Petrodollar Thread

The US dollar is backed by oil. This is why it is the reserve currency of the world. How it works:

>Sunni monarchies in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, etc.) have currencies pegged to the US dollar.
>This effectively allows the United States to print oil and the mudslides to pump dollars.
>It's a symbiotic relationship the lubes the engine of global energy markets, i.e. all international energy agreements are denoted in US issued debt.

In b4 "But the United States has plenty of oil, fuck those sand niggers"

>It's not about controlling physical oil, but global oil MARKETS.
>Hydrocarbon energy is still the foundation of most modern economies because it is an essential input in the cost of production.
>Everyone needs energy and everyone needs dollars to purchase it on international markets.
>The US can essentially print assets in other people's countries without devaluation of the currency in a way that no other country can.

So if you're wondering why Donald Trump is playing nice with the Saudis, it's because we need eachother in this oligopolistic, cartel like market structure to maintain our abilities to import above the real value of the goods we produce.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good post, I 've been wondering why we don't often have threads on the petrodollar.

If Americans weren't spineless bitches they would take the Oil by force.

Saudis need us more than we need them.

Best post I've seen all day. We need more of these

Bump. More people know about this shit. Here's a good video explaining it.

>what is the Iraq War?

a good start?
US should take all the oil by force.
Just bomb em to shit and then extract the oil and sell it directly for a mximum PROFIT.
But they're cucks and afraid to get blown up.

Let the cuck believe his delusions when he can't protect even his borders.

If we weren't under Murrican Occupation we would have already gassed all the Subhumans (like your kind).

Yeah yeah.

>A good and informative non-slide thread on Sup Forums
Wtf am i dreaming?

I want to know if the muh russia narrative has something to do with BRICS attempting to threaten the petrodollar hegemony

oil should cost a penny a barrel, there is plenty of it, no need to give a fuck, we're paying way too much for this shit

>US should take all the oil by force.

What exactly do you think happened to the oil fields of Iraq after the war?
Do you think that they're know US Army Corps of Engineers property or something?

They were contracted out to many international oil companies, most of whom weren't even American.
(pic related)


And we don't have enough oil, contrary to the propaganda.

More important than the currency peg is that oil can only be bought in US dollars. Which means every single country must hold massive amounts of USD reserves. Also the OPEC countries must invest all their profits in US T-bills. You can the Mr.Kissinger for this arrangement

>us spends 1.1 trillion of taxpayer money on the war
>government gives well access to private companies that make their money off the american taxpayers
>americans will actually defend this

this can all be traced to one single man, lawrence of arabia
as you see, the eternal anglo strikes again

BRICS was a meme from the very beginning.
Now Brazil is in a depression, Russia just had a two year recession and will continue to stagnate as long as oil prices don't rise.
China is a debt accident waiting to happen and India is just India.
And South Africa... Why was South Africa even included in that meme?

Why don't we just do American regime change in Saudi Arabia? They're so weak and pathetic they'd get BTFO in minutes. Who would stop us? Other countries that have been victims of Saudi/Israeli backed regime change?

Seriously. We can actually bring democracy to a total shit hole that deserves it and keep our petro dollar at the same time. Why hasn't this been brought up there are literally ZERO downsides.

it's because the wars are for israeli interests (among others) the petrodollar is just smokescreen horseshit designed to delude you into thinking you're actually getting some benefit

No one can seriously be this retarded right?
The cost of the war effort was more than the oil was ever worth.

moslty shell wich is british
and they think usa won the independence war

It made sense at the time. LBJ cucked us by implementing The Great Society and ramping Vietnam up. By the time Nixon got into office, the rest of the world figured out that us burgers were spending a lot of money on war and welfare, and started exchanging their USDs for gold at $35/oz. We went from 20,000T of gold down to 8,000T, and, in 1971, Nixon closed the gold window "temporarily," though it is still closed today.

