Do you wonder why Sup Forums is infested by so many bait threads recently?
Well, wonder no more.
The fat man known as Kim Dong Dong is gonna testify on tuesday.
It's going to be about Rihkardi Settuku-san
Hannity is covering it:
Do you wonder why Sup Forums is infested by so many bait threads recently?
Well, wonder no more.
The fat man known as Kim Dong Dong is gonna testify on tuesday.
It's going to be about Rihkardi Settuku-san
Hannity is covering it:
Other urls found in this thread:
Well, I wish Kim good luck
Hannity is starting to get it
Oh yeah. Just like when he had that dirt on Clinton?
>scouting in progress
1. Wasn't his place raided and he was sent to jail?
2. IS he doing this to help the cause or hinder it?
3. Is he doing this to stay relevant?
Thank (You) in advance
but he did? it was seth rich the whole time:
he said that shit in 2015.
he fucking KNEW seth rich was gonna leak
You're a heckin weirdo, bro
What if Kim is really Gucifer?
They both sound fat
also, what is kim called on twitter? :^)
they arrested gucifer
he's a gypsy
one of the gucifers maybe
Why else were the burgers after him so badly? The deepstate knew that Kim had info on the coming leaks.
Too bad most kiwis are retarded sheeple and hate KDC.
Absolutely NOT happening. Mods please delete this larp thread
That's what I was thinking today. I'm pretty sure Seth leaked the dnc emails to guccifer2 who then gave them to wikileaks.
Was looking through his post history to find clues.
He told us.
It looks like where all going to see what he's really made of this time, aside from fat.
it's gonna go down
unless ofcourse, he suffers an untimely "heart attack"
Has he ever been right about anything?
Dead men walking
Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0
You have until the 4th of July to confess to the murder of Seth Rich.
We're all watching you.
In the meantime
really makes you thinkely think
There is more than one and with different ucifer variations.
wtf is the point of your """encrypted""" message if no one has your key and you dont provide an identity, dingus
Private keys are already in the hands of the hitmen.
When public key is released on 4th of July the hunt is on.
>why Sup Forums is infested by so many bait threads
fucking lol if a guy named "Kim Dotcom" initiates the second american civil war and WW3
What are you talking about?
Private keys are used to encrypt messages. wat
Kimis an attention whoring fat faggot. Just like with HRC he has nothing.
If you don't know, don't worry about it.
Keep doing your thing user.
Shows how little you know.
> Just like with HRC he has nothing.
except he told people exactly where the emails where, at the NSA
>archetypal cryptic LARPer
>unless ofcourse, he suffers an untimely "heart attack"
And it'll be labeled conveniently Polypharmacy
You're defending those who assassinated Seth Rich? Good job!
Who needs to confess? That's what I want to know. If it comes out that Rich was the leaker, we're in for a wild ride. Who hired the hitmen?
Justice for the American government? It would be surreal.
The sooner we can imprison more of the American government the sooner we will have our freedom.
Wouldn't surprise me if there were dozens of DNC staffers who post here
Nothing we didnt already know. Nothing that changed anything. It made no difference
Someone leak this man a name drop.
That's the point. Their guilt is clearly noticeable.
This fat faggot never delivers. Remember the shit about the Hillary Investigation he was spewing during the election? What did that amount to?
Anti simetic conspiritard
Do not trust this fat troll. he's a well known liar and con artist.
if he produces a written statement giving his word you can throw it in the trash and the liner would still be worth more than the piece of paper he signed.
if Seth really is the leaker this fat chub is doing no one any favors by getting involved. but i bet he's just riling up the retards to get a few good laughs in before he shovels more cake into his gullet.
>attn. all operators
Execute phase 4
>auth. code 730deltacharlie66
Names have been dropped already. I want something to stick.
"The shit" about the Hillary investigation is this. It's the same fucking thing
Begin informing people of upcoming confessions.
Pieces of the puzzle are coming together
Watch it be fucking NOTHING again. I will actually be surprised if anything ever comes of this. Don't get your hopes up because this fat retard has a real habit of hyping shit up then not delivering.
Kim, if you're here: Put up or shut up and kill yourself.
>Do not trust this fat troll. he's a well known liar and con artist.
Everything he does is a publicity stunt.
I don't blame him, he knows how to make cash. But anyone putting their trust in him is a fool.
Hopefully he proves me wrong but I highly doubt it.
don't be Menschites of the Good Goy Water Filter Salesman Tribe.
I cannot participate in conspiracy theory.
It's against my religion.
Seth being the leaker changes nothing and doesn't mean he was murdered for it. He was walking home at 4am in Washington D.C. when he was shot in what is still by all accounts a robbery gone wrong. His watch band was loosened so somebody did try to take it.
Leaking private emails illegally obtained from hacking his own employer is not only grounds for dismissal as well as a lawsuit, its against the law period and it is also a treasonous act that is a matter of national security. Assange is not an American.
>Seth being the leaker changes nothing
But if he's the leaker, then it wasn't Russia, that means the entire MSM has been spewing lies the whole time.
Yeah he had such good info on pizzagate too that never came out right? He's a self-interested fuck & can choke on a dick until he proves otherwise
how dem deep state boots taste, licker- user?
If you could have stopped murders from happening but did nothing aren't you guilty?
On top of that, deleted evidence that proves such the case?
Take a step back, breath deep, take a look at the big picture.
>Do you wonder why Sup Forums is infested by so many bait threads recently?
Hello newfag
Kim is in bed with Russia. Only a fool doesn't see this.
