How do solve the problem of Wold hunger? Sending food to poor countries obviously doesn't work. Do you think the brain drain is to blame here?
How do solve the problem of Wold hunger? Sending food to poor countries obviously doesn't work...
We can solve the world hunger problem by actually helping these people in their homes. But that would be Fascists.
Stop sending free gibs. Maybe that's harsh, but but it's homeostatic.
Stop giving aid/money to nigger countries where the female monkey shits out 12 babies a year.
Kill 95% of the worlds population.
Problem fucking solved.
Killing them is difficult, logistically. The plan is to just let them die off.
But how? There are missionaries in Africa but this doesn't help much.
Forcefully sterilising them through food or vaccination is better.
You are not trying to remove the hunger. You are trying to murder humans. Not a good idea.
No, not really. That's like saying Germany, during a time of horrible war, would, in all its efficiency, have worked out elaborate ways to kill the Jews. It's nonsense.
Even Jewish schemes like sterilization through food, water, vaccination, such as have been publicly proposed and implemented under Obama's Jewish "Czars" are just silly and counterproductive.
You think the herd, much like you do deer, during deer season. Kill them until they are living with a population that can be sustained by the carrying capacity of the land on which they live. Problem solved.
The only way to solve world hunger is universal education and growing free market economies.
You thin the herd. Killing the people who are weakest first, of course, until the population that remains can live within the carrying capacity of the land for that region. Problem Solved.
Just think if we had the legal structure to harvest and sell deer at the general market instead of having to resort to industrial cow farming.
The thriving deer population is a blessing turned in to a curse. It's schizophrenic.
>free market
So the US patent system must die first?
>How do solve the problem of Wold hunger
Who cares???
stop sending foreign aid but we have to because we forced entire economies to grow chocolate and coffee in exchange for inffrastructure, so we have to feed them so they keep up coffee production.
Bigger brains = more food
I'm not killing anyone though.
Just stopping them from breeding.
Don't you know the difference between blowing someones brains out and giving them a vasectomy?
> pole
I forgot, your like Africans. No birth control or education.
That's because they've been done wrong. Do them right and target certain DNA groups and it will work out just fine.
"World hunger"
1 acre of land can sustain 160 a year like wtf hunger nigger, world can be fed yearly with 43 million acres.
By denying them the right to pass on their genes you are killing them.
Eugenics doesn't work. Neither will transhumanism. The people working on these things can't even figure out how the Internet of Things is setting themselves up the bomb -- they only believe in satanic death cults without knowing it.
Stop feeding them for 5 years and let the population collapse to a sustainable level like every other biological system on the planet
Help them with education, train them to take care of their own fields. Show them how to turn crops into marketable produce. Show them how to irrigate their lands, control the amount of nutrients you add and take out of the soil. Teach them how to care for livestock and above all else. Teach them how to live a good life.
None of this has anything to do with religion, missionaries or NGO groups. It has everything to do with educating, building trust and make them dependent on THEMSELVES.
No you aren't.
If I'm putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger I am killing them.
If someone doesn't pass on their genes because they don't want kids, is the state responsible for "Killing them"? No.
I'm still yet to hear your resolution on what should be done.
Tick tock. Times wasting matey.
>How do solve the problem of Wold hunger?
By letting all the hungry people starve, duh
Eugenics as the public knows it doesn't work.
>Teach them how to care for livestock and above all else.
They tried that and the tribe ate the goats after the training was done.
US doesn't have a hunger problem.
Zimbabwe alone can feed 15.3 billion people, niggers are retarded and cant farm
>How do we solve the problem of world hunger?
Kill everyone
If they don't want kids by their own volition (no media brainwashing), they are killing themselves.
You poor dumb bastard.
No, it's poor family planning and unprotected sex
Lots of it
Right, well that's the trick. Genes are just an encoding of information. What's going on is information arbitrage.
The evil here is the occultism. Why ought not the public to know about it? Is there something wrong with it?
Has nothing to do with anything you stupid retard its land distribution and fauna niggers
you can't be hungry if you aren't born
World hunger isn't our problem. Focus on your own country, let weak countries find their own way
There is no such thing as world hunger , the Jews make sure degenerates get enough to barely survive so they can push propaganda to women who donate to them , if Jews and women stopped supporting them they'd die off since they're not productive in any way
You sure about that burger?
They call it "food insecurity".
Napoleonic masonic retard.
You are entirely wrong. It's Jewish brainwashing to destroy the family and replace the basic process of reproduction with artificially manufactured robot-babies that is behind the whole thing.
