get in here faggots we have work to do
get in here faggots we have work to do
give some proper proof that he was the leaker
Go back to plebbit
>oy vey goy nothing to see here
What's the latest on the email addresses? Did sysanon ever get in?
sysanon was probably a shill. he did basically nothing and just distracted people with meaningless bullshit
That's what we all do until we find something.
"We are peasants of the Altroque race
Never a tourist of the famous deme tres
We were born in the pasture, roasted and much wine
But we will never be a chubby Argentinian
We like the land, we hate the city
We know that in the dust there is no opportunity"
good good goy
Anonymous sources get New York Times headlines every day. You believe Fake News without question.
Seth was killed because he was a real source.
Podesta is a real pervert.
>having a life so empty that you have to play pretend detective online
the smell of fear
We need to keep digging. There is so much more a stake than the US, the whole world depends on it.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
>shitposting on Sup Forums for shareblue and calling other people's lives empty
Literally smoking the maple syrup.
Two whole scoops.
deep down you know you're pathetic.
Deep down you know you're a shill
the funniest part is that im not, im just someone who lives in reality. you're still pathetic though.
>oy vey im not a shill
>not a shill
>attacking users on an antarctic candy making forum
>attacking users
Wew. Sup Forums internet tough guys are taking the liberal 'muh safe space' stance
Another nothing burger fake news story to distract from trump russia. This has already been debunked by sources like snopes even the original fox affiliate that published the story.It's nothing substantial hyped up by right wingers.
>muh trump russia
right, and we are the distraction. The FBI has been giving the trump russia stuff plenty of attention. Meanwhile the seth rich stuff is being covered up.
because nothing happened.
That makes it all the more pathetic
>(((nothing happened)))
>>Meanwhile the seth rich stuff is being covered up.
give some fucking proofs of stop spamming.
>treating posts on Sup Forums as proof of anything
oh wow, it gets worse...
latvia we should have let your country burn
leaf etc
seth rich was in contact with wikileaks shortly before his death. the bartender at the bar which seth attended the night he was shot was at the white house a few days before. There was camera footage of the murder but police refuse to release it to the public.
>shilling desperately to shut down threads on Sup Forums
You're right, it does get worse.
The butthurt here is immense
>snopes is credible
>those sources
>the shilling here is immense
That's a really fucking shit infographic. The evidence is there, but this is just a goddamn mess.
>seth rich was in contact with WikiLeaks shortly before his death
show me some proofs for this. And no, WikiLeaks issuing 20k for information on his murder is not a proof.
> the bartender at the bar which seth attended the night he was shot was at the white house a few days before
>The evidence is there, but this is just a goddamn mess.
welcome to Sup Forums
Spelling and grammar off as well
Bartenders FB page uploaded pics of his view from the WH room he was staying in
>because nothing happened.
then why was Seth's laptop needed in the original investigation?
>mfw a laptop that wasn't stolen is needed in the investigation of a botched robbery
>le edditors actually believe this
>Imagine the mostpowerful mafia Don snitching on 30 years of tangled and corruptrelationships.
>Hillary's face when she can still come out of this fighting
then link it
and also link a proof that seth rich was in that bar on the day he died
I will respond point by point.
Here is proof that the bartender was at the whitehouse.
My name is Kaspars and Im really suck and tired of Sup Forums being run by trumpcucks and conspiratards
Already done
I got the verification codez guise. Wat do?
Yah, fuck off you faggot shill.
Try not to get murdered by IC agents, probably.
Does this actually work?
I thought user was pretty much immune to your identity tactics?
Whats the next strategy? I think youre wasting time buddy.
and as for your other point
here is evidence suggesting seth rich did have contact with wikileaks:
Cunt, fucking check the archives your god damned self. I know you enjoy taking big black cocks in your mouth, but, Nobody going to spoon feed you here.
Bartender toured WH. WH tours were invite only in 2016
Bartender attended meeting in the elite yellow oval office
Bartender received sports (hockey?) Tickets that were otherwise impossible to obtain for normies
I'm not too familiar with this investigation but I thought of something that may help.
Back in 2004 I was active on the Kingdom of Loathing forums. There was a user there named Megrimlock. This is similar to Seth Rich's reddit user name. I wonder if an investigator could explore this connection and discover some emails this individual might've used in the 2000s.
Fuck off cunt.
apparently Seth was talking to the cops
Wheeler completely shit the bed and failed to offer up any actual evidence.
Bump for great justice
Bump for Seth Rich.
Bump for exposing the truth.
Bump for the good work, anons.
so dude did a tour in the WH
that proofs nothing even if he rly was a friend of Seth rich.
there is not a single proof in that
just claims and the people who made them backtracked hard
>attn. all operators
Phase 4 begins in 2 hours 20 minutes
>auth. code- 730dealtacharlie66
I do not concur.
A DC resident doing a White House tour would be like a Manhattan resident visiting the top of the Empire State Building. Its a very touristy thing that you might do once shortly after you move there and then probably never do again.
yes but then why would he say anything in the first place? The whole story is being aggressively attacked by the MSM which is very suspicious
Are we activating the protocols?
fox published the original story. they hyped it up. ur delusional.
Trump told the Russians that Israel Mossad is behind ISIS and gave them the tech to crash airplanes remotely
Israel will attempt an assassination through proxy during Trumps international trip across the middle east
If you ever cared about humanity or thought Trump was /OurGuy/ despite all the anti-Trump shilling, now's the time to start casting MEMETIC SHIELDS around him
that's not a proof
go play with used needles then, Latvia
Nigger we True DeKEKtives here
What is this?
>implying MEMETIC SHIELDS are even real
>implying Israel would stoop to such a low level
>implying the US isn't just a sloppy mess as usual
muh name is Ruskie Shill faggot
Wew must be a pretty good bartender
Pizza owners bar tenders is very importants to politics.
You know you are just buying your higher ups higher ups time to get the fuck out of dodge right? Like you are okay with that? As a human being?
Why do you think the media is blowing up about treason, national security and impeachment over literally nothing? Prepping public opinion for the bull that is dead trump
D.C. user here. Are we past the get CCTV locations phase?
Looking for a quick update...
Side note to anyone who may be reading this: The United States is ruled by a tyrannical group.
fuck what is this shit some fucking Jewbot
>nb4 world war 3
Nah dude we all gave up, dont sweat it, why dont you go take a nap on skippys couch?