fuck donald trump.
Fuck donald trump
Is that hand clutching a welfare check?
its the raised fist, a symbol of resistance against injustice and inequality. the same fists should go onto the face of every trump supporters.
Ah, so you're into fisting
i would gladly fist any conservative attention whore who make youtube videos pandering to trumptard virgins, like this one
>its the raised fist, a symbol of marxism
ftfy communigger
careful, might cut yourself on that edginess
Paper beats rock
hey look mom i said nigger on the internet
everything anti-establishment is "edgy". meaningless word.
Oh so you're into betraying your race now as well
It symbolises the hand of a Black African male fisting the OP's ass, hence why it is black.
looks like someone forgot to wash their hand after they fisted themselves and jerked off with their own shit. fuck the niggers
pay more attention in history classes
i support interracial and intercultural relationships. its laughable how you think calling me a racemixer is insulting
look mom i said nigger online again
>hey look mom i said nigger on the internet
Do you know where you are nigger?
Always sage faggots
You will never do anything of consequence - your life is meaningless - so you create fake rage in order to feel like you have a purpose.
Subhumans always lose
Ok, do you won't mind when we breed the black out of this world?
look mom i said nigger yet again. my internet friends are going to love it.
>gosh, i sure do hate people and things that convert people to the right!
>don’t you hate trump now?
ctr/shareblue fec documents
No. Fuck you and your beliefs.
tell that to yourself every time you feel compelled to insult or hate someone based on their race, gender or orientation.
you wont ever get to breed with anyone but your sister.
reported for spam link
you're not even american.
Keep crying nigger faggot
haha i said nigger and faggot in the same sentence. im so counterculture amirite fellow pedes?
Your butthurt is delicious. Keep it up redditard.
kufc nodald rumpt
>All that lack of substance
Okay? Thanks for sharing.
I got 5 brothers, no sisters. We could easily destroy 12-18 black blood lines.
> race, gender or orientation.
And there we go. All of them are "social constructs" and thus are not real. Right? Right?
So if they are not real why worry about them?
My guess is, that is all you really ever think about.
Fuck off back to Tumblr - you worthless shill.
finally he realized how unaware he is and stopped using racist and homophobic slurs to impress his racist online "friends", and switched to being ableist. i guess the best way to fight prejudice is to let you people be as prejudiced as you could until you get bored of it.
fuck donald trump.
you realize what you're suggesting is way more offensive to this community than to me right?
I could care less what anyone thinks. What I care about is ridding you Medicaid/welfare barnacles out of existence.
You're a failed race, no potential to evolve and blame everyone for all your problems.
I'd gladly breed you out of existence if it meant being disowned by whites.
k, loser
love how you just assumed im black for no reason. also there's more white welfare users than blacks, but im not against that of course, people deserve to have stable lives regardless of the situation they were born in, but a psychopathic racist like you would never understand empathy.
dont forget to vote for labour.
>Calls themselves anarchists
>Worships state-sponsored violence
And they wonder why everyone thinks they're a joke.
I thought I'd try something ableist to change it up a little. I am disappointed not to have offended you further, comrade cocksmoker.
Ooga bix nooood whitey! Imma jus tell u how I b feelin n shit. Blk pwr! Fuck white peoples!
*gets upset and drops phone
*wild Monkey Time
Oh, so now you're speaking for a race you're not a part of? Shame. More whites in total on welfare, yup. Higher percentage of blacks per capita is overwhelmingly blacks. I have no empathy for lost causes. If you do, then you're a lost cause yourself.
they're really not that offensive at this point, just boring and repetitive. im excited to know the next nazi buzzwords you guys are going to overuse and kill in 2 weeks.
since when am i "speaking for a race"? scroll up and you can see me standing with the human race and equality as a whole, never just simply "black power" or "women's rights". you're just applying your prejudiced projection onto me and insulting that projection like the rest of the people in this thread, i myself have not been even slightly offended. and the only real lost cause here is you thinking your bigotry can somehow be reinstated and not get eventually defeated again.
>Higher percentage of blacks per capita is overwhelmingly blacks
youre retarded
i dont get if you're trying to be funny or offensive or just edgy, and honestly you're failing at all of them.
Found OPs Tinder profile.
Oh you've thrown plenty of conjectures around that offer the audience assumptions for an anonymous forum board. I mean, I get it, you want to troll folks into a trap to try and defeat their ideas. Good on you, but I have no desire to squash your ideas, I'd rather just take your life and cleanse the gene pool of your genetics.
Your idea that the world can and will be some miraculous utopia says plenty about how askew your outlook is on the real world, and once the veneer is completely lifted your ideas will be totally worthless.
Oh don't worry, I will, we can't have him lose too badly or he'll quit as leader.
>what is private security
The only thing I need a state for is the creation of recreational nukes.
None of that exist in the real world you nigger cock holstering faggot.
No one fucking mixes on their own. They are usually always forced to by a third party.
Why does Chinatown exist 100 years later? It's very existence BTFO your entire kumbaiya faggot ideals and weak arguments.
Please try to further explain your cuck positions. I find it hilarious and fascinating. Like peering into the mind of a faggot.
Also "sage" goes into the options field
if you fight these things why don't you fight the Jews responsible for these things?
I worded it wrong, but simply, there are a higher percent of black recipients than white. Whites have a bigger number in total, but a much smaller percent of whites receive benefits.
>attn. all operators
Execute phase 4
>auth. code 730deltacharlie66
i dont really see the point of "trolling" people. im being perfectly sincere with my beliefs and stances. im opposed to donald trump, and thus expressed my views, it is you who's for some really lashing out at me and calling me a "child" for thinking a pleasant world is possible. you must be a really sad and damaged person if your outlook on life is so negative and monotonous, but i cant fix that.
im neither a girl nor a person who identifies as pansexual, so no, that is not my profile. i do support LGBT people though.
nigger, faggot, faggot, cuck, faggot. you need better vocabulary for your "insults". they are not very insulting or offensive.
>hurrdurr imma real person expressing my gender neutral feelings about the ideal world I saw when watching Netflix movies and cried.
>humanity is so beautiful that I watch the sunrise and shed a tear that we can't all love one another.....except for those fascists drump supporters who should die slow painful deaths that I fantasize about with razor blades and fire!
>fascist plebeian who thinks using "nigger" and "faggot" is getting to me. I'll tell him how ineffectual and gay he is without mentally transgressing against (actual) gay people.
Maybe kill yourselve tonight after your vegan ice cream dinner over Netflix