Norway BTFOd by best muslim girl
Norway BTFOd by best muslim girl
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>> Norwegian
>> army
HHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I bet they will fight by letting refugees rape them to death then apologize for it.
I wonder who's pulling the strings ending in Norwegians fighting someones battle far, far from their own land
I really, really wonder.
Haven't all the 'brave' muslim men fled to Europe by now anyway?
Can you post the non thumbnail image please?
Oy vey they are heros fighting for their country and freedom goy.
Yes. What a mystery...
are there enough men in norway to form up an army?
>Norway top notch quality guns from the 21st century
>The rest Probally has outdated soviet shit
>Be Norway
>Develop thorium reactor
>EU gets butthurt you shut off the oil
>Gets Russia to invade you
>Instead of fighting to liberate your country, go to Jordan
>Nazi zombie killer turned reporter dies
>(((((((aid endangered rebels))))))))
Hope they get incinerated by based russkies
Her own religion says so.
BAHAHAHA holy fuck.
>"Western" nation besides the US and UK attempts to actually do something in the world
>Gets fucking laughed at
>invade Syria
>make sure the war keeps going for as long as possible
>Syria can't properly export oil with the war raging
>oil prices stay up
>make more money than if Syria became peaceful
this is a good investment on Norway's part
What noble and courageous heroes, fighting Assad's terrorist state.
Meanwhile Drumpf is doing it all wrong:
imagine to be her pusy slave where you lick and worship she pusy and she makes this face and is in ecstasy
So what is this practice of including/louring/forcing foreign states military resources into conflicts where they obviously have no part in all about anyway?
a) US demands?
b) Globalists demands?
c) Peer pressure?
d) Opportunistic reasons like real battle experience?
e) Or what
Fake news. Not a single article about this, except for the site she is linking. Either it is complete bullshit, or the FSK is involved.
No shit it's fake.
probably just want to get some guys with combat experience to share with the recruits at home. struck a deal with Trump to get some lads on the line for the good of the country.
I can't wait until this stupid cunt is blown to bits
Norway has a thorium lftr?
or as several in here claims. Just fake news and bate taken.
I'm OK with this.
Norway has shitloads of Thorium
>probably just want to get some guys with combat experience to share with the recruits at home
This. Literally the only reason Nordics (and smaller countries in general) partake in shit abroad.
Most beta post I've seen this hour desu
Sorry to break it to you, man. Thats not an extacy face at all.
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
the worlds most abundant useless resource
>Norway sends their refugee welcoming committee.
>hands out leaflets and maps to the Norwegian embassy and how to get refugee status, a home and a job.
It's just a part of the special unit who partake in training of Iraqi units.
Are we talking about Thorium or Somalis?
Last time I checked the Norwegies actually have been pretty involved in the ME conflicts and have some pretty badass fighting forces out there.
Also this bitch is dumb.
No. Kirk hasn't been here doing his thing yet. Probably because thorium power is just a dream
I bet somalis will yield better energy output if you burn them than thorium utopia
Syria barely has any oil, just like Afghanistan
it was a shithole before the war and will long be a shithole, Arabs can't do shit
Okkupert was not a documentary.
I'm just astonished that there's an Algerian on this board. aren't we all supposed to be some sort of a weird breed of monkeys?
>tfw i grew up by the biggest deposit
it's an ancient volcano actually, although mostly eroded away
lots of mining there since forever
i used to work on the smelting factory thats been around since 1600 or so
americans mined there during ww2 as well to use for radiation shielding for bomb planes
i came across algerians multiple times and i haven't been here that long
What? Its the headline in every newspaper..
The women maybe. The men are skin and bones.
Ah. you mean MSM? I don't read MSN.
Weird. Guess they evolved somehow, In all honesty I haven't lurked around Sup Forums much lately.
That is her face of disappointment when you cum before you even get it in.
>to aid endangered rebels at border
>endangered rebels
the meme really has to stop
According to Norwegian Department of Defense, this is was a mission for training Iraqi forces back in 2014, ending in 2015. However, it seems like they have extended the commitment several years. Probably not fake news.
Norway is Saudi puppet, take a wild guess.
so where are you from algeriabro?
I gotchu
Oh I don't know. Maybe your politicians since you're a part of NATO?
Really man..?
Seems like a ploy to guilt Norway into taking "refugees"
I doubt being a Saudi Puppet, but someones puppet indeed. Typically behavior of someone desperate to join in in the big boys club. Disgusting ass licking indeed.
Algiers, bro, you?
Is Syriangirl even a Muslim? She seems like your typical agnostic right-wing milennial.
I mean, Norway it's not even in NATO or the EU, why the fuck they are doing this.
She's Australian to begin with, blogging from behind the protection of several thousand kilometers of water.
More like Norwegian authorities trying to prop up Norwegian self esteem on the global arena. For what gain, and for what cost?
Disgusting ass licking it is
most i met here are from Algiers
Member of NATO, and bastard member of EU
she said she's muslim on an interview with PJW
>not knowing how to properly green text
>refugee rape and cuck fetish
I really wonder who could be behind this (((post)))
>rebels get pinned down
>norwegian soldiers come in for the rescue
>get beheaded by the rebels
Hm. I see
Our former Prime minister runs NATO and yes we're in NATO
Muh dick
FSK gonna ruin some sandniggers days
"Endangered rebels"
Why the fuck are they fighting the side of Islamic State?
not really practising though, pretty sure she has dated Christians
We fight everyone, reasons are irrelevant.
cant we just send them all back and ban all middle eastern countries from entering the west? What a wonderful world that would be.
It's never good to have a whole generation without real combat experience
You're thinking of Sweden.
I realize it is hard for most Americans to understand that Europe isn't a country, so I will not assume you're retarded based on this ignorance alone.
Norwegian army is meme tier too.
Only proper Army in North Europe is Binland, that's a fact.
(not cocunting Norway's NATO help obv)
>attempts to actually do something in the world
Are you really this stupid? You think the military invasion is done with good intentions? Jesus Christ... you can't be this stupid.
Pls no bully
Our former ANTI NATO prime minister, I might add.
Valid point. Still I can't endorse.
Fighting a Syrian war is just playing the Greater Israel master plan, contributing to perpetual war, and forcing refugees towards Europe.
In the endgame net loss.
That's Sweden, Norway hands out leaflets explaining how difficult it is to get refugee status, thereby discouraging them from entering Norway.
They stay in Sweden or travel to Germany for the most part.
Who are the endangered rebels? The peshmerga?
The (((new syrian army))). Basically brigands that are fighting to partition syria by taking the iraqi border area.
Which in turn are referring to the same site she is linking.
syria girl is total waifu material.
Wish they would just stop getting involved in these foreign shit.
I might ad we gave 6 billion in support of soros foundations not so long ago to, and with our navy rescuing niggers off italy im starting to wonder how involved we are in this jew buisness.
>israels neighbours destabilized
>norways closest neighbour destabilized.
Are we gonna jew some clay when sweden falls? Like israel plans for syria?
It's funny because the Norges are going to rape those fucking guys.
This is just gonna be used as refugee ammo in the future, we get involved we get the blame for muh home destroyed and we get hundreds of thousands of leeches more.
>having so much money, safety and wealth that you don't take anything seriously
>knight a fucking penguin
Probably a mix of all those things, senpai. We are allies because our interests align. Norway isn't sending their lads out for nothing... There's something in it for Norway in the end.
Norway is Islamic country.
Norway will poke all the rebels