Ana Navarro Sends Racist Tweet

Why is it ok for someone of Hispanic descent to call a white man a Neanderthal? If a white person said that about any minority group Al Sharpton sharpton and all the other race profiteers would be calling for a public execution.

>waaah, the brown lady said something mean ;_;
Cope with it, faget.

Our neanderthal genes are what set us apart from niggers. Only the uneducated look down on them


Those with Neanderthal DNA are objectively superior, I think we should separate the species.
That way the Homo sapiens can wallow in their own filth, fucking monkeys.

She was never good at dealing with reality.

>Liberals being mad and resorting to ad hominem

Getting angry over that shit is what niggers do. Be better than that, just enjoy it and bathe in their tears.

Its okay to be anti white.

It seems, something so fucked and barbaric has to happen to a white person for shit to change.

4 niglets torture, beat and abuse a white man on camera while the shit storm......never happened.

Where as if it had been role reversed, that shit storm would still be fed by the MSM weeks later.

Take Dylann Roof, kid kills X amount; its bait for weeks! Yet the amount of blacks, who kill just as many if not more whites are ignored by the media.

Michael Brown? BAAIIITTTT

Shit, even white bitches get raped on cam isnt enough these days to even get feminists mad.


She's a Republican

I know that feel, I can't believe that we let millions of beaners into this country unchecked.

Why doesn't she go back to Mexico if she hates America so much?

8 years of her whining? Yes please.


>to call a white man a Neanderthal
can we make this a racist thing? that would be hilarious.

So is McCain, mucmullin and graham. Your point?

thats not racist. thats speciest.

>a spic calling someone else a neanderthal

They're all True Conservatives. Trump was a democrat and is now a pseudo-fascist kike puppet.

I have no problem with this. My problem is with the double standard of not being able to refer to darkies as monkeys

But being that she's Hispanic she's part Neanderthal also

>a liberal can't deal with reality

stop the fucking presses.

Flatlander Woman


Hispanic isn't a race fucktard

>we can't let someone like trump be president! he just insults everyone!

why are liberals so exagerated about everything? i know Sup Forums is happening central but not even here you find stuff like "literally shaking".

It is racist to refer to anyone as a lesser species. Haven't the race baiters & lesser humans taught you this?

>Go worship Reagan more you apologist for Plutocrats.

The point's that she's Moorish/Indian (trying to look as white as possible, as usual) and insulting a white guy for being part neanderthal.

>Why doesn't she go back to Mexico
murica is Mexican clay faggot.

>Nicaraguan by birth - American by choice

Immigrants always feel the need to specify their origin. Pride is all they have

So proud to be Nicaraguan that she "chooses" to be American.

>can't deal with reality

Yea, no shit, it's quite obvious she's off her meds

RINOs are not conservatives.