Don't fall for the propaganda!
Pretty soon anyone that doesn't worship at the alter of leftist dogma is going to be a Russian agent.
This must be extremely good bait. No one enjoys shadow government cock this much, right?
>But if he's the leaker, then it wasn't Russia, that means the entire MSM has been spewing lies the whole time.
This is not true. What is Russia killed Seth Rich? What if Seth Rich was working with Russia? Knowingly or unknowingly? What if Wikileaks is Russian (which would surprise nobody)? There are plenty of possible angles that still involve Russia being the key player in the leak. Seth Rich being the leaker does not automatically remove Russia of guilt nor does it automatically mean he was killed by his employer because of the leaks.
It is meaningless to speculate. All we know for a fact is that Seth Rich was shot and later died from his gunshot wounds in what was most likely a robbery gone wrong. His watch band was loose. He showed bruising and signs of a struggle. He was also slightly coherent and talking when they found him. For all we know Seth Rich himself is the source of this being a robbery. Because it was 4am in Washington D.C. and somebody tried to rob him (there was a string of armed robberies in the area that ended for a while after that night).
Again, Seth can still be the leaker and Russia could be involved to some fashion, and the fact was he was still killed in an unrelated robbery incident. It is as simple as that. No need for outrageous conspiracy theories.
Wow, you're in a whole other level of alienation, mate.
Kim Dotcom is all talk with no proof. He is an irrelevant fat faggot that latches onto things for attention.
Why the fuck would he be involved?
it's looking a little blue in here
>Kim dong dong
Found the phone poster
> What is Russia killed Seth Rich? What if Seth Rich was working with Russia?
then why isn't the DNC doing an investigation into his murder?.
I actually like the guy kek
The copyright case against him is bullshit
>then why isn't the DNC doing an investigation into his murder?.
Exactly, you'd think they'd be outraged like they are other times. Pretty much crickets with Seth and not even offering a reward to help find his killer. Makes you think.
Kim dotcom is quite obviously an nsa asset. They are not nearly as capable as they pretend to be so they go for propaganda that makes them seem totally omniscient like snowden and this very Kim dotcom claiming they have every email known to man.
Ask yourself this if you doubt me. how does this guy get away with running a totally free file sharing service with insane blazing speeds and no file limits? There's no answer that doesn't involve being an nsa asset. He likely reports pedo uploads while being occasionally called on to spread propaganda. You think the U.S. under Obama and Hillary would just let him go for free? LOL! come on man!
>Pretty much crickets with Seth and not even offering a reward to help find his killer.
It really is so damn telling that they had him killed.
No need to drag Martin into this.
Seth being the leaker changes EVERYTHING. Even braindead liberals will remember the establishment screeching about 17 intelligence agencies over and over again.
As I said Yesterday the hight of your pathictic attempts now to say anything is salty tears for me to consume. If this is true, Remember Shareblu, CTR,MM folks when this hit hits the real world and you had the smallest parts of involvement in the cover up or concealment... YOUR COOKED.
We need Crowdstrike to investigate this
It's nice to watch baby birds like Hannity start to really spread their wings and minds after a few redpills. If Hannity keeps leveling up, I wonder if he can really handle how many sheep there are and how much of it will contradict the "reality" he thought he knew.
I can blow up the deep state....better give them an entire week to kill me! LOL! Imagine believing this.
>then why isn't the DNC doing an investigation into his murder?
Why do they need to? As I mentioned earlier he commited an act of cyber terrorism against them. He also broke the law and is guilty of treason. Which is even worse if he was working with Russia. The FBI most likely already has an investigation going on and because it is a matter of national security the investigation is secret.
These dangerous conspiracy theories do nobody any good. Most are just politicizing the issue to use against one side, disregarding the fact that Seth Rich was no hero for doing this treasonous act. If it was the other way around, everybody here would be calling him a treasonous pig using Anti-Semitic memes.
why not?
there's a big chance the deep state is gonna fuck up in their panic, they are after all old ass men and hags.
>These dangerous conspiracy theories do nobody any good.
>posts and even more retardeded conspiracy theory
You forgot about Benghazi.
Never forget about Benghazi.
They raided his house, man
Martin? I was thinking Shawn Lucas
>In August 2016, rumors began circulating that Shawn Lucas had died unexpectedly; Lucas was known to many frustrated Democrats as the young man who served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit in early July 2016 charging that the DNC had committed “fraud” in favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary process:
>According to Heavy, the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of Washington D.C. released information to them on 1 November 2016 confirming Lucas’ death as an accidental one caused by the “combined adverse effects of fentanyl [a synthetic opioid pain medication], cyclobenzaprine [a muscle relaxant], and mitragynine [better known as kratom].”
>he's a gypsy
Gypsies are illiterate. He was a Romanian.
400 pound hackerman is going to get himself killed
Why not? Cuz it might end with ur death and the truth not getting out. I don't buy it. If he just dropped it out of nowhere its game over they lose and he's alive.
See pic related. He's not leaving much room for ambiguity. Straight to the point. 'I was involved'
Yeah and then they gave him his freedom in exchange for obedience.
This is re: a different batch of emails.
Any more Justice boner articles guys?
I love Justice.
>susan rice unmasked the leaker in july 2016
>seth rich got murdered in july 2016
>Our submission system guarantees the anonymity of the leaker
>We know who leaked this information into our submission system
Choose one kek
So when is this fat fuck gonna get Arkancided for supposedly knowing way too much?
Because we really really really want to substantiate our dumbass conspiracy theory so we'll take literally ANYONE