I listened to alex jones from infowars who says vaccines cause autism. True?
Redpill me on Vaccines
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Nah. Here's a redpill on vaccines, sure it's a tumblr post, fucking sue, broken clock.
Making vaccines a political issue is like making casts for broken limbs, or helmets a political issue.
Each vaccine shot has a little bit of mercury in it that can cause autism.
The bluepill is believing vaccines cause autism
The redpill is that refusing vaccines will bring back the good ol' days of Measles outbreaks
I'd rather not live like African niggers thanks. Vaccines are a white invention and we should be proud of that. We will survive what everyone else cannot.
Med student here. They`re good. Stop the anti vaccine stuff. Get`s annoying and measles starts being an issue again.
Start studying what vaccines are made of. Open a damn medical book for once! Ask a fucking doctor what vaccines are and what they contain! Worst case scenario: the needle is too big.
It is such a little concentration it has no effect what so ever. Cyanide in a lower concentration than lethal or toxic has no effect.
Alex Jones is bringing polio back. In your face deep state.
Don't cause autism but will feminize your kids. Your boys will be weaker and your women will hit puberty earlier.
Show proof vaccines and autism have a link, a relation, a cause-effect. You`re just showing memes and non-medical opinions
I'm sure you've learned very well how to steal kidneys and livers for black market sale, ROMAnian
the skin will turn black and will be able to shoot lasers from eyes
Well user I would say no they do not...but Alex jones said it and he has like a bunch of money so I would have to say yeah.
Err, infant mortality has decreased from 33% to less than 1% in the last 200 years. (rough figures because I don't have a savant memory)
They died of shit like measles, mumps and rubella all the time.
You're faced with the every growing challenge of "what is natural?", Most people will still eat KFC chickens with tons of man-made antibiotics and a McD's burger from cows injected with all sorts.
You'll take a paracetamol for a head ache and ibuprofen for a tooth problem, not giving a shit that it might damage your health in the long run and make your heart more likely to suffer complications in later life.
But better not vaccinate your kids!!!!
Check out funny goy over here
Wow really makes me think
Vaccines, prevent serious diseases. and are instrumental in maintaining a countries health.
Nothing to red pill you on, that's just the truth.
Yes, Thiomersal used to in small quantities be in vaccines. but thanks to folks like you its been taken out of them.
The redpill was the caps lock response at the bottom of the image, not the anti-vax memes.
On a side note, we really should come up with a nice infographic that summarizes why anti-vaxxers are retarded, it would make these threads shorter and less common.
They've debunked this shit like 4,000 times, the British doc who pushed the autism connection was convicted of fraud, the amount of mercury was harmless (but it was removed anyway) the adjusted vaccination schedule showed no drop in autism diagnoses. It's Darwinism at it's finest. If you are retarded enough to expose your children to the mumps based of Jenny fucking mccarthys vast scientific knowledge then your kids probably deserve to die.
big pharma found a way to scare monger and force ppl into buying their useless and potentially dangerous vaccines
>saving valuable computer memory by applying potato resolution.
sorry, didn`t read it all, just had today some other people that support anti vaccination tell me i am wrong. got hyped a little.
Bill a Jewish Guy supports them:
Don't worry OP you can't get autism twice
shutup goy inject urself with this mercury dont question it or i will be smug to you
Additionally, it just shows you that autism was either previously under diagnosed or currently over diagnosed. Don't forget that aspbergers counts towards an autism diagnosis and that's just basically a fully functioning jerk.
The real harm in all of this is immunocompromised people are going to suffer since they can't get the fucking vaccine.
vaccines are safe
anti vax and alex jones are fucking morons that deserved to be culled
There's no longer any mercury in any vaccine. Faggot.
dont give infants mcdonalds aspirin and ibuprofen either you sped
Typical gypsy
>Making vaccines a political issue
pharma did that in the 80s
more and more retards ever since
>Show proof vaccines and autism have a link, a relation, a cause-effect.
>I don't have a savant memory
they why the hell would anyone listen to anything you ever had to say?
back to class with you now
I`m not talking here administrative bullshit. Show proof= Show medical profesional study
What's wrong with that? When I look at pictures from the 1950s, all the polio victims seem comfy as fuck.
Medfag here.
Vaccination is way less damaging to the population than non-vaccination.
Therefor vaccination should be obligatory.
Not vaccinating is endangering the population.
I see some people talking about mercury, so there is still a dose of mercury in them but again, mortality without vaccination would extremely raise.
Big pharma claimed credit for smallpox and measles dying out on their own in order to create and protect the lucrative, high-profit-margin vaccine market, all while rubbing their hands together avariciously.
>vaccine causes healthy 16 year old girl to become paralyzed, somewhat vaccines causing problems to babies is inconceivable and totally not a coincidence
Would a gypsy study and be a med student? Think again, burger.
Don't you want to improve your weaponized autism?
fuck, was supposed to be greentext
Why do think we're all here?
>Medfag here.
We`re 2 now.
broofs and sources.
