National Bolshevism thread!
> What is this
It's a synthesis of socialist/communist economic planning with white nationalism, basically a belief that capitalism is one incompatible with the continuation of white culture/race/society.
> B-but communism is jewish!
Whilst alot of the original creators of communism proposed internationalism - peak jewry, National Bolshevism is all about a self-sufficient white society acting for the benefit of that society and not for profit and thus all forms of capitalism would have to be removed in a nationalist uprising
>b-but trump daddy
Trump doesnt care about the white race, he sold his daughter off to a kike and is only in it for personal power and vested interests Capitalism is not your friend, capitalism resulted in the deterioration of culture post 50's
I'll reply to any serious commenters, however I'll ignore obvious bait
> Side note
If you're really interested in forms of white nationalism/fascism and dont wanna deal with cuckpol come to 8pol
fuck off back to >>>/leftypol/ cesspool.
Your "ideology" is a fucking joke even by leftytard standart.
give this to the left, we'll see afterwards
All forms of (((collectivism))) are pure cancer. It's not even a kike thing - it goes back to before we were human. Ever wonder why we spent 100 000 years in shitty tribes before developing civilization? Or why huge sections of Africa today are still living in tribes and starving while surrounded by the most abundant land in the world? Fucking collectivism is why - whether on the scale of individual tribes or massive superpowers. Collectivism (the doctrine that we exist to help each other) is INHERENTLY anti-progress, anti-prosperity, anti-life. the reason is really super simple. The strong, hard-working, intelligent people have nothing to gain from the weak, lazy or stupid. The weak, lazy and stupid have everything to gain from the strong and intelligent - if they are allowed to get away with it by theft and murder. Thus ANY policy of "redistribution" or "collective ownership" can ONLY benefit the worst at the expense of the best, chaining society eternally to the level of its weakest, most stagnant members rather than letting it be lifted to ever greater heights by the UNOBSTRUCTED efforts of its best, most innovative members. There is NO GETTING AROUND THIS FACT. I don't even need to argue from the individualist moral position (theft and slavery are bad). The case is unassailable even from a collectivist/(((greater good))) moral premise. If you want empirical proof, just look at the history of capitalism vs socialism.
Capitalism will always have products of better quality, which translates to the military.
A nazbol country would eventually get BTFO by a capitalist country imo. If not by war, than by a braindrain and/or a revolution.
Capitalism creates products not for quality or necessity but profit, this is the basis of a capitalist profit motive.
Capitalism will not create the best products nor the products which are needed most by white society but the ones which will further the profit margins of the largely jewish, capitalist class
Thus a NAZBOL country would have a strong military and be able to produce not for surpluses to trade but for necessity to continue the white struggle against subhumans
This is major bait and not worth responding to but in short, civilised society is based upon the collective drive of its members and not an individual
africa is shit not because of socialism or collectivism but because of niggers
t.small dicked (((capitalists)))
The general rule in capitalism is:the better the quality of the product, the more profit you will have. This is very important when it comes to technology (as that tends to translate into the military).
The Soviet Union, for instance, was very famous for it's bad quality products.
>If you're really interested in forms of white nationalism/fascism and dont wanna deal with cuckpol come to 8pol
You're from left/pol/ and are just trying to ruin 8pol, aren't you?
I'm not sure what it is either. I have heard that some people back in the old days of the USSR believed that Socialism could never be truly exported to some peoples such as black Africans because they felt that they were an inferior race.
Gas yourself
good commie is dead commie
like in mmorpg
>if its red its dead
>G-guys want to hear about my shitty economic philosophy that never works
Fuck off anti-white open borders leftist, can't have mass immigration and a welfare state at the same time
>S-sieg heil I like borders now
Partly true, but if you actually knew anything about African society (I live here... God help me) you'd know that it's not just low IQ, it's the fucking tribe mentality they have where your elders or the chief can ask for anything he wants, and if you refuse you become a social outcast or, more likely, he just takes it. So anyone who actually takes the initiative, creates some wealth and tries to improve his life, is instantly pulled back into the crab bucket because he's surrounded by chimps who think that the fruit of someone else's labour belongs to him.
>civilised society is based upon the collective drive of its members and not an individual
Tell that to Socrates, Aristotle, Gutenberg, Galileo, the Founding Fathers, or any of the other thousands of innovators who had to drag the whole lousy heap of the rest of you into the light of civilization while fighting stagnation and stupidity
Ever wonder why the periods of the greatest scientific, philosophical, technological and artistic progress in history (Greek Golden Age, Renaissance Europe, 19th century USA and Europe) coincide with the greatest degree of political freedom? Because those are the only times when EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUALS are free from collectivist dickheads and can pursue their research, write, build businesses, etc. without fear of censorship, pogroms, nationalization, and control by fucking bureaucrats. Exceptional individuals discovered the laws of science, invented steam engines, created the Ninth Symphony. Without them we'd all still be living in mud huts.
