They are giving him a medal for being such a madman

No, that's the 2017 service medal for CSGO.

I agree OP, shitskins being so scared of him they're offering him gold is pretty funny.

Holy shiite

At least he didn't kiss Mohamed's hand


I notice his left arm is prepared to snap that manlets neck the second he makes a wrong move

also he is single handedly bolstering our national gold reserve

also Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC for leaking podestas emails to wikileaks

What's his end-game?

*unsheaths scimitar*

just like any US president after Franklin Roosevelt he is nothing but jewish-wall street shill, anyway rednecks will defend this, so there is only one solution total annihilation of hwite ameretards

the saudis really are kikes!!!

the nose knows

sa is honestly pretty fucking based

they respect trump, they have their women on a leash, no sjw bullshit/antifa there.

>trump bows his head only to accept a medal from the manlet saudi king
>trump grabs saudi king, using him to maintain his balance
>trump readjusts the medal, insulting the saudi king in the process
Yeah, shareblue; Trump is definitely a cuck!

This is what post-gamergate conservatism does to your brain, folks.

Honestly I can totally see how it looks bad but to me it looks more like them supplicating.

Not a fan of Trump either.

This is good. Saudi's ate gonna proxy war with Iran and leave our boys the fuck out of it. King nigger Obongo wanted tp strengthen Iran and ultimately get our men killed fighting the inevitable war with Iran.

Three real joke is on those that wanted to see US service men die. Now you will get to watch Saudi's slaughter Iranians en masse, with our equipment.

This is absolutely based.

this is all trumpcucks could say. meanwhile that 'manlet' king is basically trump's boss



Low quality bait sir. Cyka

>This thread again
>There's no clasp on the back of this medal.
>Trump is 6'2. He has to duck.

he's 81 years old, hunched back, in his prime the King was probably a good 6'2-6'3

I don't understand this shit.
Militarily UK could fuck up Saudi Arabia in a fight.
Fucking easy.
With no help. Arabs can't fight. They need western especially burger and bong help.
They can burrow into the sand and eat oil kebabs to hide for a while, but our lads would fucking savage those dune runners.
The solution is easy. Destroy the house of Saud, send in the boys. Problem SORTED.

Seeing Trump bowing is fucking sickening. He should be decking the cunt. Square fists up.
We bongers have fucked the middle east up a few times. We can do it again.

Top kek. Can you imagine Her Majesty bowing to some sweaty brown sand dwelling goat herder.
NO FUCKING CHANCE. The lads wouldn't have it.
And you fucking Yanks let your President do this.

>Trump is 6'2

Literally inclining because the Saudi is a manlet who wouldn't be able to put him the necklace otherwise.

Muslim master giving collar to american dog.
Prepare you woman theyr next

those fags did 9/11


>Saudi's ate gonna proxy war with Iran and leave our boys the fuck out of it

pol has always been pro saudi
obama hate was just satire

doesn't matter

>bowing head to accept a medal
you people are beyond fucking stupid.

this jamón ibérico gets it.

I pity the fool.

I guessed astronauts would have THC and other pure extractions to apply directly to the skin rather than pointless volume/weight and useless fiber going up.


>The solution is easy. Destroy the house of Saud, send in the boys. Problem SORTED.

You're retarded. Remove the house of Saud and you still have to deal with 20 million retarded, rabid dogs sitting on billions of dollars worth of primarily US and UK weapons. This is in fact what is eventually going to happen thanks to low oil prices.

it's not about bowing. it's the whole visit and the deal being made. 300 bn in weapons sales is just gonna make it that much harder for american forces to deal with it in the future

We're retarded


Just wait until you see how much he bitches up in his speech tomorrow.

He just did a curtsy

Obama might be a tipping/bowing faggit but at least he didn't sell KSA $300billion worth of armament.

You do realise that Trump is now, historically speaking, the greatest military benefactor of KSA.

someone has chronically skipped the leg day

>Obama bows to the king
>Trump brings unveiled women and jews

Straight up gangster

Shouldn't you be in summer school?