>1 post by this ID
>People keep having children later and later in their life
>Autism rates go up with it
Gee I wonder
We're getting into witch doctor levels of primitive. Suppose you want me to give up toilet paper as well degenerate?
>Each vaccine shot has a little bit of mercury in it that can cause autism.
Proof that thiomseral causes autism?
Too bad the rest of the thread are retards getting their facts from random trash sources
It looks like she's living in a physical blue pill.
This, Go look at the devastating effects of these diseases before vaccines were developed. World would've been wiped out had we not found a solution
>vaccines causes autism
>every fucking normalfag takes it and gives it to their kids
>they all manage to be outstanding normal members of society
holy shit I wished it gave people autism, then I'll have people to talk too
>Letting jews inject your kids with shit
Do it goyim, trust me
2 years later.
Could it have been anything else? Nope only the vaccine and nothing else.
>letting jews cut off your foreskin
Well someone is doing the autism
Pls don't inject your kids with vaccines so your offspring dies out. Your genes don't deserve to be spread if you think like that
i wouldnt say vaccines cause autism but if you take TOO MUCH it will have negative effects
i am one message far from calling here my squad and start bombarding them with scientific facts.
>Show proof= Show medical profesional study
medical study funded by who
and why the hell would pharma bother to set up a secret court if none of the claims held any validity? why bother unless there is a good reason to set up a special court with a sealed docket any anybody who makes a claim has to keep their mouth shut in order to file?
setting that up isn't some indication of guilt to you?
Yes. Vaccines are a soft kill bioweapon
Define ``too much``
>I'd rather not live like African niggers thanks.
we spend more vaccinating them than we spend vaccinating white people
really makes your kool aids tangy
ok yeah but if people refuse why bother legislating to force them to do it? profits? killing niggers?
whats the point of this scheme?
Whites are still for the most part getting vaccinated. If cucks like Bill Gates want to go on mass humanitarian efforts for niggers, at least I can respect him for not stealing my tax money for it.
Let me put this in an easy way for you autismos to understand
Using vaccines = +++++++++
- -
Not using vaccines = +
- - - - - -
This is a symbolic way to explain to you why vaccines should always be used. The positive sides overpower the negative ones.
>vaccines cause autism
First, autism wasn't well studied nor defined to the majority of the population until now. In like 2000 I doubt the majority of the people even knew what it is, therefor how could they then diagnose it?
Autism also can be mistaken by just unsocial behaviour and can be falsley diagnosed these days. So comparing the autism appearance rate now and then is just unscientific.
Swallow it fags, if you decide not to ever use it please leave your country and go to Africa where people like you belong
Same reason why people try to prevent you from self harm or suicide.
>Yes. Vaccines are a soft kill bioweapon
these are starting to bore me let's chat about hard kill bioweapons like the one designed to take out white people we had to confiscate from North Korea
we got aids and ebola developed for blacks, we funded that in cooperation with South Africa starting in the 40s
we got sars for the chinks, don't think it works too good still plenty of chinks death count not too high
we got hantavirus and zika for spics
diabetes and lymes takes down everyone, aids does also but only because they fucked up the gene sequencing and everybody is originally African, I think they tightened it up in third wave aids
Check your facts, medical studies have been made to prove that vaccines kill. They were successful but failed to prove anything because the rats it was tested on were rats that were suspected developing tumors with or without the vaccine given.
>If cucks like Bill Gates want to go on mass humanitarian efforts for niggers,
you're the cuck bro, George W Bush enacted billions of your tax dollars for aids meds in Africa, don't worry you're paying for it
>Whites are still for the most part getting vaccinated.
I think everyone is but the bulk of the anti vax movement and the bulk of the money coming in to pay for it originates in silicon valley. don't know why but the ourbreak of disease seems to support this
>This is a symbolic way to explain to you why vaccines should always be used.
agree but you should make your own and never ever buy one from a jew, they have an oath they take that makes them unable to do anything but try and destroy whites
so the state protecting their property? it's slavery in other words? slavery for white people, they don't own their body and are therefore unable to make decisions regarding it
>medical studies have been made to prove that vaccines kill.
I really need to hear who funded the study if we're talking about a study
Jesus Christ. You've only got to watch the Vaxxed documentary and see healthy children turn into literal spastics immediately upon being administered MMR vaccine.
>administered MMR vaccine.
I wonder what religio/genetic sect the owners of that vaccine come from?
State protecting their property? It's the community looking after it's members. Also not-vaccinating is threatening to other members of the community.
End yourself
The problem with vaccines isn't even remotely about autism. That's just media latching onto one small factor and making people believe that vaccine criticism is solely about autism. Autism is very likely multiple different diseases being lumped together, each with multiple causes.
It's about the use of preservatives that haven't been tested properly in them. The relabeling or expired or improperly stored vaccines. Shortcuts being taken in rushing out new products to market. And more importantly the unaudited interaction between government and major pharmaceutical companies/cartels who have a total stranglehold on the pricing of vaccine supply.
EVERY medical educated person tells you vaccinate is a must. Non-educated tells you vaccination causes autism. Whom should you believe?
