Who's your favourite neighbour?

I'll go first: The Netherlands.

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Likewise my boy

Yeah, lad. William Duke of Orange, best Monarch.

>a non-country
>merkels playground
>rising sea

It's you Nigel

Back to plebbit filthy Anglo

We are not neighbors. North Sea ftw

Yes we are.

I'd say north pole is second best, then

We've got Potato niggers next door and pickled sharks up to our north. It's gonna be you, as well.

J-Japan? We have nobody else to like...

Vassle states don't count, Burger.


Can't count you guys as a neighbor, your out dad

Your grandmother was probably Germanic or Nordic, raped by Angloniggers

Burgers these days lack identity. The UK jew got to u

Sure we did. It's not like we created their nation and gave them their ideals.

We aren't even neighbours, what the fuck.

That's like calling a friend that lives three streets away your favourite neighbour.

In that case, my favourite neighbour is Poland.

belarus I guess. their language is cute.

My family is actually pretty much 100% Murikan, no migrants for the past generations; my great grandpa was a native though

And Americans never really had an identity eccept "pew pew guns"


We have no one asides from Ireland.

Mate, we're an island. We don't have many options.

I guess Virginia.


Having no neighbours seems pretty chill to me.

Ireland is your only option Anglonigger

Repent yourself and beg Paddy for mercy

Apart from Ireland, the closest is Denmark with the Faeroe islands.


I'd rather usher in the second famine, than ask of anything from Ireland.



desu they both suck, but at least Canada isn't Mexico

The Atlantic Ocean.

Virgin Islands


There is no such thing as a 100% American

You are European race-mixers who live in a ''former'' colony. Like many other cucks

The one that doesn't exist

Jesus, project much?

Pacific is much better.

My family line has lived in the U.S. for over 150-200 years (Not counting the native), and the only POC in it was the native; the native makes it better, just makes me more Murikan.

Like is said before, go back to plebbit

Go back to Stormfront, fucking Larper!

Larping is for plebbits Achmed

Coming from the country which got raped Turks.


Mexico. Much better than Canadaniggers


No, it makes you a race-mixer without identity

So you create a new identity, and that's fine

With enough support you may also have a chance of a state. Because the future consists of ethno-states, idea-states and big fucking walls

>No, it makes you a race-mixer without identity

What part of "Native American" don't you understand?

shut up retard.

L A R P E R ! Most of you are fucking shills!

Language course not yet completed Achmed?

You have to go back, ask Nigel

Fake Image!!! where's Turkish flag?

>favourite neighbour


“Blood is greater than gold, a dirt clod is greater than a stock portfolio, honor is greater than the highest dividend, the folk stands taller than the sum of its business-transactions.”

educate yourself Britbong.

I've got dyslexia.


In the garbage, next to your stinky flag

>op under proxy

Same to yourself, fake country.

>tfw you hate all your neighbors and your neighbors hate you.
Romania I guess.

I thought you were alright with Montenegro?

>''My family is actually pretty much 100% Murikan, no migrants for the past generations; my great grandpa was a native though''

Race-mixed in need of new identity

I'm not your enemy, we all need identity

t. Northern Ireland

Murikana is my identity...

>your neighbors hate you

All irrationally I'm sure

fair enough. enjoy the replacement

fuck everyone hates us
i'll say Lithuania cuz Commonwealth

Puerto Rico. Become a state already PR and join your real family in America.

I plead the 5th.

The USA. I can gang rape white women, gives welfare and will be 100% hispanic in less than a decade.

One of the few problems with living in the US is that if you go down you've got a bunch of shit and if you get a bunch of leaf faggots


Our greatest ally, New Zealand.

Definitely NOT the ones that are having a party on their terrace right now and blasting the fucking Black Eyed Peas and the Spice Girls. Christ alfuckingmighty.

The Duke of Earl of Earl of Duke



Trumpland is devided for a reason. The tacowall will be just the beginning. Before you know it, states are breaking apart because South Africa implodes

Actually laughed

North Pole*

>Not wanting to live in the country of north carolina, instead of the state on north carolina


every time I hear a party loud enough somewhere, I hear cringe music like that.


Uruguay. Top notch lads.


I got poco and leafs im going poco because at least hes a hard worker

OP and his proxies, keeping these threads alive


top kek


If you're going overseas anyway...

Finland. I know they hate us, but at least they have never been a pain in the ass. And spurdo.

I'm Hurtbroken

Great Brittain

the atlantic ocean is the clear winner and also best ocean

Love you too Anglobros, I feel like we have more in common with you than with the Krauts.

Western-German languages, nautical empires, inventors of capitalism and individualism, compatible mentalities and such.

Pls drag us away with you from the evil union.


in bangladesh they chop up people with machetes for blogging about muhammad, what did you expect?

Back at you buddy


Nah, we south asians are used to worse in daily basis, none here has a upper ground in moral in this.

Hard to choose, both Finland and Russia have a lot of great qualities, Sweden can go fuck itself though.

Just fucking kill me.