Self country hate thread

Post ITT if you hate your own country

>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people"""""
>Jewish control
>stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that do what their told and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves
>niggers spics and non whites everywhere and nobody cares
>get cut at birth
>get shot
>live in a culture less shithole
>so degenerate and sick that it makes Sweden look like a god fearing country
>have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever
>no sense of racial pride and identity
>all forms of nationalism and patriotism are civic or rooting for Jewish wars
>embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit that the Jews taught them
>easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants
>be hated and universally despised around the world
>israels bitch
>retarded religious zealots and christians everywhere
>shit education system
>get into debt for college
>everyone hates us
>laughing stock of the world
>elected bush twice
>elected a nigger twice
>helped destroy Germany twice
>killed millions of innocent people after WWII
>destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords
>bought sold and paid for politicians and government
>water is poisoned with flouride
>quality is non existent, just quantity
>consumerist zombies everywhere
>everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world tier rail service
>shitty expensive healthcare

in4 USAIDF shills

Other urls found in this thread:

>Declared war on Germany
>Refuse every peace deal
>Imprison Hess
>Genocide Boers
>Create Israel
I don't think any country can touch our scum-level

>Genocide Boers
Where are my reparations?

At least you have culture

British culture has stooped extremely low since WW2. It destroyed us on the same level as it did Germany.
I would give you all my shekels, based black man.

I don't even have to explain

At least you're not American.

I hope that the gods protect you from the savage niggers.

I thought that the U.S.A brought freedom to Iraq.

>malls are close approximations of hell

Nope. We destroyed it for our jewish overlords like the scum we are.

Doesn't look good, burger...

No it's far worse here
High taxes paying for lazy libtards healthcare.
Nanny State.
Can't say shit.
Weak dollar.
No social cohesion.
High debt even without military budget.
No future.
Ugly women.
Expensive housing.
Most whiter cities are liberal.
Billions of leaf bux disappearing.
No accountability.
Cathleen wyne

I know man, it sucks. All symptoms of ZOG.

At least you are still rich.

>implying that Trump isn't a kike shill

>20 trillion dollar denbt

I just posted this as a complementary example to what's going to happen to huwhites in the USA when they become a minority as in South Africa.

>live in a culture less shithole

We had a culture, but nobody defended it when the barbarian hordes arrived to tear it down.

Now our culture is twerk, twerk, twerking reality TV stars who endorse race mixing and trannies and other degenerate shit


>we had a culture

This. Don't forget what our culture was and what we built before we threw it away. We had it, and it was good and real. Rip real America.


Trudeau will be gone soon, right?

If Trudeau leaves he wins

>suicidal tax payer funded dysgenics programs

>tried not hard enough 80 years ago
>history completely destroyed thanks to post war propaganda, most people don't even know who Bismarck was
>liberals everywhere
>German liberals also are extremely arrogant thinking only they know what's best for literally everyone
>Highest level of arrogance partnered with highest form of ignorance today
>basically have one of the top3 countries in the world to live in, then try to import as much problems as possible to drag down the living standards for all
>the most arrogant and liberal ones also usually uni level educated people with the most privilege possible growing up, i.e. only hardships in life were getting "above average grades".

I literally want to beat the shit out of them on live TV as a full time job.

>the majority are stupid, obnoxious, noisy shitskinned fugly monkeys
>American control, which is under kike control
>stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that swallows all that bullshit the libturd mainstream media feeds them and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves
>island niggers "squatters" everywhere, with the fucking libturd media trying to be politically correct libturds by calling them "informal settlers"
>shitty culture
>cucktolick country, at least not a mudslime country (oh wait there are a lot of mudslimes in the south that go aloha snackbar and kidnaps gaijin tourists for gibbe money plis)
>degenerate fucks who worship faggot celebrities (if kikes run hollywood, peenoise media is actually run by faggots and libturds)
>have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever
>full of bullshit racial pride yet has no actual achievements to back it up
>full of bullshit nationalism and patriotism yet has no actual achievements to back it up and also loves to suck Americock
>embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit
>easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants
>be hated and universally despised around the world and used as slave labor
>America's bitch, which in turn is a zionist bitch
>retarded cucktolick zealots and even some mudslimes that go boom
>shit education system
>get into debt because of taxes and scampanies
>everyone hates us
>laughing stock of the world
>elected a hobbit and a balding virgin aspie
>destroys DOTA or whatever online game with their presence
>shitty celebrity politicians and corrupt government
>a lot of areas are dirty
>quality is non existent
>consumerist zombies everywhere
>everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world shithole
>shitty expensive healthcare
>shitty history of always getting pwned by other countries
>lots of natural resources but not really utilized

