hourly reminder, this is what the average person who still supports Trump looks like
Hourly reminder, this is what the average person who still supports Trump looks like
I bet his mom baked that cake
That's illegal
>gosh, i sure do hate people and things that convert people to the right!
>don't you hate trump now?
ctr/shareblue fec documents
placing looks above intellect. Sounds rather right-wing of you....
This is the guy threatning with civil war, LOL. No wonder alt-righters get BTFO'd at every rally they attend
me on the cake
>placing looks above intellect. Sounds rather right-wing of you....
Who said anything negative about his looks?
do you not like his looks?
It would be better if he killed himself
Looks like a nice bro. Would have a beer with him.
Also: don't fall for the Hillshill. They won't divide us.
All nice bros. Nothing wrong with them.
So cringeworthy. No wonder the USA is so fucked up.
>T-they look like pretty cool b-bros
He is a CTR intern false flag
I thought they looked like this.
yeah the clintons employ fat pathetic neets to pretend to like frogs and be for trump
>yeah the clintons employ fat pathetic neets to pretend to like frogs and be for trump
Why the fuck does the most retarded state in the Union get their own flag on Sup Forums instead of a worthy state, like Michigan.
Getting tired of Reddit? Join the Sup Forums /mlp/ alliance against Reddit.
We have plenty of horseporn to scare Redditors away
I'm Chilean you illiterate fuck.
I feel bad for that guy in the picture. I don't support Trump nor unhealthy eating habits but he really doesn't deserve the meming he's getting. We don't know anything about him other than what we see in this picture and now he's become a parody meme. It makes me feel sad.
Then why the fuck are you in Texas you illegal autist, stay out of our country, even if Texas is shit it's our shit.
What is this?
Lol, american education. No wonder why america is so fucked up.
Why didn't you stop it, Sup Forums?
It's what happened when Sup Forums and /mlp/ got merged as an April fools joke and we realized that horseporn actually does keep shills and redditors away.
Look, I know you are an illegal alien, but at least know what state you're in you stupid fuck.
Ohsnapyougotserved turned out to be a fucken kike whore. She led her cucks here through refugees to fuck this boared up.
Funny thing is they don't understand that by fucking with this board culture most anons will start despising trump and will use our fuckery against him now .
We are a board of chaos. We fight. We beat jidf and CTR.. now we have that whore sending her followers here acting like they are one of us anons will most likely turn against them and that slut is either wanting this and playing "muh 3D chess" cause she is a nigger kike. Or this whole mental breakdown she had cause she is on her rags will blow up in her face.
you can't be that stupid.
We should summon him and thank him for assisting plebbit and shareblue
They are. These fuckers been here a day and refused to fucken lurk. We have been over run by that whore ohsnapyougotserved cucks.
We probably need to move to plan b or c in case they know of b too the fucks.
That brick-patterened red velvet thing looks so fucking delish.
Fucking newfags get out
Correction that's what your average T_D user looks like.
Trump supporters on Sup Forums and Voat aren't about the based tranny's. Muh Israel
Spiffing, chap even made himself Pepe cake to have ruddy grand ol day.
Are you fat shaming? Do your lefty buddies know you're actually a right wing retard?
>That brick-patterened red velvet thing looks so fucking delish.
his mom made it
he has no job and blames mexicans
>Are you fat shaming? Do your lefty buddies know you're actually a right wing retard?
Did anyone say anything about his weight?
why are you bringing it up
Oh my bad. You said this is what Trump supporters look like. Is it the beard?
>Oh my bad. You said this is what Trump supporters look like. Is it the beard?
It's just what they look like
do you feel that is negative?
are you judging?
The True Redpilled Masters Knew All Along That Any Election Is Just Simply A Stage, A Game Of Chess, With All The Moves And Pieces Prearranged
Why did you start this thread OP?
Because on the day of the rope this fucker will be a liability. You and him if not the same person need to fuck off to /fit/ this guy is a degenerate and has no place with us on the battle lines
You bring up looks then try to flip it on to me. I'm asking what's the point of this thread? To make fun of his looks? If not, yes, I'm confused.
i believe this thread is necessary, because while you may acknowledge the cringe of mentally ill tranny rhetoric abiding clowns you must also acknowledge the cringe of the other side that uses it's time just as irresponsiblity, not only that but also in a very embarassing manner, similar to the picture continously being spammed and in OP I will also take a moment to say this also is an example of cringe style, but on another side, to me
I'm not him. He'll be good in the kitchen bruh. Commie slayers need to eat too.
god this site is pathetic
you sound very confused, you should try reading a simple book
I suggest "Goodnight Moon"
Stand for something or youll fall for anything shill
I see.
I can't read, I'm a right wing retard.
these guys are as bad if not more embarassing than the 2000s scientology protests, mudkip masks and public rick rolling, but there will always be little dorks like you lol sorry no offense or bully, that think it's epic lulz or 'irl shitposting xD with lel bros xD' pretty gay ToBeHonest FUh am
Yes it's to make fun of his looks. Lurk moar faggot.. you aren't in t_d anymore.
No mods to save you from your feelings being hurt.
You will understand eventually and maybe one day be one of us aswell.. everyone here started off being a leftist cunt like yourself and got pulled in eventually .. but most ppl lurked for a while before trying to post unlike you.
I'm not going to hate on you.. one day you will understand.
But if you are this guy in the pic.. the first step for you is to head to /fit/ and better yourself.
kill yourself shill trash
I have a book for you to read, its called My Struggle
>surely this is le secret conspiracy to lure people away from my side and not just the logical response to years worth of "XD LOOK AT THESE LIBRULS WHO ARE FAT/DYED HAIR/PIERCED/TATTOOED/OTHER VISUAL CHARACTERISTIC WE DON'T LIKE XDD SO DUMM"
So many words and yet you've managed to convey absolutely nothing. Is English your first language?
>Have a sign that say "The Goyim Know"
>Yet support Trump, most Jewish president ever
>Especially since the Alt Right is just another Jew controlled opposition ploy
Yes, of course it was to make fun of his looks. And I'm not from TD. I've been coming here since 1982. I used to shit post Reagan memes on /z/.
Why do you see things so black and white? Do you have trouble thinking critically?
Looks like Trump attracts a motley crew. he he
>no pink hair
>no neck tattoos
sad that this fat load is still better than most of reddit
Trump's family, administration, and lifestyle is Jewish which is the antithesis of Christian society.
are you actually a fucking bi sexual faggot clown
>he doesn't know Jews invented Christianity
r u illiterate dud
You know I'm aware he's trolling right?
Joke is on you because people actually think americans are THAT retarted to not be able to tell the difference between the Chilean and the Texan flag.
He was a 27 year old guy like you or me, he ate Jimmy Johns Subs and liked sports, He liked politics and Bernie Sanders. And now he is dead. We will keep saying his name.
The lives this man may have paid for with his own. Without those emails leaked it could have been a very different story. We could have had Hillary, taking away our rights and doing more evil. We might already be at war with Russia if she was in office.
You live on in Valhalla because true Heroes never die.