Unprotected sex is the way nature works. For humans, that's supposed to exist within a stable family and society for some purpose. When all purpose is removed, it falls apart.
>Do you think the brain drain is to blame here?
Gif related.
Only the Chinese are brave enough to go back home after they get their cheat degrees.
Then they're helping solve the issue themselves.
Isn't that what your OP is about?
You still haven't told me what you yourself would do.
Why would the government tell the public that half the stuff they see in films and stuff is social engineering to make them accept what they see and not be so shocked when it comes to fruition in the real world.
Wyf are you talking anout stupid nigger, population has nothing to do with hunger, distribution of land and retarded incapable niggers who cant sustain agricukture are the issue.
This just proves my point.
exchange food and a little bit of welfare for sterilization.Dumb niggers will see it as a perfect deal, you can fuck as much as you want without having children, get free food and even little gib me dats, something like 40 dollars per month would be huge for them.All incapable lazy niggers would die out
Free food undercuts the ability of African farmers to receive capital from their investment.
How the fuck do they compete with free food?
If you're fucking retarded. Eggs are cheap and can be used as a far healthier diet than the nightmare of shitty carbs that most Americans default to.
They're not even that lazy, they've just had the misfortune to be over socialized into a shitty diet.
States do not define anything nor does geographical area only peoples define state and nation.
stop feeding niggers
>You still haven't told me what you yourself would do.
I would mix everyone with rich, smart Chinese people which ironically happens as we speak. Whites are idiots. They should be the ones doing the colonization but their guilt won't let them.
The billions of masses of subhuman, inbred cretins demanding "food" from their betters, like its their right and our obligation, need to be put down.
They are a consuming plague, not a profitable business.
>Why would the government tell the public
If the government was of by and for the people, it would be more careful about what it hides. But the natural greedy mindset of life itself naturally leads to situations where the government hides too much, gets tripped up on its own lies, makes too many mistakes, and the public winds up finding out what was trying to be hidden.
That's why you shouldn't trust such a project to work. It won't. It's predicated on an unrealistic utopia.
Fuck off retard.
Stop speaking english and remove whites from your equation go to africa and do aforementioned
>If you're fucking retarded.
Many Americans are retarded and hungry. How to solve this problem in USA? You want to kill them too?
No, they CAN farm, and they do have the ability to raise and domesticate livestock. They're just lazy.
>be shown how to raise and domesticate goats and cattle
>instead of working hard and planning long term, they'd prefer the easy route of just eating the goats and cattle now
But isn't that "killing them"?
You're getting rid of them starving, poor, little Africans, and replacing them with a weird hybrid that has the aggression of a negro and the backstabbing short sighted nature of the Chinese.
Isn't that dangerous and unsustainable to have a world like that?
I'm not sure if you know how IQ and genetics works if I'm being honest with you.
Go ahead and go to africa snd make blacks not enslave you.
By fucking Asians you are passing down 50% of your genes as usual. Nothing wrong with that.
Sterilization, less mouths to feed and even nogs can feed themselves off the land. Seriously.
> If the government was of by and for the people, it would be more careful about what it hides.
Good thing for the government that it isn't, and hasn't been for a long time then.
Since Lincoln actually.
Have a little gander as to the real events surrounding his death.
You'll find out that everyone since then that's had any inkling of the truth of the matter has been killed off awfully quick.
The problem solves itself. Don't need to lift a finger.
How do you compete in say... Zimbabwe when the ruling class has most of the cash and when they get free food?
You don't. You find ways other than an honest living.
Americans are retarded because public schools are babysitting centers dreamt up in hell and which demoralize kids from competing in dominance hierarchies. Instead the kids whine about everything else other than the constant depletion of serotonin.
First, you explore the problem space. The problem isn't actually the hunger itself, it's that the demand for food is directly and inseparably linked to the population.
The only people who disagree with this point are anti science reatards.
So, CANNOT manage the demand for food without having some sort of shaping or management of the total size of the population.
Exactly HOW you do this is up to debate.
Hitting the point where open warfare or overcrowding acts as a brake on population growth is where we WILL be if nothing else changes, and we don't hit maximum food production limits first.
Allowing mass migration into Europe as the local population increases exponentially is the current policy, which has no mechanisim for adressing the problem.
You make consider it unthinkable for your own bigoted reasons, but the hyper repressive chinese policy WORKED, and worked on a largely uneducated population, and worked without the kind of mass die off of WW1 and 2 had in europe.