kek. you clearly contribute to the problem yourself

Most Germans do not even know who Bismarck was?

as long as we keep fighting wars the jews will continue extending our line of credit, riiight????

America's no1 problem is that its too big.

When fucking Idaho is bigger in than Greece, yet barely any americans know it exists, this should tell you all you need to know about America "culture".

America should be broken up into smaller states, and let them organically grow into self-determining cultural/political entities.

Our history education is really shitty. I can assume that most people >50yo still know that, but the younger generation, fkn hell no. But even those who do know who bismarck was, it rarely goes beyond "yeah he was chancellor and unified Germany". But they don't know when and where. They don't even know about the Holy Roman Empire etc...

German education is deliberately made to not teach anything actually relevant about Germany, expecially nothing which might be admired by people. Maybe if you go to the two states which actually have good education from grade 6-13, i.e. Bavaria and Baden Württemberg, maybe then you might know about this shit. But most Germans don't know.

People who don't know their history are easy to control because they don't know what to fight for, thus, an apathetic society is created.

i would never say something bad about my beloved country you fucking cucks

You're no American therefore you can't post in this thread faggot
No real American hates his nation

You forgot started the great war(even though France wanted it more)

We only briefly learned about Britain's history, and even then they taught us to hate it for the supposed bad things, we had an Indian in our class so it was even worse. We literally did more about the Holocaust than our own nation's history.

American history education:
Moon Landing
Civil rights movement

We joined because Germany violated Belgium's neutrality.

This man has conviction(though eternal Anglos are exempt since it's impossible to love what that nation has done to the world)

we learned here in history about our history which is basically just failed rebellions against the romans

Like that means anything

Read a bit into it friend, french and English top brass coaxed Russia into retaliation and the rothschilds paid the black hand with help from British government and french contacts
France and England didn't like that Germany was replacing them as the second premier world power(which is understandable)

It does if you have a spine

German average history education:

>Dude, agriculture 10000 years ago
>You know this dude Charlemagne?
>And don't forget Martin Luther (no, not that black dude kids, there are others with dreams)
>Some small instances of actualy history like mercantilism, the absolute emperor etc but only for a few hours
>dude french revolution, sooo great
>WW1 we wuz planes and shit, nothing about the war really. Could have been history about military technology
>There was this mad guy being "elected" in 1933 (Come on goy, it was all rigged anyway)
>Oh the Jews, the poor jews. And this mad guy started a war for world conquest, and more poor Jews oh man
>holocaust in 3 of the 9 years of total history classes
>one or two mendatory trips to a former concentration camp (even if the trip is hundreds of kilometers away). Just say it's a long school trip taking a week and parents will pay anyway
>did you forget about the holocaust goy?
>past 1945 is not really covered.

I learned who Bismarck really was when I was 23, also learned that we had more clay before WW1 and WW2 around the same age. Now I have a phd in physics and am in awe in how much bad education can fuck up entire civilizations. Especially if it's done on purpose to create the weakest form of society possible.

>lots of natural resources but not really utilized
Lots of them belong to China now, Juan.

Fuck you all. Greatest nation there ever was, civilised the world, birther of other great nations. And if we're having a bit of a wobble, no matter - well bounce back like we always have

Germany wanted to have a war against Russia before 1917 when they will be to

Got any links? I know how we largely influenced Mussolini and Italy into joining the war, but I just assumed we declared war because of how threatening Germany was with the naval race et cetera.

It doesn't mean anything. Anyone can become American regardless of race color or creed.

Russia&China don't seem to mind their sizes.

