What did he mean by this? ... No rly, I do not understand his message

What did he mean by this? ... No rly, I do not understand his message.

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Ivanka and Jared are both Jews

they are in Saudi Arabia, where the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born

it's a microcosm of Islam's corruption and need to be purified by getting rid of these hedonistic monarchies who can't even protect pilgrims from their own cranes..

This bitch has no respect. If you are in another country you should respect their customs. I bet Ivanka loves big black dicks. Her husband looks like a straight up cuck.

>mfw Trump brings two Jews with him to Saudi Arabia

kebab is waking up to the fact that they are owned by the jews just like everyone else.

Respecting Islam is disrespecting western civilisation.

To respect Islam you have to disrespect women.

>respecting islam

> these smug kike faces
> this devastation in the sandniggers' eyes

The Al-Saud family are crypto-jews.

And lmao at all the camel jockeys checking out Ivanka's ass as she sashays past them.

Plus, Jared has the body language of a teenage homosexual.

it's salafists hating on Saudi Arabia because they are friendly to the US and Israel

Most of Sup Forums cant understand this because they think muslims are just 1 united big blob that all think alike.

"that a hot jewish slut. i wanna put my muslim penis in her and make her boyfriend a cuckhold"

The only thing she respects is Judaism. She has two beautiful Jewish babies remember

>If you are in another country you should respect their customs.

i agree which is why i would never step foot in saudi arabia. i would only go to countries that have good customs, not shit ones.

>gosh, i sure do hate people and things that convert people to the right!

>don’t you hate trump now?

ctr/shareblue fec documents


Lithuania you are the worst of the Baltic states! Where is Estonia? We need moar Estonia.

zionist plans are ahead of schedule. we must be cautious goyim


Hi Bannon

Muslims aren't difficult to figure out.

I don't see them removing there head shit when they come here.

But I see seven

You have to admit it's a gangster move.


Huh, I guess Ivanka has a dick too...

> Respecting Islam

Wtf? a reasonable post on Sup Forums

>no Varg

Although he did assassinate his own character, the madman.

They're beneath us and should be shown their place. Sweden feminists can go there covered if they want lol.

She is wearing a very modest dress. It practically goes down to her ankles, so not even calf is exposed, There is no decolletage viewable at all, no shoulders exposed and the dress is not tight at all. It is very loose and billowy. Plus it is dark enough so that it has no potential for see through. The only thing she did differently is not cover her head. This is smart and has a greater chance of the men and women of Saudi Arabia viewing this is as acceptable. When they see western women walking around with their tits and snatch hanging out they point to that and say see this is the only other option, this is why we must enforce strict cultural behaviors. Ivanka is actually showing that, no you can still dress modestly without having to wear a trashbag.

Those are some salty looking rag heads right there.

>all the mudslimes cucks checking out her ass while she's getting fucked so hard by her jewish husband that she converted

>Obvious Trump shill is obvious

>Saudi Arabia accepted a jew
That's surprising.

>implying the house of Saud isn't Jewish either.....

This picture is the perfect explanation to the mystery of ISIS apologizing for poorly aimed mortar fire landing on Israeli controlled territory.
Jews have conquered Mecca and the Holy land!

are those....swords?

House of Saud are crypto kikes.
Ask which country Saudi and Isreal hate the most?

not really. What's so surprising about a royal Jewish family accepting Jewish people?

>The Al-Saud family are crypto-jews.
>House of Saud are crypto kikes.
>a royal Jewish family accepting Jewish people?
Since everyone knows the truth, why do they still hide it?

Protip: the Profit was a Jewish merchant who created a cult of conquest so as to use backwards Arabian tribals as a weapon against Jewry's #1 enemy, Christendom.

The Saudi royal family are descended from a tribe of Jewish slave traders who were quite wealthy and prominent during the period of Ottoman rule.

If you like Islam,

Please, kys.

If you don't know why, it means that it's about money.

OP, you fag, he's talking about the muslims having swords surrounding jews


>Ask which country Saudi and Isreal hate the most?

Buh but EYE-RAN bombed the WTC and founded ISIS and exports Wahabist islam!

Hebe antichrist rubbing his trophy shiksa in their filthy faces

/thread. Jared is the fucking antichrist, but, im glad they didnt boot lick muzzie sentiment


>projecting this hard
let's see your totally non-cuck mug then eh?

When is America going to drop the Saudis as allies and make amends with Iran? The house of Saud are a bunch of nomadic-bandit hillbillies who cut the right deal at the right time with the right major power (Britain) while the Iranians are the heirs of ancient Persia and have a 3k year history of statecraft.