I am now a Saudi missile

Grandpa, where were you when Trump brought peace to the middle east and the world fell into a state of unity and explored the universe together?

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someone add the merkel pics for comparison

Its happening!
Trump is bringing peace to the middle east!
We are literally witnessing world history.

Number 1 Saudi trend on twitter right now

What does it say?

How did she get away with not wearing a hijab

Saudi's begging for weapons to fight their border wars know that they are not in a position to dictate to the sole world super power.

The dogs would never bite the hand of their master

As a dog breeder of Police K9 and Working Line German Shepherds..... I beg to differ. but yeah.

Her dad has a ironclad nutsack paired with a massive battle boner.

This was funny as fuck. Thanks for the laugh.
We MAGA now!

We don't ask them to. this is not Iran

Well said my fellow Pede! xDDDDD

Iran is far superior to KSA.


Guess why Saudis need the weapons?

What does is have to do with my comment?

And in what way?

You just know Trump let her get nailed by a bunch of rich Saudi princes

> master


>Black guy just wanted to be military
>Now hes meme
...poor guy

Kek they bite you guys sometimes?

Don't take it personally they just love the taste of bacon.


So you're saying that the obammers decided on their own to convert to islam before sucking your kings dick

Ivanka Ibn Trump?

Abu Ivanka?

The wall just got 10 fit higher

huh? that nigger wants to please the islamics that are watching because he is leftist scum. the royal family and the people don't give a shit.

Her jewish hubby gonna whore her out to saudis for favours.
Poor soul.

It means îvanka's father in Arabic.

Why is she not wearing a head scarf?

Dirka Dirka Mohammed Jihad on that ass.


There was a time that the Persians and Arabs led our species in scientific discovery. Now islamic nations are dead last in the world for contributions of scientific papers.

Come Home Middle Eastern man.
The stars call to you.
We hold out our hand and wait to pull you up out of the dark ages of Islam, into a future of science and space exploration.


Why are you answering yourself?

Suprised Kushner was even allowed in the country since he's a Jew that shills for Israel.

translate this meme pls

Because she is a racist

and since she's not a muslim, she's free for the taking too! Gotta go fast to be first in line before she's all used up, and don't forget to bring your favorite sharpened stones to execute the evil flirtatious jew for adultery afterwards.

>yfw the man are going to wear that instead of their tunics, because nobody would see it on the women

Why would the saudis care about someone shilling for their best friend?

>He fell for the GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM -meme.

Hello new friend. Would you please be considerate enough to lurk for a few years before actually posting so we can discuss shit on somewhat even level.

We need a cultural revolution, but you can't do that under dictatorships, where free speech is limited, so the flow of ideas is limited.

"From the look of a man, you know his fears/intent" It's proverb or a saying

Saudi is far better imo. Your live leak executions of whores always makes my day

this, also the house of saud are jews

It was a golden age of Arabs and Persians, just before Islam. Around 500-900 A.D.

Our numerals are literally named Arabic numerals. The Arab/Persian coalition stole the art of paper making from the Chinese in war, and then gave humanity the art of book making.

The majority of the stars in the sky were named by Arabs and Persians because they led our species in optics.

Their medical advances were the greatest in the world and pushed us far.

And then along came Islam, banning depictions of the human body setting medical science back centuries. Islam set the Arabs and Persians back to the stone ages. It was the Spanish inquisition of the middle east. They are yet to rise back up from it.

Interesting fact, calligraphy came about as an attempt to still practice medicine without drawings of the human body.

Come Home Crescent Moon Man


Why don't you guys make peace with Iran/Hezbollah/Houthis? Your dumb civil war needs to end , it's been like 1400 years.

Iranian EEs are amongst the best in the world and even while being under a total embargo they have made shocking advancements of technology at the top end. The KSA is literally a zero integrity zoo filled with me first monkeys that will collapse at the first sign of trouble. They are both dimwitted and fucking helpless.


The KSA royals are Jews.

....Sharia Religious Police gonna fuck him up.

...because the KSA ruling crypto Jews know that at the first sign of internal trouble their goons will loot the country then bail.


