
I bet none of you non-Eurofags can draw the borders!

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...its too much work :-(



all I could be arsed doing


Think I got it

There's no need for borders, silly goyim


fuck. it was harder than I expected. created a new country in eastern europe cuz empty space

europe in 2030

So the Irish have taken over and made some massive lake in eastern Europe?


shut the fuck up italy


that "empty place" is Hungary you fucker

Fucking east and its shit tier irrelevant countries


I do fucking hope you're joking mate

What is the joke paisano?

ha. indeed. Hungary is bigger than I thought.


lurk moar m8

also accurate



What are you, fucking autistic?


*top to bottom*

How do?


Kinda probably but I can mask it


Fuck European borders, long live the EU!


RIP Belarus
RIP Moldova

wew Macron

how can i write like this on mac preview?

Whoops, accidentally erased the Belarus line.

I could've written Transnistria.


And that's why I like the Finns.




>massive taig uprising as the Irish Diasporad returns to Europe
>subjugated Europe goes into massive dept due to heavy Socialist/Welfare reforms and a shift of all production towards good beer and moonshine, bars sprout like Starbucks, filled nightly with teenagers and people over thirty as most citizens spend their entire 20s sober and nursing a massive hangover
>squads of drunken, argumentative poets in missmatched uniforms roam the streets forcibly pressganging minorities into mandated "diversity" slots in legislature under the argument "how can you trust us not to commit genocide if none of you get a vote
>European television becomes dominated by the reality television comedy show as rival ethnic supremisist terrorist leaders join a single legislative body
>Anglo-Republican leaders' nightly "we told you this would happen" speeches are mostly unheard as amorous green overlords attempt to breed all of Europe into one mass like kids playing Pokemon Go!
>new bi-lingual initiative confuses the shell-shocked masses as new street signs in obscure dead languages are posted everywhere
>streets corners everywhere filled with hellfire preachers and upbeat sad goth theater troupes jostling for space
>for the sake of expediency, socialized medicine is now regulated by the bar league sports team that every citizen is forced to join and "complications due to forced injection of rugby ball" surpass heart disease
>Orange Lodges still confusing everyone by insisting of flying both Israeli and Nazi flags as they lead protest movement against drunken belligerent taig overlords, consisting mainly of drunken belligerent marching bands holding midnit parades and effigy burning in residential neighborhoods

I never knew I wanted this until now..

I thought I would be better.

good luck

Bretty good/5.

>Pre 1940 Finnish boarders

Keep dreaming



You can't

Download paintbrush thats what I use

One day you won't laugh anymore.

>This Big

They sure wish.

did i do a good america?

>Born 1200 years after Finnish golden age.

Why bother even living.

that was hard

I migth be wrong

Alright, i tried.



Is it good enough?

baja is mexico

woops missed the russian enclave


I tried

>France and Spain both cut in half by imaginary third country.

Wat da fuck?



Free French Union


Fucking Leaf

Has to be the Basque Imperium

>no limburg
wtf my dude

only one that matters

Forgot luxemburg bro

howd i do

belgium is a bit more east and north of that but pretty well done


Fuck eastern europe

I fugged up Croatia and the Middle East


>tfw almost no burger replies ;-;

Fingolian Khaganate shall rise again

This frate. Italy is no joke

I think I did okay

oh fuck I forgot vermont and new hampshire

Entirely from memory no cheating with teh google if you can believe it. Irrelevant tiny countries like San Marino not included.

It started out well enough...

best i could do quickly and blindly

north carolina/virginia

I have Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Virginia but yeah I forgot Tennessee and North Carolina

Oh wait no I forgot Arkansas as well.

well, your norway/sweden border went right through Oslo, other than that, pretty good.



From memory


Did i do good?

>Russian Crimea