The free floating dollar led to the stagflation of the 1970s, and the super high interest rates of the '80s, as well as the petrodollar system that was used help stabilize our currency. The dollar almost crashed, and the US defaulted on its obligations under Bretton Woods.

The USD has been a pure fiat currency since 1971, and the average lifespan of pure fiats is something like 25-30 years. The only reason that it has lasted as long as it has is because we get to export our inflation.

How exactly should that happen in a absolute monarchy you retarded fatburger?

Saudis have you cucks by the balls, see your cuck president bowing to their king you total idiot.

More than 60% of US oil imports now come from your own hemisphere.
Canada alone makes up 50% of your oil imports now.

We are getting benefit, leaf. We get to create new digital USDs for near free and then suck your tar sands dry.


And when the petrodollar crashes, it won't matter what hemisphere the oil is in. It's not going to cross our border unless we have something to replace the petrodollar system with.

what an amazing coincidence that the wars that israel, corporate media, banking and the mil-indus all want are also completely beneficial to the american people, truly we are all winners

How fucking retarded are you?
>How exactly should that happen in a absolute monarchy you retarded fatburger?
The point is we kick the shit out of Saudi Arabia and remove it's monarchy and place our own puppet who is beholden to the US you low IQ shitskin. Saudi Arabia has money but they are MUCH more dependent on us than we are on them.

>Saudis have you cucks by the balls, see your cuck president bowing to their king you total idiot.
Nice joke Ahmed, except the medal didn't have a clasp and our 6'2 alpha had to duck for a second so your manlet king could give him the medal.
Watching you sweat bullets over this idea is only making it more tempting to get it to go mainstream.

Haha Go to sleep Hans, you're drunk.

Doesn't change the fact that we pay you in a currency where the Fed creates new dollars with a few keystrokes and you give us your crude. It doesn't change the fact that the rest of the world either has to buy USDs outright or ship us goods to get the USDs so that it can purchase oil.

Bump. The goyims must know.

We "need" the pertodollar because it forces all the nations of the Earth to use United States Dollars. It's creating an artificial demand for the USD, and this is why our currency is worth anything at all at this point.

It's not the oil itself. It's controlling the global market for oil.

OP understands it. It's not about us "having the oil" or whatever. It's about forcing everyone on earth to use United States Dollars.

>Kick the shit out of Saudi Arabia
>Just like that

The cost of that project will ruin your fucking economy you complete braindead redneck. Iraq is like a little baby compared to the Saudis and see how that turned out for you. You will literally make ZERO profit out of that since you will spend more than that oil will ever be worth you literal illiterate mongrel.

They just stop selling oil to you and you can ride horse trucks again you fucking shitlord.


>Fed creates new dollars with a few keystrokes and you give us your crude
You know that devalues your savings right? Hey maybe the trillions you spend on wars will lower the cost of gas and it'll even out

Thanks OP.
2:00 marker

US share of global GDP 17% and declining.
USD share of international transactions is over 40%.
Circulation of USD must be maximum to maintain the appearance of health in the aging patient. Otherwise there could be a shock.


>Muh 2% inflation bankers

Of course it does. The system is built on perpetual exponential growth, which isn't going to happen forever. It won't seem like a problem and then it will all of a sudden be an overwhelming problem. What people don't get is that we have to spend, or the system collapses.

But the fact remains, that you're giving us the energy from your tar sands in exchange for something with no intrinsic value.

Why the fuck would the US invade a country that is aligned with them?

The reason it has been going back up is because the Saudi's started raising production to out compete fracking. Interestingly enough fracking companies have been forced to innovate making fracking cheaper. Making the Saudi's shit themselves so they began lowering production. However Iran just got back in the global oil market so they are raising production therefore out imports haven't started decreasing yet.

I dont know why you keep deflecting to canada's export, are you 12 and just found out about fiat currency?

