Knob gobblers had it coming
Wtf I hate chechnya now!
What an awkward way to phrase it
>Hitler wants to close the kosher community by the end of the year
Based Nohcha
nothing bad with chechnya
THEY ARE GASSING ALL THE GAYS! reports a gay man who escaped the camps! Also mentions chamber of rotating knives
what's wrong with that? Chechens are based.
Muslim majority country.
Smells like holohoax shit to me
Chechnyans did Beslan school.
LOL Checnyans.
Chechynans = alpha Muslims who kill gays
Russians = betas orthodox christcucks who pander to faggots
Mashallah Doing god work my brothers
Have some shame Sup Forums homosexuality has been found throughout human history. There is nothing wrong with it. Men are still men whatever their sexuality.
Chechens are doing what every single one of us WANT to do but CANT.
Chechnya is literally the most based place on Earth right.
I heard that they hate ar*bs is that true?
Idk never met them
Muslims don't hate Muslims. Of course a fucking leaf would make that mistake. is your next question whether chechens eat pork?
Chechnya is great. More of this please.
so? how close are they?
Nothing of value will be lost.
Forgetting handrubbers, dune coons, niggers and the whole nine yards I believe furries, bronies, animefags should be rounded up en masse worldwide similar to what they're doing in Russia with these degenerates.
Chechnya are arabs, dumbfuck
>Muslims don't hate Muslims
Are you retarded? There are 10 cases I can list off the top of my head of Muslim countries hating other Muslim countries.
whats going in that pic?, looks like hes gonna stab him in the head?
>Muslims don't hate Muslims
Actually NO, they hate Dagestanians, and other muslims.
Dags also hate them.
You realize he's an Islam supporter and that's why he's doing this right?
Fuck off, fucking traitor scum.
You dont even deserve to be treated like a human, you fucking flithy piece of shit.
Hope you lose everyone you love in life
D-do they?
They are whites idiot. I bet u think Turks are Arab too.
I believe he was implying yes they're full of sandniggers and it's no wonder a leaf has to ask.
pick one and only one
>Chechens are white
>yfw your country is run by a literal forum neckbeard
this is why we need WHITE SHARIA now
>white russians
They probably will. Top kek
I will post this all over the internet and harvest the lqbtpxáñ/SJW tears
its another holocaust
Punished JonTron
Aesthetically speaking, that is a beautiful picture. There is so much going on, and it all harmonizes and fits in. It looks like something from the renaissance artists
The way he has his hand concealed in his sleeve I'd say he has a wrench or something
Qe need to bomb the fuck out of them to protect the gay community. America is about freedom and killing a bunch of Nazis fucks going after gays is a holy cause
Thats it mane
>moor rape-baby
No, they are not.
100 down, 70 000 to go?
how do they spin this as Putin/Russia's fault
All the gays - join the army of kek. Otherwise - GAS.
DEUS VULT, gays. It is time. Take your pet sjw-s as ammo carriers. You will need the help.
>literal muslims
shit people, should be gassed along with turks.
This is one more example of the leftard hypocrites. They criticize Russia for homophobia and will not say a word about Chechnya and its sharia regime.
>love muslims
Why i'm not surprised
> Gay Rights
> Transgender Rights
> Minority Rights
>loves faggotry and multiculturalism
Because muslims will bite back so they blame it on the christians who won't do shit.
You are not a man anymore if you take dick inside you.
tbqh, Christians are cucks who made their bed.
nothing wrong
And what are you supposed to be?
that's just like, your opinion man
>siding with mudslimes
pleb level slav muslim scum. give me a gay over these cunts anyday, at least I can go to bed at night knowing that its very unlikely that it's very unlikely that a faggot will blow me/someone I know up where as muslims on the other hand
We are kind of atheist pagans.
fuck off queer
Muslim communities are gay, ask any soldier.
it's real
Haven't u a goat to be fucking subhuman filth
Rip aids ppl who ear da poopoo
You do realize that majority of gays are leftist so they support immigration which means that Muslims are in your country because they allowed them to live in there you bongass faggot
How much cleaner and less child predators should be reported after gay removal
> switching from one child predator to other
Mudslimes are closetgays.
And you have the nerve to call christians cucks. That's funny.
But they are...
does chechnya have mines they can be sent to be slaves in?
Coming soon in Turkey. I hope.
How close are they now, its may 20th
>blaming gays for the Islamification of the west
Nice try but I'm not buying it you oil drinking wanker
i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
at least someone has the courage to stick up to degeneracy
i read that as gay communists at first
go gas yourself kike
wtf I love Chechnya now
Sultan Erdogan will do the job
>white Islamic technocracy
wtf i love Chechnya now
>You are not a man anymore if you take dick inside you.
So frotting is ok, got it.
Try harder next time, kid.
>Not blaming the people who let us in in the first place
back to plebbit you idiot.
so the gays are the new jews, and russians are now nazis
that makes Putin the Hitler
So who is Trump in this reality?
Would be ashame if all those cucks disappeared from Europe, you guys would obviously be more right wing with all those atheists.
shame, what a waste.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder.
Am I white?