I infiltrated an American ANTIFA under the guise of being a comrade from Europe.

Ask me anything and tell me what to report if there's any interest.

is cult (y/n)?

NYC hang out locations.

Don't tell us anything and attempt to work your way into the leadership. Try to find who the higher ups are and most importantly the financiers. The lower level people do not matter.
Use the excuse of being a communication coordinator between European and American as a justification for leadership promotion.

the group is not from that area.

fair enough.

that was more or less idea but they are mostly dumb white kids who lack any "street skills" and few older drug addicts.

I haven't had a chance to get the idae about (direct) funding but most certainly The Alliance for Global Justice is giving funds. If not directly, then at least by coordinating, but that's not a secret I guess.

are they really as brainwashed as they seem? do they even talk about politics that much or do they just kinda sperg rage and signal nonstop to one another.

Is it true that they push their own bullshit against each other like a cult? Like, do they enforce pronouns and jump down each others throats for the smallest micro aggression (the left eating itself)

Then ignore the street level people. Go after this Alliance for Global Justice if you can.
Get buddy with the person of contact who is distributing the funds to the antifa street group. Work up from there.
Justify your approach with a desire to expand your group's activities - that you guys are not doing enough.

I'm not in a position to go after the alliance, it takes a great amount of time and ambition.
Yes they are, there are things such as 'code of conduct' etc, They are brainwashed.

Why don't you do it? Much easier to do it if you're from the U.S.

Well, if you're going to take that approach then putting it bluntly, your presence really doesn't matter.
But getting the name of the contact would be a start.

Find out the people in charge though. They have to have a leader and then some sort of regional leaders. You can easily make up an excuse to get info about them- say you want to share some ideas about being more effective or building PR but you need to get in contact with the leaders to see if your ideas are viable. You can have an idea or two for flyers or something, things that won't be super helpful but look like you're interested in spreading their message.

I'm doing a favour out of my good will for you guys, it's not my job to fight for your country.

If your own men had any balls you wouldn't have antifa and other scum ruling your streets.

We're really not that bad over here. I guess you estis are okay as well, though you do have the Russian steamroller next door. Not much you can do about that.
Western europe is a different story though.

Antifa is a minor nuisance compared to the various methods of legalized corruption within the US government.

What are examples from the Code of Conduct?

we can handle Russians and in if necessary we are ready to fight. thank you, all the best.

"Deliberate misgendering. This includes deadnaming or persistently using a pronoun that does not correctly reflect a person’s gender identity. You must address people by the name they give you when not addressing them by their username or handle" --

these things are also from FOSS world, looks like one communist wrote that shit and now they try to spread it everywhere.

This goes bigger than "fighting americas fight" it effects us all. Do your part. Step up. Trust me. This is spreading to South Africa where we do not have much of our own independant thought. Much is coppied and sucked in by what is seen socially from the USA

kek there is an ANTIFA group ( somewhat ) near me

Is the practice of ANTIFA black magic and mystery not illegal in the UK ?

Shield or no shield, I bet you could tip that fat bitch like a cow