U r right that's why Europe is doing so well

>South Africa tier nigger problem
>all tech work replaced by cheap Indian slaves
>college tuition fucked by gov. loans
>overflowing with cold war subverted nation wreckers
>two party tyranny government
>all politicians owned by donors
>our """culture""" is almost all Jewish propaganda
>non-stop war and death all for Israel and oil
>no fucking trains
>no small businesses anymore
>public education is fucking awful
>fat fucks everywhere
>illegal mexicans
>fucking welfare
>affirmative action
>obnoxious jesus freaks and fucking mormons and scientologists
>fedora tippers
>antifa running wild
>BLM movement


Name some non shithole countries lads


Jews fear the samurai

Ours is
>Muh Roman's came and defeated Boudicca
>Muh Roman's fell, Dark Ages.
>Vikings and 1066
>Henry the Eigth had a few wives
>Defeat of the Spanish Armada, they do not say how we got rekt by the Spaniards afterwards.
>Slave trade, we need some white guilt, goys!
>Industrial Revolution, muh child factory workers
>We wuz emperors n shieeeet

and then we switch on the power level at 1933 and spend years learning fake news about Hitler and the Holocaust.

>just one trip

Jesus. We had 4 trips to Mauthausen and one to a smaller camp half the country away.

op is faggot teenager
i hate my parents

Again, fuck off all of you. If you didn't love your countries none of this would matter to you.

christianity worked pretty well. Europe hasn't recovered yet. And I'm not hating in fact I admire how it was executed

Check the date, "Professor" Cuckariello's hateful tweets sure put me in the Christmas spirit.

I got caught wanking in the showers on a school trip once and they sent us all home - they said it ruined the auschwitz visit...

I genuinely like humble, modest Americans. My life would suck without you. Politicians are fucking up UK. Grandparents are turning in their graves at the stupidity of our government.

the temple was destroyed in 70 ad after Jesus died

As I said, one trip was the minimum and Mauthenhause doesn't seem far away. We would have more than one or two if relevant ones were close. But we drove 700km to reach one with like 5 classes/4 busses to east Germany, stayed there for a week and went to the camp two times in that week and also visiting a military grave yard.

And we also made a school trip to alsace-larraine for a week.... and 3 classes literally stayed next to a WW1 cemetary far away from civilization. They even made us do strange shit on that cemetary in order to (((educate))) the children. That was in grade 8.

>Declare war on Germany for ridiculous reasons in WW2, allying with the Soviet union when we could have worked with Germany to destroy it.
>Treatment of the boers in south africa during the boer war. More needlesswhite infighting.
>Siding against Rhodesia and South Africa over apartheid and minority rule (this one really boils my blood)
>Mass immigration treachery from "Golden generation" politicians, electing a fucking muslim mayor and ravaging our once-beautiful cities with modern architecture.
>insufferable narcissistic hedonistic youth who haven't realised that they don't have a fucking future due to the nature of the housing and jobs market. 'durr it's ok tho keep listening to grime music and vote for corbyn senpai'
>The fact we feel obliged to pat ourselves on the back for our role in destroying Europe and celebrate the shitfest we created because admitting we were on the wrong side is too painful
>Class system which places decadent parasitic scumbags at the top and decent working class people at the bottom.

Felt good to get that off my chest. Apart from the scientific/technological progress and the wound we've inflicted on the EU by leaving, my country's history post-1939 is really shameful. Will be interesting to see what happens when millenials come of age and realise that their humanities and sport science degrees don't count for shit and that they're going to spend the rest of their lives in debt-enslaved servitude whilst being demographically replaced in their own homeland. I suspect things will get pretty turbulent in the coming decades.

>lazy, dumb and greedy fucks everywhere
>shit economy and education
>shitty priorities
>wants to be eu
>liberalism on rise
>suck at world domination

guess who sided with Rhodesia and apartheid south Africa?

