Only White males may post here.
Pol is a NatSoc board
Other urls found in this thread:
Sieg Heil
>be swede
>ruin white only thread
Sup Forums never belonged to any political ideology, Sup Forums belongs to free thinkers who question things. That's what united us.
nu/pol/ does not question things, and when they do, there's only one layer of questioning.
Sup Forums is all non whites larping as Nazis and stormfags unirronically being edgy gay for hitler stormfags. HWNDU proved it.
No, Sup Forums is national capitalist board.
Only whites can post
You are Nu Sup Forums if you believe that you fucking miscreant. Pol is and always was for NatSoc
I mean, I get that you only have conniptions over this because you're not white. American mongrel
Most of Sup Forums are nerdy black jews
Sup Forums is a nationalist board. No (((socialist))) fedoras allowed.
That, also this.
there is nothing more loathsome, sociopathic, inbred, androgynous, evil on this earth than 'jews'. They should not be considered human.
>Pol is and always was for NatSoc
Wrong stormfag.
Am I white enough, Sup Forums :(
WTF counts as white?
except albanians fuck albanians
I'm not white
>Blonde Hair
>Blue eyes
I was born for this
Serbia Stronk.
am i white?
Hey fellow white man
Fuck off stormfag
A-am I Huwhite? I'm 1/4 Native but like, the tall light skinned kind not the squat brown ones
Jews are honorary whites, goy. Bend over.
lol no its not
sup how you're voting tomorrow?
Too bad Nazi Germany wasn't racist, its a jewish plan to create the white racist in USA and Russia. Stupid fucks falling for the kike lies. Think about faggots "neo" nazis are the fucking subhuman faggots.
You part of Srpska, my man?
get merc't we are memeing your ass out of existence
>nupol dinaric subhuman angry that he can't participate in natsoc threads
It still is NatSoc.
I can't vote yet, fellow Switzerlandian man. But my wife can vote
>I can't vote
>but my wife
kys i trusted you
Out! Out!
honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college
nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"
with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"
anyway whats this thread about?
Why do you have an inability to trade hard insults?
You shriek 'STORMFAG' everytime someone mentions NatSoc all to mask the bile in your throat, the bitter resentment, when you realize, you are just a mongrel. Because you're nothing more than an american metis. You are probably a mestizo or an inbred mexican, judging by your flag. Shoo now, this is a thread for mein fuhrer
My brother can do voting too. He is pic related
Well here is the question to determine whiteness:
Do you get sunburned?
Genocide n' stuff
having discussions with wife, can any anons provide some of those nifty pics that show the quotes by prominent zionists?
He is not white Turkish like me, he is half Spanish!
We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism and from the left socialism without internationalism.
Never forget when this kike lover wanted to create a nationalist jewish state. Repugnant
All joking aside, I once got so sunburnt that my back got full of blisters the size of my palm.
This was ten years ago and I still have scars. My back looks like shit because of it
oh boy
You into Nazi girls?
Hello friends , need tech support?
yer prease :DDDDD
Checked! Serb from anti-Yugoslavia family. Feels good man.
No get out
i am post more
Sunburn indicates you have some whiteness.
If your skin turned pink (you)>50% whiteness.
What was the length of exposure for 2nd degree burns?
Very nice! Multiculturalism with Serbs, Croats, Slovenes.. Doesn't work!
Always never works in the end.
Honestly the idea of a real life murdoch-chan in the leather SS uniform makes me hard.
>Exclusive to whites
Fuck off mate.
I'm a nonwhite and I won't rest till the day I dismantle the Jewish system and answer the JQ.
Hail our people!
False flagging kike
Foreigners are allowed to contribute
Oh shiddddd
Count me in
Thanks user
>Only White males may post here.
Can ugly snow-pink/white hairy round-head actually manly Nordics post.
Or does it have to be a degenerate trap like the one in your picture?
You look iranian
Thank you. I am honored. I think most of the reddit homos are either niggers or nigger-obsessed whites. You know the types: "If only the unions would get out of those poor niggers lives, They all become upstanding citizens like in the movies"
where do i find a nazi gf
I'm black and I post here quite a bit.
you have no idea how it feels to have professor goldberg teaching you european history
Fuck off stormfag
Sup Forums is a Libertarian board.
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>Only White males may post here
//t.d american mongrel
Hail our people