Times: Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations

>WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.

>Current and former American officials described the intelligence breach as one of the worst in decades. It set off a scramble in Washington’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to contain the fallout, but investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources. Years later, that debate remains unresolved.

So basically the quick rundown:
>Work for CIA
>"Recruit" aka psychologically manipulate Chinese citizens into betraying their country, probably for money
>Be such a shitty organization that you get dozens of these people killed by the Chinese government
>Have no idea what is going on or why it happened
>Do nothing to rectify the situation, still just can't quite figure out what went wrong.

These are the people who demand and claim the authority to violate all of your civil rights, to kidnap, murder, torture, extort, millions of people around the world, all with no repercussions because they strictly serve the "national interest" (as they define it and judge it), which clearly is the pinnacle of morality.



>spies got spied on
>probably got hacked

what's there to discuss?

Americans are subhumans and will consider these attempts to destabilize other countries to be "the right American thing to do"

Too many burgers have a toll on your cognitive abilities

Not sure what's worse. Chinks or cia niggers.

I'm glad all of our elite organizations are failing and seem incompetent at their jobs
They are traitors

The fact that they're seen as so omniscient and powerful, incapable of doing wrong, always behind the scenes doing "the things we can't know about", defending "liberty", etc, and then in real life they fuck up time and time again, getting thousands if not millions of people killed around the world.

That is fucking evil, and insane. The CIA is one of the greatest stains on America's image in the eyes of the world. Everyone knows they topple governments and do covert missions to kill and kidnap people, and they don't care what you think about it.

It just blows my mind that everyone in Washington D.C. just kind of agrees, with no evidence, that the intelligence agencies are all infallible and totally not needing oversight or reform.


Meanwhile they just "convinced " trump to sign more weapons to fuel the war in the me

You are clueless.

The Saudis buying weapons off us is good as it reduces trade deficits.

What can Saudi do with these weapons? Their army is worthless. And the Royals know it because they invited the US in after Saddam attacked Kuwait.

In a very real sense, Saudis buying weapons off us is like paying protection.

Also, to some extent, Trump needs to keep the military on-side otherwise there'll be nobody to stop certain interests from JFKing him.

CIA MIT Niggers can't understand data stacking

They are both bad newz

This is completely fine with the CIA,yet the USA and Russia working together against Islamic terrorists is treason according to the intelligence cucks

>Be the CIA
>Fuck up at doing your job
>blame it on hackers (chinks or russians)
Where have I seen this narrative before?

CIA niggers glow in the dark, you just run them over with your car.

>Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States.
>Have no idea what is going on or why it happened

$100 days it was a Chinese diversity hire that was acting as a mole, and the CIA can't figure it out because they thought diversity is our greatest strength. It wouldn't be the first time a Chinese diversity hire turned out to have more loyalty to their own people (surprise surprise)

At this point I think it's even reasonable to say that nobody really wants to fuck with the CIA. To make a 40k reference, they sometimes come across as the fucking alpha legion. Always plotting and nobody knows to what goals or for what purpose.

The CIA seems to be out of fucking control, i can't say I'm extremely worried about this or have and inclination to feel bad about it. For all we know this could be misinformation, we simply no longer know what the CIA actually does.

>Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States.
Han Chinese employee of the CIA choose his Chinese racial identity over his American civil nationalist identity, calling it now. Happens all the time: ethnic Chinese in the US/West spy for China, racial consciousness is not something that can be erased.

No one cares about CIA niggers. I hope China turns them into surimi

Reminds me of the story where a Chinese NASA worker was caught smuggling government space program secrets to China.

For fuck's sake, read the name on the resume and throw it in the trash.

100% this.

Diversity quotas are gash wounds to occupational competency.

How is that a bad thing?

It kidnaps children for the elite, sells drugs, tortures people, and engages in human trafficking of kids.

It's pure evil. They're basically just well funded criminals.

The Deep State truly is a separate entity from the rest of government. They're not accountable to anyone and act in unpredictable ways.

But muh diversity is strength

>this whole thread
Daily reminder that CIA are heroes.

If they need field agents they should stop sending their best and brightest to be news anchors and presidential candidates

Interesting read and it goes to show that complacency gets you killed(or in this case your assets)

They used the same routes to their meetups again and again? What the fuck

Mc muffin is a Cuck. I'll make my own breakfast sandwiches.

>Pushing the guilt buttons
Leftist tactic that's lost its power from racial overuse. CIA are not Americans.

Gee, guess diversity hires aren't that good after all

>Operate entirely on Computers made in China
>Wonder how you could possibly be compromised

The CIA need to be completely dismantled, at this point it's just a government funded Mafia.

>be American
>fuck things up

How far back was this? Google's China breach was in 2010ish. That really marked their complete absorption into the IC. Any chance their story was a cover for this?

>narcs =/= CIA

Using meat shield informants is a long tradition. They're disposable.

I tell my fellow leafs this all the time. Only Americans can beat/destroy the CIA. It's not a fight worth taking up. They are going to operate in this country and determine its future until the American people put a stop to it.

Reminder that by "risking my life" he means your life.

The CIA doesn't care about its agents that's been made more than clear over the last few decades. They were designed to only care about the apparatus that runs it.

>imcompetent CIA
kek remind me of last time 4 CIA agents got killed in HK while trying to capture Snowden

Redpill these niggas
>monarch programming
>boys town
>the finders
>youngstown ohio sex slave training
>Cathleen Ann O'Brien
>Fritz Artz Springmeier


Pick one, oh wait you can't.

You know this is likely because China and Russia were able to decrypt the Wikileaks insurance file Julian Assange put on the internet which contains info on all the oversea CIA assets


Wtf i hate patriotism now!!

He didn't even mention ISIS you mongrel nigger.