Come up with a better solution if you can. We've tried decades of education already, and it's proven to be of very limited effectiveness.
But you're claiming that by nature, Asians are "smart".
Ignorance on that claim aside, why would you mix a "smart" race with a race that can average 60 IQ points and then mixing further with every other race on Earth?
You'll just end up with mongrols that are a few points above someone who has down syndrome. Not only that, but they'd also be violent and short sighted.
So basically, just like Poland. I'm now coming to understand why the idea entices you so much.
It's not very relevant to reforming the current situation any more than asking if you're under arrest or being detained or telling a cop you have the manufacturer's certificate of origin and therefore don't need a driver's license.
What we're talking about is how to invent the future. What you propose is silliness that you yourself probably have no expertise in whatsoever, which is correctly why a republic is superior to a democracy.
What we can do is look at what works and what doesn't. Natural reproduction works. Jewish money tricks don't.
birth control.
you send food to poor countries and they'll reproduce so more food can come, is an endless cycle
Stop gibs. Their populations will fall back into equilibrium.
>But you're claiming that by nature, Asians are "smart".
On average, yes
>Ignorance on that claim aside, why would you mix a "smart" race with a race that can average 60 IQ points and then mixing further with every other race on Earth?
Because they have diamonds in the ground and workers stuck in Africa need to fuck.
Stop gibs. Allow people to actually develop productive skills that pay off instead of being undercut by some shit-lib's "compassion" aka free shit.
>Their populations will fall back into equilibrium
What if I tell you that they will try to move to Europe instead?
You're talking about people who believe raping babies will cure them of aids. If birth control worked on them then we should have already been able to see the effects.
what's this you're making here? Rice and some soupy stuff? Looks good. Delicious food will save the world.
If we maintain the concept of a nation-state then they would be turned away at the border unless for some reason Europe wanted to have them in.
We can solve world hunger by ignoring it. Just let the niggers starve. If they can't get food themselves, they deserve to die.
Germany wants them for some reason and other countries help Africans and Arabs safely reach Germany.
This isn't what Jesus said, at all.
in the past development helpers inserted the spiral per default. sterilisation is also on the table: After all it's considered a reasonable thing for westeners so why not.
then let them rot in aids and not be involved, they wuz egyptiuns n shit
I don't think Germany wants them. I think Stasi Merkel, who is not particularly bright, and under pressure from the globalists and the failed economy brought on by the banks, is filling her role by bullying Europe in to self destruction.
I don't think she understands it. She can't explain why. When she gives one excuse and people see that it is false, she jumps to the next.
This planet could support 100 billion, Malthus.
>Kike on a stick
Nice try curwa-nigger
I think I just spontaneously developed the power to taste food by looking at it.
also encourage the government to give them a social safety net. This is a later stage but it will help a lot
100 billion top kek, USA alone can feed 300 billion+ annually
Less people need less food. We need to start mass sterilizing nonwhites to bring down the birthrates.
With kust 40k average potatoes per harvest and 160k annually.
>I don't think she understands it.
I think that her grandparent's were polish, hence she wants to destroy Germany instinctively regardles of her conscious thougth.
We don't. It's a good way to keep population down
lol could be
It could, different question if it should. Instead of supporting 100 billion for 400 years, we could support 10 billion for 4000 years.
This is a true story.
How much of it is due to political unrest? How much of that traces back to Wall Street/Deep State?
>try educate them on agriculture
>improve living conditions
>feel like we dont need them anymore
>"reeee white people get out"
>famine again
they will always be dependent to welfare
USA can feed 42x world population
I will open a youtube channel with shitty looking but tasty food. Good idea? I will have an accent and everything.
The big issue is Africa, and they're hardly industrialize for many reasons one being he UN isn't allowing the to because "muh global warming" and two they don't have any specialized workforce. So maybe allowing them to develop a little could help solve the issue, Africa has many untapped resources that could generate jobs and a greater economy.
that is the harvest off a small tater farm unless you mean 40k and 160k tons and I think some states still top that.
The best way to solve the hunger problem is to stop feeding these people.
Any species in nature finds a balance between their population and the food supply.
Creating an artificial supply allows population growth and exacerbates the problem by creating unnecessary dependencies.
Left to their own devices, they would either learn to make more food, stop having so many kids, or reach an equilibrium between population and food availability through starvation.
Retarded Liberal dickheads think they can re-engineer the rules of life because of their fee fees and this is why the place is in the situation it is in.
A good 20 years of non-interference would solve the majority of the problem.