Harvard Study Reveals Huge Extent Of Anti-Trump Media Bias

A major new study out of Harvard University has revealed the true extent of the mainstream media’s bias against Donald Trump.

Academics at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy analyzed coverage from Trump’s first 100 days in office across 10 major TV and print outlets.

They found that the tone of some outlets was negative in as many as 98% of reports, significantly more hostile than the first 100 days of the three previous administrations.


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How the fuck is this allowed?

I thought the media told THE TRUTH.


All of the redditors circlejerked 1984 being re-released and all of that shit. But we are living in 1984 but it is from the media, not the government.

will the responsible professor be canned?

How do you know that the truth isn't that Trump is just a shitty president so the media reports on him negatively?

>ARD is worse than CNN.

Internet destroyed them to the point where they have to take gibs from corporations etc., which means they serve their interests and not the truth.

How do you survive with such a pathetic sense of objectivity?

Try paying attention before asking stupid questions next time

How is accurately reporting the idiocy of an idiot bias? Of course it's all negative, he's an idiot.

Maybe trump shouldnt talk and act like a tackles toad then

holy shit

if trump is so bad why do they always need to twist his words in 5 second soundbites, and criticize him for ordering 2 ice creams, etc.?

Because it's obvious, my friend. The media practically red-pilled half the Trump supporters themselves with the constant barrage of negativity towards him.

> a brain dead moron, gets negative coverage

News at 11, folks

also we know this because they actually hate trump's america first policy more than the man

If you followed the facts daily, it would be no question that isnt Trumps fault, but entirely the media and liberals. They were bitching before his inauguration, and its been nonstop since

t. lolweed party vote throwaway

whats your point exactly?

Why shouldn't he? People like you are so easy to manipulate that way. If you react at all then he's won. That's his game. None of his opposition was ever proactive enough to beat him. He won through playing off of peoples reactions. Why do you think Sup Forums loves him so much? It's classic trolling and it never fails, thanks to people like you

Can confirm.
During the election german media told their audience that there was no way for Trump to win.
When Trump won you could see the shock and anger in their eyes. From that moment on, no matter what else happened on this planet, Trump made the headline and was portrayed as a threat to everything and everyone.

No? Ya don't say?


Important post, correct answer

Like I said yesterday, when will Sup Forums declare war on the Globalist media? It's one thing to take on Antifa, but the Media is out of control. Like him or hate him, they are unfairly tearing Trump apart with "anonymous sources" and even just writing outright lies with no sources at all. Again, if they can do this to him, they can do this to anyone. How can we defang them from engaging in blatant propaganda and attack pieces? It has to be done, they have gone too far.

I liked the suggestion of using #sourcessay and writing crimes that Democrats have committed but replacing them with Trump, and watch the media bite, due to their irrational hatred of Trump.

Stop being such a simpleton Hans, and take back your media from the CIA.


Note that this journalist died of a "heart attack" weeks after he revealed the CIA controls German media.

The (((intelligence agencies))) have long controlled the media.

I don't think the internet is to blame, it just showed us the truth about their lies. News stations in America were always part of a larger controlled network.

Yeah dude, remember when he got two scoops of ice cream? Impeach this motherf already.

>You need to do a harvard study for this
>when we know that alredy since day 1 for free

stupid people

Media has been in control for a long time. Trump's candidacy just exposed it and red-pilled half of America.

>immigration 96% negative
everything you need to know

Don't feed the shills

well duh

I was watching some German talk shows for the recently. They actually tried to convince the viewers that Trump, a celebrity, has strong similarities to Putin, a former KGB agent.
The viewers must be really gullible.


that's the German Public broadcasting network by the way.
As in every household is forced to pay 18 shekels per month to them even if you don't own a TV.
They are the worst at spreading anti-trump hoaxes and pro-refugee shit.

>I thought the media told THE TRUTH.
You must be 18+ to post here. The media never told the truth.

>A fucking leaf-post

When will the Day of The Rake come?

The raw amount of negative press about an administration does not directly correlate to media bias. That's not how that works.

As you can see: Even Fox's coverage has a negative tone by majority.

It's far more simple than your conspiracy cooking suggests:

The Trump Administration is a fucking mess and needs to get its house in order.