Why would you mix National Socialism with some god-awful economic system?
Lol Hitlerism isn't worthy of the name "National Socialism" it's just capitalism with nationalist characteristics. Literally no different then the liberal (((globalist))) system except the happy merchants are Aryans. Kill yourself
wtf this is bullshit
It's the truth that you've been hiding from all your "adult" life.
>being this uneducated
end your life kike
Hello /leftypol/
>earliest proponent of privatize-everything kike economics
rly md me tnk
Nazi economics worked... must have been capitalism!
Does leftypol even realize that half of Sup Forums is ancap/libertarian and have zero time for their commie faggotry? And even half of the natsocs don't buy their shit.
Are you even fucking literate you dumb burger, what do you think national in national bolshevism means? Mass immigration is a product of liberalism and capitalism, not socialism. Socialists don't propagate for a welfare state anyways.
>putting the means of production directly into the hands of private capitalists
>not capitalism
hmmm...wonder why the Jews are for the same economic policies?
Individualism also leads to the problems we have today.
>who cares if the majority of blacks is mentally retarded, we have to judge them as individuals.
>who cares if my race is dying, i'm an individual.
>who cares if the majority of women only votes with their emotions, we have to judge them as individuals.
U need a certain amount of collectivism, to preserve individualism. I know it sounds stupid.
*You need
Mass immigration is absolutely the direct result of socialism. The desire of whites to live among themselves and prevent mass immigration is a collective demand blocked by the state. All that is needed to achieve separation is for the state to stop interfering, because the demand already exists.
What country has ever been close to Nazbol ideals? I've heard some people say Stalin and some people say Tito.
Also, most of this isn't real. It's a leftist trick. See
This is /leftypol/s weakest attempt yet. You are wasting your time here. You might have luck converting ignorant normalfags but you aren't going to succeed here.
There's a difference between collectivism and socialism. Just because the collective demands something doesn't mean the state is the only thing that can satisfy that demand. What you're describing are actually minority viewpoints that are enforced by the state against the collective will of white people.
So what if your country is really good at producing some product, or has an abundance of some useful resource? Are you just going to fuck off that advantage because you don't want to have a trade surplus?
Borders are only enforcable by the State. Global capitalism is an axiomatically neutral force that works assiduously to break down obstacles to Capital, it doesn't care about your desires unless the Market can satisfy them.
You can't be a nationalist and believe in (((class warfare))). Fuck off kike
Actually the state is terrible at enforcing borders. And in fact the only way for borders to not be enforced is for the state position itself as they only legitimate enforcer of borders. The state is what makes it illegal for individuals to walk over to the border and shoot at anyone coming in.
>man I love brown immigrants because I can pay them a meagre wage and get more profits, get in more of them!
>benefit of that society and not for profit
>not for profit
Fucking retards.
Perhaps not class warfare per se (i.e murder), but you can still be for the seizure of the means of production by the working class (a very large part of the population, everyone who toils for a living wage)
Also, the national cultural roots lie primarily in the pastorial and proletarian, so there's no bigger conflict in deposing cosmopolitan, rootless bourgeoise
Why dont whites work for minimum wage?
>muh bourgies are why my country isn't great
>the booooooooourgiiiiiiiiiessssss if only they didn't exist I could fuck my sister while listening to marxist doctrine ;__;
Nazbol. All white bread lines.
Real nationalists are motivated by the desire to unite all classes and work together towards common goals to benefit their race. Fake larping tankie autists like you are drawn to the nazbol meme ideology to pretend (((marxism))) is not a dundamentally rootless cosmopolitan jewish ideology that wants to abolish race ethnicity and traditional values. You cannot be a real nationalist and still believe in dialectical materialism of any other jewish garbage.
Just like the Nazi btfo the USSR right, oh wait
I hope you're enjoying getting btfo you golden dawn pussy.
>muh comfort
shut up ameritard
The ethnostate is a leftist goal, look at the Kurds
>and traditional values
>cannot be a real nationalist
>no true scotsman
Why? Nationalism is historically a leftist, emancipatory movement against internationalist monarchs who feel more for their cousins in another kingdom than the people they rule.
Nobody cares butthurt hysterical commiecuck
Fuck off kike
>The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality. The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got.
>Half of Sup Forums are followers of (((milton friedman))), (((ayn rand))), and (((murray rothbard)))
Really makes you think. I wonder who benefits from all this shilling for an ideology that benefits banks and large media conglomerates.
>The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
There is non-marxist socialism you illiterate retard.
kill yourself
>what is Strasserism
It's literally in the Communist manifesto you subhuman tankie neckbeard
> ancoms and nazbols are the same
same as saying that
>ancaps and nazis are the same
do you feel retarded yet?
Nazbol. All white commieblocks.
more and more people join us everyday
Still 90% ethnically Russian.