You just know they ficki fickied while Trump and Jared watched and jerked eachother off.

>Why don't you guys make peace with Iran/Hezbollah/Houthis
Hold the fucking phone everyone.

An American is about to solve a millennia and a half long global conflict on an Internet forum. Gather round we're about to witness a humanitarian miracle today.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

Literally what? Are you fucking new?

>literally laughing with the Devil


is that hillary with make up

In what world is SA rare?

> called Arabic numerals.

Arabs stole it from India

Yes because that random Saudi citizen is clearly the one who's keeping a millennium old conflict going,

Because one side you can't reason with. that wants to take back Mecca because they are motivated by religious prophecy. We have our nut jobs, but they are under control the royal family. On the other hand, This is quot from their ISLAMIC leader " The custodianship of [ Mecca & Medina ] should be handed to men of piety,” Amoli, an influential Shiite Muslim scholar, said in comments reported by the semi-official state news agency Mehr.

Saudi Arabia tried to reach peaceful solution, but from the start of their revolution(1979) they were hostile


How is life in Saudi mate, if I moved there would I make money. How are white people viewed?

They know that KSA is ruled by Jews.


American here in Saudi to give reference.

Your leaders didn't do anything because these are political leaders or wives of political leaders from countries far superior to your own. These women also only go to highly controlled and exclusive areas not in the public eye.

Everything in this country is on lock down whenever America comes here. We shut down your entire air force with two CV Osprey that blocked all of your coms and prohibited any flights from your jets.

To give reference for all people not living in Saudi, it was a big deal when the aid for the American Ambassador (a female) went around to normal places like our university without a abaya.

No, this country is not like Iran because you need us for your money and your guns. Where Iran wants us to die because we didn't let them build nukes to bomb Saudi.

Without us this region would fall apart and your stewardship of the holy land would disappear.

bought peace*

OK you trolls. What does it really say in scribbledygoop lingo?

>if I moved there would I make money.
Depends on job lol, but generally pretty good
> How are white people viewed?
Good people, but we don't view you as 'white". We view you as German, British, American...ect


#ضَرَبَ العُنُقَ قَطَعَ الرَأْسَ

If you have American/Canadian passport you can make good money

I doubt the Saudis mind one single bit if these girls go without.

They wanted Obama to cover up for pretty obvious reasons, most unrelated to religion.

Yeah some of us are jews, do you have problem?

Does your country view Melania and Ivanka as whores for not wearing the veil?

>" The custodianship of [ Mecca & Medina ] should be handed to men of piety,”

Seems pretty reasonable seeing as you camel jockeys party it up with Russian whores and get shitfaced on spirits and cocaine behind palace walls.

What about the women, could a British man date a hot Saudi girl or is dating and marriage more arranged


what does it say

Look at my flag you dumbass yank

The average ethnic Saudi is scum. They are really just lucky morons who will wither to nothing once their part in the WRC recycling scam is done. They are the most myopically shallow garbage on the planet and it will cost them.

So when does the game start?

Will Trump score? I heard he is pretty good at sports.

I don't know, I don't speak moon rune.


I can't speak for a whole country lol. but personally I see no problem with it. Go to twitter to see their opinion kek

Nice logic Britbong. by your logic Britain should be destroyed then kek

Unless she grew a cock, htne yes.

(ibnil means son of, like Irish O')

I kekd

>We view you as German, British, American...ect

This is how it should be. Identifying someone by skin color is American retardation, no one in Europe does that.

They both look asian.

When did the Obama's wear one in Saudi Arabia?

considering you fucks and the bin ladens attacked our world trade center, i 'm rooting for the Iranians...KSA can be nuked to oblivion for all i care.

Well, you have to be Muslim. The way we do Marriage here is that you like a girl in work or you know a good family and their girl has good reputation, and then you ask her father for Marriage. arranged marriages are about 20-30% I would say.

Trump had a lot of females acompany him, none wore any covers and he chose women to assist him with the signings, definately for a reason. The Saudi royals knew they weren't in charge, just look at pic related and tell me if he looks like a man in who got his way?

preddy good observation, Linus.