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Yee haw
Dixie pride!
Fuck math bo'
Fuck sisters too but for real
Wooooo hoooooo semper Fi ooh rah
>you will never have a cute conservative Christian fundamentalist wife from Alabama with a thick southern accent cooking you weird foreign American food like biscuits
Just end my life now
>using a flag that symbolizes the time a few rich plantation owners cucked you into dying so that they could continue to have free labor
Cuck is in the South's blood.
>be Yankee
>invade Canada
>get mad so you have to kill your own people decades later
Reminder, Canada openly endorsed the confederates and the British government cucked us and made us shut up because they were worried it would start conflict between them and the yankees! Come to southern Ontario on Dominion day in the small towns you'll see confederate flags being waved with Canadian flags
i know this feel
Actual lifelong white Bama resident here. Anyone else gappt the white trash that has held our region back is getting destroyed? Racism is practically dead now in the new south, the last hurdle is redneck culture and we can be more like the rest of the nation.
So Canadians are as cucked as the South. Makes sense.
Yes sir, I will fight and die for your free labor sir.
They were fighting because they were against big government trying to control them
Yeah, they didn't want the federal gov't to make them pay for labor.
Niggers are a beast of the field, read the bible, do you think a chicken would be given a salary?
>weird foreign American food like biscuits
We don't have biscuits here, our biscuits are the British kind. The first time I had an American biscuit was last year when I went to Popeyes for chicken, it tasted like a fat pancake
Fair enough.
The hundreds of thousands of poor Southerners that died defending plantation owner's economic interests still got cucked.
They were fighting for freedom, they didn't want Washington controlling their whole lives.
Wow, that is truly depressing. I guess I'm spoiled and never even knew.
Do you have cornbread at least?
I've never seen it before. But this seems semi popular here. I think Canadian food is pretty plain and simple, pork, chicken, fish, white bread, potatoes.
That actually bread? looks like a cake to me
The white Union soldiers who thought they were just trying to preserve the Union and ended up freeing black people who would eventually come north to compete against them for jobs also got cucked. The poor colonists who fought to overthrow the British so the local gentry could rule also got cucked. By your definition, most soldiers get cucked because in reality once you get rid of nationalism they rarely have a personal stake in the matter.
It isn't sweet, but yeah, it's like a cake.
Real southern white trash (like my parents) made something else called cornbread, as in pic related. It's just corn meal mixed with water to form sort of a patty, and fried with some oil.
It's pretty good if it's still hot enough to melt a slice of cheese.
We make something like that over here except we throw in shit tones of sugar to make it sweet.
Annoying as shit when i had to explain to my missus that Cornflour and Maize are the same thing
>most soldiers get cucked because in reality once you get rid of nationalism they rarely have a personal stake in the matter
You're right, soldiers are all getting cucked.
>tfw ywn have a concealed gun permit
>tfw ywn live on a huge ranch
>tfw ywn drown a six pack every night
>tfw ywn sit out on your porch drinking whiskey looking at the sunset
You fuckers take it for granted. Be grateful.