We really don't. It's either american-dominated comic book crap or some monkey from london shouting about how much money he has over a beat.

i dono your country is pretty nice tbqh

>easily butt hurt

I know that. Christianity didn't get spread to the gentiles until after the temple was destroyed. Until then it was a small jewish sect. Read "The decline and fall of the Roman empire" by Gibbons for a quick run down on early christianity after rabbi jesus was killed

turkey should not even exist as a country. our lands belong to greeks, kurds, armenians etc. turks must be exterminated

>turks are either westernized or ar*bized
>ratio of subhumans to decent people is too high

I can write for hours, just let me say that everything is currently shit and there's no room to breathe at all

>Full of mongrel retards
>Egoist people with no education
>The only "culture" we have is what we copied from others
>Sluts everywhere
>Manlets everywhere
>High taxes
>Average huecuck has the mental age of a 8 year old
>Everyone is corrupt
>More murders here than in fucking ME.
>No sense of aesthetics

Even the few good states are being invaded by the brown braindead horde

fuck off you fucking shit. you will hang along with subhumans when the day of the rope cometh

It belongs to whoever has the will to occupy the land. Currently it is the roach.

Yeah just a little 78 year wobbler, a hopelessly indoctrinated youth with little to no sign of recovery.

>Implying that schools are there to educate

Because they're asiatic countries.
Also, they're relatively homogenous too. China is mostly han, Russia is mostly russian.

Been to Switzerland and it's sooooo refreshing to see a country that isn't spiralling the toilet bowl.

Slight shitskin problem in the bigger cities but they don't/can't get citizenship and the natives are lowkey racist as fuck. I also don't think they that averse to the third reich in the way that other european countries are.

Downside: They're pretty much globalist HQ for the UN, WTO etc

I am med student. Grew up in wealthy family. And I hate liberals. Plenty of my friends are not liberal whatsoever. Even the females. Liberals are often art fags but doctors scientist and lawyers are much more conservative than you think

>"china and russia homogeneous"
>shitskinned monkey education


U have Anzu tho

I would actively root for our incoming civil war and Balkanization if not for the fact that we have the largest military/nuclear stockpile in the world and the ensuring non white nations that rise from the ashes can't be trusted with them.

Learn to read my islamic friend

we did

our women are brain damaged whores, regardless of their beauty

my flag says it all , all i want is one gigantic arab state , is that much to ask for ?

please america , force our king to fuck with israel so u have a reason to nuke us

>implying we wont nuke you if you mess with us

they are the most diverse countries in the world. the fact that their minorities are assimilated and bullshit state numbers don't mean a thing


I would argue that american patriotism while often misguided, is one of the most awesome things ever

Bro you are missing one important thing omg , how could u forget it !?!?!?!

This. I wish we had a similar attitude. We used to...

>Liberals are often art fags but doctors scientist and lawyers are much more conservative than you think

Well I have a phd in physics and actually am still at uni, teaching other students and I am only surrounded by 20-40 other physicists (ranging vom bachelor to post doc depending on how much people wanna do their shitty thesis at the same time)... I would say the people being conservative are around 20-30%.... but we are talking CDU conservative here. People actually right wing are below 5% I'd say. Then we have also 20-30% uninformed and the rest is at least SPD, usually green or left.

And I say that after going through 10-15 bachelor/master students after I was finished with my phd, add another 20-30 bachelor/master students while I was doing my phd and also add 10-15 phd students/post docs to that and an additional 30-40 students while I was a student myself (I'm talking about physicists only here, not some random tards you meet in the city and talk to only once).

In total I'd say we have 50-60% of convinced spd (or worse) voters in that field, 20-30% of uninformed who simply don't give a shit and then there is not much left for conservatism/right wing.

Maybe it's because I'm at one of the "elite" unis and usually the privileged of the privileged are walking around here where the only foreigners they have ever seen in their lives are international students, 95% of the time from another European country.

>Can't use a fucking loo
>82 IQ cunts
>Not willing to carry out eugenics program
>Gets butthurt at any negative thing said about country (even if true)
>Over 2000 ethnicities (for real) leading to inter-racial and inter-ethnic fighting all the time
>4 different language families no-one can understand each other
>All major world religions shoved together leading to massive civil unrest
>70% literacy rate
>retarded traditions
>2 out of 10 babies are genetic freaks
>Ugly accent

Too much

poo in loo

>when you realize that your country had 3 Empires, all of them based and world powers
>and you live in cucked republic, with many people hating their own heritage, filled with shitskins