Am I the masterrace? Am I the death of the white race? Should I kill myself? You decide.
Pic isn't me
Ask a WMAF Korean hapa anything
You should start breeding pigs and get a helicopter license. Then fly to Mecca during the hajj and just start launching them out of the chopper at Muslims
could I fill the pigs with zyklon b first
>Pic isn't me
No shit.
Yeah I'm somewhat uglier, but this guy is a hapa.
Koreans are some of the most hardcore racially aware people on the planet.
Unfortunately my parents are both somewhat hardcore liberals, but if there's one thing I am, it's racially aware.
I know the Korean term for a Korean in Korea and the term for a Korean in there one for a Korean hapa in Amerika?
supreme gentlemen
There isn't really a word for me over here. The closest to an "official" label would be eurasian or hapa, but none of them are very widespread.
How much pussy do you get?
Females are allowed to stay, supreme gentlemen have to go.
Zitto animale
Asians dont like you and neither do white people, should just kys desu.
I like your chink women, they are tight.
I mean what would a Korean in Korea refer to you as if hypothetically he was talking about his graduate school sister possibly dating you besides shibaloma.
Is your father kind of a beta?
I always see hapas complain that their fathers are betas and mothers dont like asian men, so they feel rejected by them. Is this accurate or just nonsense from crybaby losers.
who cares is the better fucking question
My kids are happa. Do you have any challenges you think are unique to your racial background? How do you overcome them? Do your parents help or hurt? How?
if you do an hero yourself I want to see you in the news
perché così aggressivo?
None, I'm unironically a faggot.
No idea, I've only been to Korea once and I can't speak the language.
No, not really. He's definently not the most alpha guy but he stands his ground and isn't a socially awkward autist.
For a while I felt really emasculated by my race. Not that I'm particularly feminine in any way, but I was mad because I thought everyone thought less of me, as a male, because of my race. But this was something that I sorted out by myself, my parents weren't a part of it. I guess it depends on how mentally strong your kids end up being.
there is only one gender, the human gender