HAHAHAHA holy fuck you're a dumb nigger. The only thing protecting Saud is the US and our symbiotic relationship. The Saud's have state of the art military equipment supplied by us and still get BTFO by mountain niggers in Yemen. It won't be anywhere near as bad as Iraq and you're a fucking retard to believe that. We could take over and remove the symbiotic bullshit and just have a US puppet state.

>B-but we trade the oil in US dollars
And you think this gives you power over us? We can still do that after we can your retarded caliphate.

>The cost of that project will ruin your economy
No we just have to not give a fuck about protecting them or selling the weapons and let literal mountain niggers from Yemen take over. The Saud's are weak, spineless pieces of shit that would do what the Iraqi army did when we invaded. They'd scatter like fucking roaches and head to Goymoney as '''refugees''' like yourself.

>They just stop selling oil to you and you can ride horse trucks again you fucking shitlord.
And then we take over and keep selling oil to ourselves that's the fucking point Jesus fuck I understand you are an inbred shitskin but even then you should have your limits on how retarded you are.

We borrowed our way into a corner then. We're doing it again now. Historically global debt levels this high have always meant war. We seem to be the exception right now, but for how much longer

>why Donald Trump is playing nice with the Saudis
he's playing nice with saudis because saudis are main US partner in middle east. he's playing extra nice because jewry forced him to pressure saudis into backing off from their deal with russia

Because Americans are benefiting from this. Your claim is that the forays don't benefit us, but only benefit Israel are patently false and you giving us your oil for fiat with no intrinsic value are an example of Americans getting a direct benefit from the Petrodollar system, thus proving your claim false.

>it's because the wars are for israeli interests (among others) the petrodollar is just smokescreen horseshit designed to delude you into thinking you're actually getting some benefit

We print, and you give to us, not Israel. It's really not a hard concept to grasp here.

Fun Fact: In late 2000, Saddam started selling oil for Euros.

If we lose the petrodollar system and don't replace it with something similar, there will be starvation in the US. So no, the petrodollar is not a smokescreen. It is simply a trap of our own making.

Ok then if you are so fucking smart why are you fucktard burgers not just doing it?


>but only benefit Israel
Way to read the quote in your own post and conflate two separate points moron. You are actually arguing that spending trillions in taxes and devaluing everyone's savings, gives your currency value enough to buy from canada more oil which somehow benefits the common person?

That was... the literal point... of my initial question. Why aren't we doing this? Why aren't more people asking this question? Why not start asking it and getting it mainstream... lol

And you fucktard can not imagine that it MAYBE is not that easy?

It actually is it's just that people don't care enough and politicians won't do anything about it until there are enough people asking because they're getting money in the meantime,

First, it is spelled (((petrodollar))).

At issue is (((petrodollar))) recycling.

All oil transactions are conducted in USD and money transfers go through the SWIFT bank.

If you want to buy oil you have to turn your national currency into some USD and pay the (((exchange))) rate.

The Saudis are one of the worlds top oil producers and have the worlds most proven reserves. We have a "special relationship" with Saudi Arabia. The global oil market is constantly sending the Saudis a fresh supply of USD cash money.

The US (((Federal Reserve Bank))) - a subsidiary of (((Goldman Sachs))) - issues IOUs called Treasury Notes. The Saudis buy these Treasuries with a promise that we will pay them back in 30 years with 1% interest. The Saudis pay for the T-bills in USD cash money from oil sales and the Fed loans this new money out to commercial banks at 1% so the (((banks))) can loan it back out to you for 3-23% interest. Or, this cash money for T-bill sales is borrowed by the Federal Govt to finance govt gibs. This is called monetizing the debt and it is the thing that keeps our fake economy moving. 50% of all govt gibs are paid for with printed money.

Saddam Hussein had to die because he was illegally selling oil directly to the France in Euros at a deep discount. Once he got enough Euros he was going to start his own oil exchange denominated in Euros.

Qaddafi had to die because he was going to start his own oil exchange denominated in gold backed African Dinars.

