Multicultural Europe appreciation Thread
name one good thing about immigration and multicultural societys
>inb4 cuck
i will start:
it makes people more tolerant and open minded towards other cultures
Multicultural Europe appreciation Thread
name one good thing about immigration and multicultural societys
>inb4 cuck
i will start:
it makes people more tolerant and open minded towards other cultures
Dead refugees
edgy wanking neckbeard basement dweller who calls liberals who get laid cucks
bait sage
Awakening nationalists
no it isnt
racism is wrong and deep inside you know it
because you too dont want to be judged by your appearance
More redpills, advance of "far-right"
Based poseidon
Liberals being run over by islamists
>it makes people more tolerant and open minded towards other cultures
from what I have seen it does the opposite. people who were once open for other cultures now despies them.
A kid that used to bully me in primary school got beaten up by an Indian.
>Reddit spaces
>Immigration is great
You have 2 go back
Do you mean its wrong to treat humans differently because of race or do you believe all races are exactly the same with no physiological differences?
I don't see how anyone can think this way without having their head up their ass.
Multiculturalism doesn't work.
If more than one culture exists in an area they will just separate and form their own communities. Look at the black communities in America, they are all over populated because they don't want to move to a non black area.
>But they are too poor
The poorest areas in North America are white. They have no electricity or running water.
There is no excuse for living in a ghetto.
In our current status economically and culturally the urban lifestyle is unsustainable.
Outsourcing and our crumbling economy means that there are not enough jobs in an area to support a population size that large.
But they will not move to new area with economical advantages because that would mean moving to a non black area.
I guess just blame white people hahahahaAHHAHAHAHAHA
Oh and that's in America with a population that has lived here sense the beginning. Europe is bringing in populations of people that are not compatible with the current cultural landscape. I am sure those peaceful Muslims will fit right in with your progressive society, even though they just left a country where homosexuals were tossed from roofs and they treat women like property.
Its like trying to mix oil and water. You just get a big fucking mess and they are still separated.
That's not very open minded or tolerant of you.
why is openmindedness and tolerance a good thing when it ends with the degredation of your society and values
what does multiculturism solve/produce that your country could not do on their own aside from cheap slave labour and more consumers for mega corps to sell shit to
>tolerant and open minded towards other cultures
you mean like how the lefties are towards whitey? sure thing kike.
Cheaper iphones for black people
>it makes people more tolerant and open minded towards other cultures
Then what is causing the HUGE backlash against it? How fucking ignorant can you be?!
Amazing picture
Also dead Germans.
>it makes people more tolerant and open minded towards other cultures
The end game being diplomacy?
Bitch I played Total War, nobody is on your side. Not even your own people.
I dont give a fuck if some nigger doesnt like my white ass, as long as he doesnt chimp out and blame me, Im cool. I don't think dumb niggers have that much restraint though. oh well, back to somalia with them.
Look at them ook in envy at this very good looking couple. That's basically what shitlibs are. A seething mass of sad mystery meat and people with an identity crisis who want to erase the identity of everyone else as well.
You're in the wrong place friendo
It reinforces a feel-good narrative about you and your nation.
Just for once I'd love to go back to my pre-Sup Forums days.
Those days when I considered an interracial couple to be beautiful; a black TV anchor to be "a good step towards more minority representation", those days when rap music & the ghetto were attractive, that day when I loved striding the streets of multicultural Paris, a beacon of tolerance and love for the world...
That day when I still believed that Islam was a good religion and that France would spearhead an effort for a global community centered around acceptance and tolerance, to go towards the stars and international peace with no boundaries.
I miss those days of blissful ignorance, anons.
Have fun with your no go zones and shitskins
Don't be daft, multiculturalism, just means ghettos.
More than one culture, in one country. Northern Ireland is multicultural. Protestant culture and Catholic culture. It's about culture not race.
Kebab shall be removed.
Keep your liberal bullshit to yourself.
Unless you are kebab.
In which case you too will be removed.
More taxes, shit welfare, crime rise, culture destruction, racism, real sexism, rape
+ more
No it doesn't, you fucktard. It makes the natives hate the new cultures even more. typical German, I guess
It's all good!
>pic related, me and my girlfriend
I'm the white dude
Sorry, here's the pic.