This is not some crazy liberal stance. It has been increasingly held by independents and Republicans in Congress. It all stems from an Administration that lacks experience in dealing with the ins and outs of governance and a president that constantly shoots himself in the foot.

Any other stance is shilling by definition.

I don't need a study to know this

My dad always watches that.

>I thought the media told THE TRUTH.
You have to go back

>When will the Day of The Rake come?
Fuck off nigger. This is a legit report from Harvard.
>The Trump Administration is a fucking mess and needs to get its house in order.
It's a good administration that is constantly getting fucked over by leakers and the media trying to invent shit.
>It has been increasingly held by independents and Republicans in Congress.
Fake news, even Lindsey Graham defended Trump publicly and McCain is keeping quiet. Paul Ryan is also in on Trump's budget and healthcare plan.

Have you seen German women protest? One of the most common refrains from them is the idea that they want mass muslim migration because their men are inadequate. They're literally begging to be taken.

Just like the millions sent to CBC in Canada paid for by the taxpayers. CBC is cancer

German talkshows are terrible.
>The viewers must be really gullible
The ratings are sinking fast, but a new law might force google, facebook and so one to favour state media over other news outlets.
Also you must not underestimate the stupidity of the average german.

It's not only the CIA. Those media people have their own agenda, I'm from cologne and I will never forget how they tried to cover up the 15/16 new year riot.

>this is a legit report
>because i agree with what it says


>WHEN "fair and balanced" IS ACTUALLY TRUE


>Even Fox's coverage has a negative tone by majority.
Fox avoided covering immigration last time congress tried to pass amnesty.
Fox isn't really conservative. They're the token "conservative" 24-hour news network. They're still owned and controlled largely by globalist liberals.

>it comes from Harvard
>it is a neutral study
I have a study that proves what I always assumed. If you dislike this fact, you can try to find a counterproof or create one yourself. If you can't, shut the hell up you cuck. I have proof, you don't.

Colbs lookin' tasty af.


Immigration is a difficult subject for conservatives. On one hand, immigrants are liberals so banning them would be good but on the other hand, it gives liberals talking points about racism. So what they do is openly opposing Trump's immigration plans while not doing anything at all to stop him from deporting illegals and other immigrants.

There isn't media bias here. its just that Trump is actually having this many scandals.

This is from the actual Harvard Study:
"The fact that Trump has received more negative coverage than his predecessor is hardly surprising," the Harvard report says. "The early days of his presidency have been marked by far more missteps and miss-hits, often self-inflicted, than any presidency in memory, perhaps ever."

About Fox News: they are in a direct collusion with Trump. Trump is having phone calls discussing strategy with the CEO of fox news Rupert Murdoch on weekly basis

Harward Study into the Clinton Foundation when.

MFW fox really is most fair and balanced.

McCain foundation is ok too.

1. This is from the Harvard Study itself:
"The fact that Trump has received more negative coverage than his predecessor is hardly surprising," the Harvard report says. "The early days of his presidency have been marked by far more missteps and miss-hits, often self-inflicted, than any presidency in memory, perhaps ever."

2. I will post this again:
Trump is having phone calls discussing strategy with the CEO of fox news Rupert Murdoch on weekly basis

You have no idea. I met women who were afraid to walk home alone after dawn because of all the shady niggers and arabs, but still called me a nazi for voting AfD.

Utterly boring and predictable BS.

Leftists are cancer, not because of their ideology, but because they have nothing interesting to say.

>Immigration is a difficult subject for conservatives.
>On one hand, immigrants are liberals so banning them would be good but on the other hand, it gives liberals talking points about racism
That's not why conservatives refuse to stop illegal immigration. It's because immigrants are cheap labor for big business The charges of racism are just the icing on the cake.

Hahahha ARD is the most biased, as expected.

I wish german people would see this ...

There is a fine ratio between cheap work and chances for reelection that must not be crossed.

What does that say about your preferred candidate, who lost pathetically to this "idiot," minimum wage shill?

>"The fact that Trump has received more negative coverage than his predecessor is hardly surprising," the Harvard report says. "The early days of his presidency have been marked by far more missteps and miss-hits, often self-inflicted, than any presidency in memory, perhaps ever."

Was it as bad as his Presidential Campaign?

People like these deserve everything they get. Whether they get beaten up, raped or murdered.

Only 6 percent of people say they have a great deal of confidence in the press, about the same level of trust Americans have in Congress, according to a new survey released on Sunday.