Any threat to the USD oil exchange or our "special relationship" with the Saudis is an existential threat to the US and Western economies. Take a look at the Argentine financial collapse of the 90s or Venezuela today. Starvation, Road Warrior levels of crime, rioting in the streets.

Russia is also making a play for its own oil exchange. This is why Russia and the west are making various plays in the middle east and neighboring countries like Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.

Haha yeah

>Lets just go full world dictators and invade a country for no reason

>What is UN
>What is diplomacy
>What is US reputation
>What are international laws

Yep literally NO DOWNSIDE SEEN in invading the country where Mecca is located, that will surely not end up in innocent Murrican deaths for the most horrendous terror that will make 9/11 look like a childrensĀ“ birthday party


fuck off reddit shithead

>America should take that oil by force.
For the same reason as everything else. It's simpler and CHEAPER to let the Saudis do it.

As soon as the petrodollar crashes the parasites who exploited it will move on leaving the little guy to deal with the fallout.


This user gets it

Alright heres the petrodollar redpill. I didnt read the thread but i dont think anyone spilled the redpills yet.
Ask yourself: Why does the oil back the dollar?
The answer: because OPEC is ONLY trading it in dollar.
What does this mean and why is this important for this thread and for almost all middle eastern wars?
To answer this we must look at the tyrans, the ones given this title by the US.
Lets start with Saddam.
What did he do to deserve death?
>He owned weapons of mass destruction.
No sweety.
Saddam wanted to sell oil for EURO which would have dumped the worth of the petrodollar.
Next one. Gaddafi.
Why did he have to go?
>Because he was genociding some mudlsimes.
No sweety. He wanted to trade the oil for EUROS. Plus he wanted to introduce the goldstandard, which pissed of the Rothshilds and Goldbergkikenosejews so double reason to be removed.
Next one. Happening just now: Assad..
Why does he have to go? He seems like a cool guy that fights for the right reasons.
No Sweety, he also wants to trade oil for EUROS and thus he has to die and the jews are going in hard right now.

So to conclude: Why are the Saudis so cool even tho they are the biggest supporters of terrorism? Hm...
Yes Sweety! They trade alot of oil for Dollars and they like it.

The economy is the basis for every successful country and there will never be prosperty and peace without good economics.
Its the very basis for modern human life, so one might argue that keeping the petrodollar up is keeping the US alive and the sacrifices might even be worth it.

Or one could just slaughter the jews, make the FED state property and introduve a goldstandard, but killing random mudslimes is cool with the jews so hey... you go USA!!

Oh fuck no, no one makes a bitch out of Britan except America, prepare to be nuked Arab trash. Fuck you and your oil.

Are you a retard ?

>No we just have to not give a fuck about protecting them or selling the weapons and let literal mountain niggers from Yemen take over. The Saud's are weak, spineless pieces of shit that would do what the Iraqi army did when we invaded. They'd scatter like fucking roaches and head to Goymoney as '''refugees''' like yourself.

Then what dip shit...

Also imagine that scenario you just described but instead Russia comes in and says we'll protect you just do exactly what you did with the USA.

Ah fuck... I am asking a Russian shill board NVM

>>This effectively allows the United States to print oil and the mudslides to pump dollars.
>>The US can essentially print assets in other people's countries without devaluation of the currency in a way that no other country can.

Can you explain these more? I understand that the US can print more dollars, which is equivalent to printing more of the only currency you can buy oil in. But why does printing more currency not devalue it? If there are more US dollars in existence, then won't the price of oil (even denominated in USD) rise?

Calling all shills. If you're starting to question what you know. Read this. Us right wing retards are not the enemy.

I'm not saying obliteration of your awful patch of God forsaken wasteland is the way to go.
But you are a disgusting and squalid disgrace to human development.
To settle your argument you couldn't fight American for 30 seconds before your old-manarcy (when everyone pretends to be royalty no one really is) exploded or hid in cracks in the wall with bags full of dollars.
Now shut up

Well until we've removed our troops from the field and stop acting like the world police, and nationalize our banks, and start taking care of our communities and cities, we'll be hated by the rest of the world just as much as people hated the national socialist party in 1945. And it's not going to happen, not with those kikes up in Washington DC and world wide.

i swear to god

This. The ultimate redpill that needs to be spammed moar.

