Who here is a unemployed? Who here is looking for work?

Who here is a unemployed? Who here is looking for work?

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I'm 21 and already have offers for the time after uni

You're hacks

I have three jobs. I do my duty to keep the weak and useless unemployed.

>currently working from home making 70k
>hate my job so much i'd unironically take a pay cut to get a job where i have to go somewhere to work

>trying to brag about having offers
nobody cares

I got two jobs at the side of studying they pay pretty good

I hate working.
what ever happened to 5-6 hours shifts? all I see is some shitty dead end factory job demanding 14 hours a day. what the fuck?

I'm kind of work-averse tbqdesu.

if i had 20 eurocents everytime i heard this....

OP is 24 (25 by the And of the month). Out of college and struggling to get a full time job.

Been for almost a year now despite good credentials

I work at a place that starts at 11 an hour and we they hire niggers out of jail. Being unemployed is pathetic.

what was your major

what have you been doing since college, and how long has it been

Trying to get a part time help desk job while i go to school for CS

im not interested in full time software development just practical applications for net and infosec

My job is redpilling nornies...
My friend Mike taught me.

The Internal Enemy of America
Dr. James Wickstrom

NEET here, no I don't search for work, just live from gibs.

Go to a fucking employment agency you goddamn NEET

working is for slaves.

I just applied to Office Depot, but I don't want to be a wagie.

I'm an unemployed Male Nurse. I have gone through years of periods of unemployment as an RN. Misandry is a reality in Nursing, mistake of my life trying to get out.