The study mirrors past reports that found the public’s trust in mass media has reached historic lows, according to data gathered by the Media Insight Project, a partnership between The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the American Press Institute. The report found faith in the press was just slightly higher than the 4 percent of people who said they trusted Congress.

Alongside the dire findings, the report found respondents valued accuracy above all else, with 85 percent of people saying it was extremely important to avoid errors in coverage. Timeliness and clarity followed closely, with 76 percent and 72 percent respectively saying those attributes were imperative among media sources.

“Over the last two decades, research shows the public has grown increasingly skeptical of the news industry,” the report reads. “The study reaffirms that consumers do value broad concepts of trust like fairness, balance, accuracy, and completeness. At least two-thirds of Americans cite each of these four general principles as very important to them.”

>Trump's Press secretary shouts "Hitler didn't use chemical weapons XD. media covers this scandal

>Trump tells classified information to the russians. the media reports this scandal

> Trump signs legislation that removes internet privacy protection, a law which only 6% of the american people approve. the media deports it

>Trump keeps doing scandalous shit almost every day

Holy shit the media is so biased XD
Fuck off. its not the fault of the media that your favorite candidate keeps doing stupid shit

I don't get these people. I've read that 70+% of Germans don't want any rapefugees yet they still vote for parties like the SPD.

All that needs to happen is for people to realize the media is untrustworthy, which has already happened. There is no reason to live action roleplay and "declare war".

>Trump's Press secretary shouts "Hitler didn't use chemical weapons XD. media covers this scandal
He didn't use chemical weapons against humans.
>Trump tells classified information to the russians. the media reports this scandal
It wasn't classified information and Trump can do as he please with classified information.
>Trump signs legislation that removes internet privacy protection, a law which only 6% of the american people approve. the media deports it
Fake news, since the bill is not exactly protecting consumers and wasn't before.
>Trump keeps doing scandalous shit almost every day
Like what, selling weapons to people who want to nuke Israel? :)

>be native German
>don't like refugees
>elections come up
>media and society tells you not to vote for the AfD since it's a nazi party
>decide to vote for the guys who will bring in even more refugees
People who fall for group think will always vote the mainstream parties. Only about 1/4 of society isn't and they vote far right or far left.

>It wasn't classified information and Trump can do as he please with classified information.


>since the bill is not exactly protecting consumers and wasn't before


You have a really wild imagination if you still can pretend the negative media coverage of Trump is not self inflicted.

>all of the redditors
Don't ever be surprised at what reddit does user, it's chock full of demoralized retards.

He can
It absolutely isn't since the media hated Trump forever due to him being an anti-establishment candidate.

This happened before the internet too.

1. Trump told Comey to jail journalists who report leaks. this is a violation of the first amendment.

2. Trump in fox news saying Edward Snowden should be executed.

3. Trump paying 25 million dollar over a massive fraud lawsuit

4. Trump paid enormous amounts of money to the investigator who was investigating Trump University. Trump claimed he was not trying to bribe her. how convenient that he paid the same person who was investigating him and then she dropped the case.

5. Trump bribed Ben Carson for support by promising a position in the whitehouse.

6. Trump was bribing politicians for years as a registered lobbyist.

>literally fair and balanced


7. Trump decided to drop his promise to renegotiate drug prices after meeting with big-pharma lobbyists

8. Trump saying that Hillary Clinton wasn't warmongering hard enough in Libya and advocated for sending more US troops into the middle east.
I will show you Trump saying it DIRECTLY. youtube.com/watch?v=OTqoz0RYvVM

9. Trump on the iraq war, one day after the war already started: ""looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint."
It's in March 21, 2003: factcheck.org/2016/02/donald-trump-and-the-iraq-war/

10. Trump makes an over $100 billion weapon deal with Saudi Arabia

11. Trump's healthcare proposal will make millions lose health insurance and it gives states the ability to opt out of covering people with pre-existing conditions

tell us he can lie about it too

12. Trump is removing a government agency which was dedicated to combat homelessness and help homesless people:

13. Trump puts Betsy Devos, a christian fundamentalist school privatizer, as the secretary of education

14. Trump hired the president of goldman sachs, Garry Cohn, to be the director of the national economic council:

15. Trump is trying to gut Net Neutrality, a law which ensures that companies will give the same speed to anyone who uses the intrenet:

16. Trump signs a law that only 6% of americans approve: removing all privacy protections while using the internet

17. Trump commits obstruction of justice, telling Comey to stop investigating Flynn and then firing him:

18. Internal memo reveals new Trump administrators put a gag order on scientists preventing to publish certain data in several federal agencies

Sup Rabbi, still upset that he told Russia about your laptop plans you subversive cunt.

