Race mixing produces ugl---
Race mixing produces ugl---
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well she's not black, so...
This only happens with AM/WF combos
cute :3
but if you have a son....
damn...... drumpf wants to deport THAT.....
Do something productive for once, Ivan
Elliot was the biggest fucking cuck, I swear to god.
lol is this real?
I consider Japanese and Koreans as equals with whites anyway.
I'd breed her
Any evidence to this baseless claim?
He said it in one of his video.
Yes. It's not even the most insane thing in his manifesto. He talks about how he wants to lord over women in concentration camps from atop his large phallic Nazi tower.
What makes you think she is illegal alien? Racist.
She is pretty.
Would bleach all traces of slant with
Donald Lumpf's children are more disgusting than any mixed-race child
>mix japanese and white
>get a spic
really makes you think
Race mixing can make some very beautiful people, so long as you're not race mixing with black. And even then, if you water it down with enough white, it's not so bad
Inbreeding with your own kind produces ugl-
what a god
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>implying this girl is attractive
They're all fucking ugly.
those girls are Norwegian
Will her vagina ever contract into a normal size after the widening she received at the hands of vegan gains?
Is this one of those photofucks?
I can only spot an ugly half monkey
>I stood there and listened to it all
If thats not fucking based I dont know what is. Wtf I love hapas now.
2 and 4 from left are gorgeous, wtf user
>SETH RICH threads
you pizzafags got bored of that conspiracy and found a new one?
jesus you're annoying
You might be a homosexual
Yes, I know. That's the point, you were isolated and you only fucked each other.
BTW are 2 and 4 twins or something?
she could look better if she was cut down a bit
There's really not, it's partially true but yeah even if you'd have a such couple's DNA sequences we can't even predict how the child will remotely look
I wonder who could be behind this
You two must be ugly with standards that low.
t. ugly female
spics are asian in origin
Show me your standards
>Blone hair dye
>Heavy make up
>Instagram filters
Then we can talk.
>good goy, racemix with the gooks! destroy your race, heh heh heh
Back to redit micropenis.
he's a burger, his views on beauty are 100% skewed.
>the tall dark haired one is best. fucking HNNNG
Wow, make up can change the shape of the jaw?
Here's a decently attractive girl.
No, I'm just not ugly as fuck.
Camera angle is shooting downward plus those gooks have weird photobooth things that alter their faces.
you mean improve?
East Asian's IQ is higher. They live longer.
Compared to OP's pic they're nada
[spoiler]it's a man[/spoiler]
Second from left and first from right please!
seems like 1/4 black desu
19.5 years old youtuber
>I want to piss away my race for a foreign people just because they're a little smarter
You are a cuck.
>attempted to transform with female clothes
Ugly. Next
Well, OK she's Russian, they're pretty too, I like them. If they aren't too fake. but I'm pretty sure this one had some corrections done.
Doesn't mean that those I posted are ugly. Not to mention they look pretty natural
>...-y people
-y children.
Are these real girls?
Miscegenation exacerbates the demographic replacement of whites underway in many countries. The average attractiveness of various race mixtures is a rather shallow concern in comparison, and we can all cherry-pick.
Hivemind. Short time apart.
Stop cherrypicking. Reminder to sage bait threads.
She's Russian, dumbass.
The picture I posted isn't using any filters and she isn't wearing any makeup. That's as natural as you can get. The ones you posted have eyeliner and lipstick on, might even have some blush on and they're still ugly.
Dyed hair, fake eyebrows, thick make-up, careful exposure manipulation and probably Photoshop. Still looks barely human.
/thread and saging
Its both true and not true. Asian men who get white women tend to be successful people with good genes and thus produce good offspring. White men who go for asian women tend to be weebs and autistic neets and are genetically inferior thus producing inferior offspring.
If a normal looking white male and a normal looks asian female made a child it would look fine too.
Jesus lord i need to learn whatever flamboyant sounding nordic language it is that they speak and go rescue them from the muslim hordes
He's right though.
They are superior to us
She's not so bad though
East asian and ashkenazi iq is highly inflated. Dig deeper don't parrot jidf memes.
But this image depicts WhitexWhite. Anglo women inevitably vacuum nigger dick into their mouths
>and they're still ugly.
You're fucking retarded. She's qt too, but almost looks like non-scandi version of them. Doesn't make them ugly, though I do like the tits of the rus grill better. Though they might be fake. Also she exercises a lot clearly.
So fucking kill yourself and donate your house to Jackie Chan.
Kill yourselves mongrels
Long as you dont fuck your sister or cousin they'll stay pretty and unretarded
Directly out of the twilight zone. Jesus Christ what were the partents thinking?
>she isn't wearing any makeup. That's as natural as you can get
youre either blind or you havent seen a woman up close in 20 years
Icelan has an app for that
you gay nigga
Unironically looks fucked
cake face
kys slavshit
she'd look a little better with this hair style?
Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems
Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.
A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.
One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”
A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
Watch more pics of her.
She clearly looks asian and has the face of a deflated football.
Friendly reminder that ricemixers will be the first to go during the Day Of The Rope™
most Swedes are ugly in unimaginable ways
very few are stereotypical hot
What an ugly fucking baby, Would throw it down the steps desu.
Friendly reminder that racemixers already out number you and you'll be the ones roped :^)
He white mother was better looking, race mixing producing uglier people
That's every nation though. Obviously only a minority wins a genetic lottery. But I think the percentage of hot is higher up there. I plan to check out myself.
She looks nothing like those girls you posted. And what the fuck does her working out have to do with anything? If the girls you posted don't work out that's their problem.
Show me where she's wearing make up in that picture.
Judging by my phenotype (thick eyebrows, long mediterranean face, long nose YET slanted eyes), i think i'm race mixed and i'm perfectly okay with myself.