Also it's in doctor's favour actualy that you're not vaccinated as he will (in most countries) get more money. So think about it, if a person who would earn more if you don't get vaccinated, tells you that you should vaccinate...
Kys look at the origins behind vaccination
They save more people than they kill or injure. There are too many people on Earth. That's the true redpill.
>Also not-vaccinating is threatening to other members of the community.
going to need to see some proof on this
>It's the community looking after it's members.
if this was true the vaccines would not produce profit
Anything in small enough levels, even poison can be beneficial.
granted you'd need an awfully small dose of cyanide to get the beneficial effects.
>Non-educated tells you vaccination causes autism. Whom should you believe?
you're framing this incorrectly, the people who are telling you not to vaccinate are highly educated and get all their money from the highest growth sector of the economy, silicon valley, why do the people in silicon valley want you not to vaccinate and why do they follow this advice themselves as the recent outbreaks of disease indicate is true
Yep, if you haven't seen this movie already you fucking need to.
>Kys look at the origins behind vaccination
I know it's Egyptian, I follow the same methods advised by pythagoreas, so why isn't that an acceptable proof of vaccination when I'm getting better results at less cost why am I asked after that to take a (recommended) vaccine that produces a profit and has no ability to prove itself effective through any clinical study?
>going to need to see some proof on this
Old diseases return that can strike people who didn't get vaccinated yet.
>if this was true the vaccines would not produce profit
Look at the mortality rate before and after vaccines.
+ you linked some irrelevant video about MUH JEWISH CONSPIRACY
Everyone who is medicaly educated tells you vaccines are a must. You aren't medicaly educated so how would you know anything about it?
If you still don't trust vaccination go live in Africa you don't deserve to be among us
Highly educated in what? Silicon valley = full of tech workers.
How could they know then how vaccines work?
Again, how many times do I have to say, all DOCTORS who are EDUCATED in this matter say vaccines are a MUST.
>Everyone who is medicaly educated tells you vaccines are a must.
medical professionals don't hand out blanket medical schedules like that, nobody who took that oath would, they would first look at the patient's history and see what is best considering the needs of the patient
>If you still don't trust vaccination go live in Africa you don't deserve to be among us
I trust my own, with easily repeatable results I can verify in any lab
big pharma's products can't do this and are therefore not scientific but instead should be regarded as commercial
you can send people to Africa but it just raises your tax budget for aids medications
60 million dead blacks in the past 25 years from hiv/aids according the CDC WHO statistics, the real number is probably closer to 90 million
>all DOCTORS who are EDUCATED in this matter say vaccines are a MUST.
who in their right mind would follow the advice of a doctor, these people live to 65 and are miserable the whole time, I don't care what their training is, you can easily see through their mortality rates that they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to people's health, you want health advice ask someone who is happy in their 90s. thats how you'll make it to the medical nanobot breakthrough, not listening to the hacks who yes are great at bullet wounds and heart surgery but if you need those it's too late for you anyway
like do you listen to the financial advisor with the degree from the best school or the one with the best track record for consistent results?
When the NYT says 'debunked' literally 10 words into the first paragraph of an article calling this film out as a hoax, you just know there's something very fucking fishy going on.
Nothing you said makes any sense and is irrelevant to the thread's theme.
> they would first look at the patient's history and see what is best considering the needs of the patient
Looking at the medical history of an infant ok dude, vaccinate your children or go back to Africa
>vaccinate your children or go back to Africa
because I think it's best for them or because I am mandated by law to do as such?
you go back to Africa you fucking nigger, you can easily get your aids medicine there
did Hitler takes vaccines? does Israel put fuoride in their water?
>does Israel put fuoride in their water?
Yes, actually. They do.
>who in their right mind would follow the advice of a doctor
i know right , who in their right mind would trust a person who spent so much of their lifetime in med school , why would people trust people who have years of experience about diseases , makes no sense
>who in their right mind would follow the advice of a doctor, these people live to 65 and are miserable the whole time
Show me proof that they die in their 65s. I know many of doctors who are retired and live in their 70s, 80s
Your logic is retarded
Also doctors dedicate their lives in protecting and saving others. This job is one of the most stressful in the world. And high stress over a long period of time is killing you.
>like do you listen to the financial advisor with the degree from the best school or the one with the best track record for consistent results?
But... they're... both financial advisors...
as all doctors are... doctors...
Now I'm wondering if you're mentaly retarded.
No vaccination = high mortality rate
get that into your head.
wait, 200 years? vaccines have been around in popular use for less than half of that. Maybe something else at play like our understanding and practice of sanitation.
You do realize 200 years ago a large part of the American population believed bathing was a health risk?
no, been outlawed since August of 2014
exactly, why would you trust the opinion of someone who is the fifth most common cause of death in your country
I think a peer reviewed study comparing the results between a patient who uses the regular medical system compared with someone who sees a voudou witch doctor is in order
you know the guy who sees the voudou nigger will live longer, it's statistically guaranteed
Can't get autism from vaccines, if you already had autism.
>does Israel put fuoride in their water?
Yes they do.