will provide: young girls of this age can fetch as much as $40,000 each.

They didn't care that she didn't wear a headscarf?

Fucking lol. Maybe muslim women just need to be hotter.

You know exactly what I said faggot. Don't put words in my mouth, not everybody is like you and likes to have things shoved in their mouth.

jesus, get more defensive kidfucker. or are you more of a goatfucker yourself?

Would you like to purchase some more helicopters and guns goy? Fight Iran for Greater Israel goy!

She would literally get gangraped were she just a regular woman dressed like that in saudiland

She doesn't look human to me

Well, Saudis or what-the-fuck-ever - you all look exactly the same to me, as long as you buy 8-year-olds for $$$, marry toddlers and enable people to blow themselves up along with a bunch of civilians half a world away.

>especially blonde/white/blue eyed
Ivanka's eyes are brown
Get your shit together twitter feminists

>blue eyes

Pick none. Kike. Black hair. Brown eyes.

Might be a good time to spread some redpills about Arabs. Degenerate fucks can't control themselves so they control the women.
When they emigrate here they expect the same of our women, to be controllable by them for them.
The deserts should be irrigated with blood. There is nothing worth saving except their women.


shoudlnt they be executed for publicly lusting over a jew?

Go back to plebbit faggot.


Are you blind?

Why don't we have any desert awoos?

I don't blame em

that just makes it hotter

But what about fags

Fuck that... She's a kike shill and is actually a leftist. No wonder trump is shooting himself in his face by listening to this traitor.

>arab men are lusting after women the moment they show skin and/or hair
so why do feminists support islam again?

Dudes...what if the Saudis fall in love so bad they kidnap Ivanka...and it turns this whole thing into a literally Helen of Troy situation...and the war that follows will be written about and foretold for the next 3000 years...?

Trump said in the (((HOWARD STERN))) show that he'd be ok with it...

The ass that launched a thousand cruise missiles.

>not white
on what planet

Now is the time to flood that hashtag with #FireKushner.

Let everyone see we want Trump to #FireKushner.


Imagine she was kidnapped raped and beaten via livestream


>And her screen name is REE
Like pottery

you have to go back

It's actually good to nuke Saudi... Some patriot should do that while impersonating a Saudi.

Pretty sure she is protected by the secret service. They will just kill the saudis responsible then pay off the Saudi government so that it doesn't end in war.

Imagine if it was shot in 4k quality and easily accessible...

>international incident against the saudi oil jews
>get rid of the liberal ZOGbot jew daughter that keeps moving Trump in a bluepilled direction

It'd be 2 birds with 1 stone.


Saudís are jews


ewww those low test chicken legs

You're fucking retarded and you need to be over 18 to post here.

Leave arabs alone!
They are civilised and fuck prostitutes from Europe, of not the fuck goats.
Koran permits fucking even a jew, but must have American daddy

Hey atleast the cunts are finally insulting islam

older than you sport, I just prefer girls whose calves aren't thiccer than their thighs

t. reddit

Saudis and Israel are besties.

Do they know jews are them

>muh hypersexualization of women
>looks at her photo

Are women really this self-unaware?

Checked... Numbers don't lie, time to leave you Ashkenazi ((whitey)).

We will be doing you service if Kushner got cucked.

wow it's real

Anybody over the age of 18 knows "high test" isn't something you want in women kiddo. Lurk more.

>teenagers don't grow out of their dopey features when they mature

ever notice how most hot girls in high school turn uggo, and lots of the ugly duckling blossom?

I could only imagine porn searches in whole moslem world... And amount of rapes to happen this evening.

>people wearing literal Palestinian flags
>you all look the same to me
w e w

>implying I was serious about "low test"
kek, learn how to context you autist

Toss them off rooftops


How many goats for this daughter? 9000?

Do they know she is a jew?

kek no one cared when that gorilla came to KSA


Who gives a shit.

Is Ivanka a modern day Helen? Trojan war scenario starting over Ivanka?

Over 9,000!

In the United State 100 years ago, it was incredibly taboo for a woman to show off her ankles.
Unfortunately we do not have another 100 years to wait for the worlds 1 billion Muslims to play catch up.

They have to do it now. Immediately.

We are about to explore another planet.
We do not have time to worry about a shitskin camel jockey muzzies hard on over a fucking ankle. There is no time left. It is now or never.

@Mish_7m 50m50 minutes ago

I'm sorry, Ivanka, the animals we have, they have not seen girls, because they live in a village where there is only the monkey.


so fucking retarded she cant even tell colours apart, the poor thing.

How fucking new are you you little dick sucker

Why did I think of vid related


>i prefer girls who...
>immediately posts a fucking spic
you're not fooling anyone paco, get back to picking strawberries or el jefé is going to cal la migra

you're welcome

But Ivanka doesn't have blue eyes?
Or am I wrong?

I take joy in knowing your wishes will never be fulfilled.

She said no first, but then he said she would be ok with it. Probably smart move at the time tbqh m8

>How can white bois literally compete
This your future western Europe.

graceful ivanka