Shell is Dutch you fool.

That picture is kinda hot.

It's the exact same reason getting off the gold standard was one of the best things that could happen.

Imagine if Africans could dig up gold in their country and buy meaningful assets in ours?

Kissinger is the best Jew.

His own lust for power and relevance was achieved through helping his team. An evil goddamn genius playing for our team.

heres a good article to support your post:

Oh okay sorry I forgot we were living in your pretend world.

This and KSA and Iran are rivals.
Also, you forgot to mention the origin of the petro dollar and Kissenger OP.

alot of the stuff is on plain wikipedia you just have to read and draw the lines

If they wanted to swap the dollar for the Euro then why would Euro countries support american intervention and even join in with them?

why aren't the EU in a war with USA instead of "greatest allies" ?
shorter one btw comments are good. Even if you accept the petrodollar notion, it doesnt mean it benefits the average citizen that's absurdity to a new level.

look at europe what happens when americans sell houses for the wrong prices and ask again
(hint: 2008)


>so one might argue that keeping the petrodollar up is keeping the US alive and the sacrifices might even be worth it.

I will argue this, to an extent.

Petrodollar is entrenched in our economy, and abruptly ripping it out would result in economic catastrophy. I'm all for getting rid of it, but (((they))) really boxed us in with this one.

As good as this post is, you almost literally JUST missed the post spilling the redpills; see
Good shit overall. IMO there should be daily petrodollar threads for all those anons who miss this via the sliding

Beyond the fact that you would be blown up before you could train troops, your countries benefit from a favorable relationship with the US.

A citizen of Ukraine makes about $2000 per year. The have an IQ equal to the average brit, and work just as many days.

They export tons of natural resources and have capable citizens but can't get an edge in this world.

When things start looking like they do in Ukraine then war will sound better, but you will still be too poor and unequiped to do it.

still just as confused

the us economy goes boom = the eu economy goes boom
they are far too connected that one can survive the other crashing


The US can survive the EU crashing.

Check your gdp against ours. Nearly the entire world (except china) has been in recession since 2014.

Not the case here.

yes i know this
you can atleast recover faster and also bail out states since you are a republic and the eu a pile of shit

germany exports 50% of its gdp you like 14%

It will cause a shitstorm in the entire Muslim world if infidel troops are controlling Mecca.

Good, then we can formally start the crusade and wipe em out

>why was SA part of BRICS meme

Cause after being freed from apartheid they were set to become global economic KANGS

>create new digital USDs for near free
>implying thats how USD's get printed
All countries do this, currencies aren't backed by shit, just fiat. Also, the amount of money in the economy is determined by private banks, if the banks loan money, supply goes up and if they aren't confident to loan because people aren't paying back due to hard times then the supply goes down.

>b-b-but the central bank controls the amount of money circulating in the economy.

No, and it hasn't been like this for decades, since digital money came to be which put the fractional reserve banking system on steroids. Bank gets 1000$ then "loans" 1000$ by simply typing some numbers into another persons account.
>inb4 its actually 999,90 loaned coz much reserve
Regardless, the money circulating doesn't depend on central banks but on commercial banks.

93 fucking percent % of (money) in the economy is ((credit)), 80+% is commercial bank credit where they type in some numbers on your account.

like this from 1000k that 1 person has in their account another person now also has 1000 in their account.

what we really should do is set up a day and all go withdraw all our money from the banks. If enough people do this we could cause an "economic collapse". 8Since the banks won't have enough reserves to pay all the only back)

Can't do this in the US. Even taking out large sums is subject to have fees.

because that worked out so well when we tried it in Iran.

Cause the royal family is the only thing stopping the MB and ISIS from taking over