19. Trump used money from his foundation which was supposed to be dedicated for charity for personal benefits, including buying a gigantic portrait of himself with charity money:

Bonus: The Trump Foundation was found to be breaking the law by lacking a certification that approves it as a charity orgnization.

20. Trump admitting on tape that he cheated his wife by making sexual adances on another woman. in the same tape, he claimed he "isn't even waiting", meaning he did not wait for consent (aka sexual assault)

21. Trump making the delusional claim "Andrew Jackson was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War", even though Andrew Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War.

22. Trump making the delusional claim on twitter that Global Warming is a chinese conspiracy which was invented to harm the US:

23. Trump making the delusional claim that Obama wiretapped his campaign with absolutely zero evidence. basically just making stuff on the spot, because if he had any evidence he would have shown them:

24. Trump knew Flynn was under investigation when he was fired to be the national security adviser. yet he still hired him.
Bonus: Trump knew weeks ahead that Flynn lied about communications with the russians yet he didn't do anything about it.

25. Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is facing a fundraising scandal after a Telegraph investigation exposed how key supporters were prepared to accept illicit donations from foreign backers.

26. Trump owns over 1 billion dollars to Wall Street, creating a gigantic conflict of interest:

27. Trump spent $55,000 of campaign donation funds to buy his own books:

28. Ovrall, Trump paid 12.5 million dollars of campaign funds to his own businesses:

29. Trump approved a raid in Yemen which was blocked by Obama due to not having enough intelligence. despite lacking intelligence, Trump approved the raid, which ended up in a disaster and killed dozens of civilians INCLUDING a US citizen

>1. Trump told Comey to jail journalists who report leaks. this is a violation of the first amendment.
(((anonymous sources))) aka "I made shit up"
>2. Trump in fox news saying Edward Snowden should be executed.
[YouTube] Donald Trump Attacks 'Terrible' Edward Snowden On Fox: 'There Is Still A Thing Called Execution' (embed)
His right.
>3. Trump paying 25 million dollar over a massive fraud lawsuit
Which means he's now clear.
>4. Trump paid enormous amounts of money to the investigator who was investigating Trump University. Trump claimed he was not trying to bribe her. how convenient that he paid the same person who was investigating him and then she dropped the case.
Wow, so he's still absolutely clear.
>5. Trump bribed Ben Carson for support by promising a position in the whitehouse.
(((anonymous sources)))
>6. Trump was bribing politicians for years as a registered lobbyist.
That is lobbying.

30. Trump famously mocked a reporter with a disability. and don't fucking deny this, Trump personally knew this reporter and he knew about his disability when he was mocking him with hand motions.
They met dozens of time and Trump said "You had to see this guy" while he was moving his hands to mock him. youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA

31. Trump making tweets against vaccinations claiming that they cause autism, even though every study on the subject concludded vaccines do not cause autism:

32. After Bill maher joked that he would pay Trump 5 million dollars if he proves he is not the son of orange-orangutan, Trump produced his birth certificate to prove he is not the son of an orange orangutan and tried to sue Bill Maher over making this joke.

33. Trump made the retarded claim that more countries in the world should develop nukes,
And btw, here is a video of Trump lying about this and then confronted with his lies: youtube.com/watch?v=xWzOnb_7NG4

34. Trump praises Erdogan on his victory on ruining turkish democracy:
(Bonus: Trump has a meeting with Erdogan in the white house, and Trump keeps praising him while Erdogan's bodygaurds are assault american protestors: theintercept.com/2017/05/17/trump-praises-erdogan-whose-bodyguards-assault-protesters-washington/)

In Spain is exactly the same, we receive all the negative bias towards Trump but not a single "positive" twist or perspective. I assume our news just copy paste the """""reputable american media""""" like CNN and New York Times and translate it.

35. Donald Trump praising Alex Jones and claiming that he has an "amazing reputation". he legitimately fucking praised alex jones and his reputation.

36. Despite Trump's rhetoric on outsouricng, Trump businesses were outsourching jobs for years instead of hiring american workers. he outsourced jobs to China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Honduras, Vietnam, Turkey, Germany, India, Netherlands, and Mexico.

37. Trump secretly changed his Blind Trust agreement, allowing to pull money from his businesses whenever he wants, essentially making the blind trust completely obsolete and violationg the emolument clause:

38. Just one hour after Trump made the famous comment "[not paying taxes]It makes me smart" during the first debate, Trump lied about it and said he was not saying it.

39. Trump's FIRST executive order was an order which raised taxes on middle class home-buyers, meaning you pay more taxes now when you buy a new home

40. Trump approved DAPL, despite the fact the pipeline was putting at risk the water sources of native americans at the region:

42. Trump calling to put people in jail for a year if they burn the american flag. this is a direct violation of the first ammendment - a YEAR in jail for flag burning.

43. Trump broke his promise to stop funding syrian rebels. after a short pause of the program in february, Trump restrated the funding for syrian rebels in April 2017, mostly islamic fundamentalist groups:

44. After meeting with the chinese president for 10 minutes, Trump said he finally "realized it won't be so easy to solve the issue with north korea". he was actually stupid enough to think it's going to be easy, like holy shit

45. During a meeting with Sergey Kislyak and Sergei Lavrov at the white house, Trump told the russians highly classified information which was given to the US by Israel. and btw, only russian press was allowed into the meeting, Trump did not allow american press to get in.
This is gross mishanding of classified information. and btw, Trump even admitted that the story is true on twitter: twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/864436162567471104?ref_src=twsrc

46. Media collusion with fox news: Trump is having phone calls discussing strategy with the CEO of fox news Rupert Murdoch on weekly basis

good post. MSM was forced to do some "things" when the cable subscription cashcow started to dry up.

You forgot your proxy, Chaim.

All you posted was a bunch of anonymous sources and other speculation proven beyond all doubt.

it says a lot about you cuck voters, senpai. You've been conned so bad despite everyone's warnings.

>tfw you forget to take the phone off of wifi

That was not even all of his scandals.

The negative media coverage trump is getting is 100% self inflicted. of course he is going to get negative coverage when he is doing insane shit almost every day

Now fuck off

Democrats have completely given up on winning on policy.

I want to see you trying to deny this. trump is saying is directly to the camera by himself

8. Trump saying that Hillary Clinton wasn't warmongering hard enough in Libya and advocated for sending more US troops into the middle east.
I will show you Trump saying it DIRECTLY. youtube.com/watch?v=OTqoz0RYvVM

>shill flag
really makes the noodle boodle.

This is also the truth. Look into the Murdoch family, and how the sons are taking control of the news portion.
They are also Democrats.

>People like these deserve everything they get. Whether they get beaten up, raped or murdered.

Some of them were and are good friends of mine, but to be honest i ran out of excuses for them.

A family friend hates the current immigration policy but still voted SPD last week.
She told me that she couldn't vote the AfD because she thinks (was told) these people are nazis. The only other party somehow critical of Merkel's policy was the FDP, but she couldn't vote them because they are a party for rich people while she is middle class.

What's the ARD? Europeans please explain.

Wait ... are you telling me Hitlery mostly advertised her 'personality' while knowing that everyone dislikes her?

>42. Trump calling to put people in jail for a year if they burn the american flag. this is a direct violation of the first ammendment - a YEAR in jail for flag burning.
This one was ruled quite close in the SC so it's not like this is completely outrageous. 5 to 4 against it.
>The negative media coverage trump is getting is 100% self inflicted. of course he is going to get negative coverage when he is doing insane shit almost every day
Like what? All the recent stories were based on anonymous sources, like always. Never any names or proofs.
>Now fuck off
No you fuck off you cuck.
>8. Trump saying that Hillary Clinton wasn't warmongering hard enough in Libya and advocated for sending more US troops into the middle east.
I will show you Trump saying it DIRECTLY. [YouTube] Donald Trump Supporting Libya Intervention In 2011 (embed
Which wasn't part of his campaign in 2016. You lot like to cite old tweets despite them not being relevant to the campaign. Trump could've supported Amnesty 30 years ago and you'd cite that despite him being against it in his campaing.