where's the 4d chess in this visit/deal with Saudi Arabia? is there a hidden redpill we aren't understanding?
what should the non-blind trump supporter think of what went down today
where's the 4d chess in this visit/deal with Saudi Arabia? is there a hidden redpill we aren't understanding?
what should the non-blind trump supporter think of what went down today
Hopefully he told the Saudis that he will put a stranglehold on their oil money so fast their heads will spin if they don't do what he wants
In exchange they get our weapons
He's a neo-con and Saudi slave just like his predecessors. Just admit it, he was never /ourguy/ we made him /ourguy/
>what should the non-blind trump supporter think of what went down today
The Saudis getting more weaponry and spreading their terrorism is good for Israel.
Israel controls the US government. Pretty damn simple desu.
>where's the 4d chess
Does there need to be one on a first presidential visit?
Trump needs a big distraction from the Comey fallout
A yuuuge speech in the middle east could help that
the Comey firing was obviously a distraction from something else, but i have no idea what
its a weapons sale. we need that to help the balance of trade, what else can we export?
> sells arms to ISIS
> wants a regime change in Syria
Trump = Clinton
you got tricked
The Saudi king came out and met Trump on the tarmac personally. Obama was met by some prince who was governor of Riyadh last time he visited. That should tell you a lot
I will admit: Trump saying "fuck off" to the Saudis -- for 9/11, for mosquing up my ancestral land (Europe) -- was a huge part of why I voted for him. Disappointed.
im not disagreeing with you on that, he does some pretty Jewish shit
but this has some bigger picture connotations to it
Ideally (in a perfect Trump presidency) he does this deal to get a huge sum of money for the US, while giving the sand people guns to further tear each other apart.
Saudi Arabia's terror problems have largely been internal for the most part (Muslims v Muslims, connections with ISIS who kill more Muslims, etc)
Maybe he's aiding the process of the Middle East turning into a Mad Max level sand people death trap
Yeah, but id rather have trump over clinton any day.
The Saudis clearly have more respect for Trump than for 0. That's true -- but to what end will Trump leverage that respect?
It's called world peace. Don't be such a 1488 fag.
why can't saudi arabia invent and research their OWN weapons? why are they so stupid? and why are we so stupid to keep selling them weapons to "protect" themselves instead of wiping them our and christianizing the whole peninsula
We already had peace with Saudi Arabia. If anything, doubling down on our alliance seems to risk a future conflict with Iran. The US collaborating with Russia -- now that would be a step towards world peace.
Melania looks like she's having a flashback to her younger days of poopoo peepee parties in Arabia
Learn politics and international relations for starters. Good Lord you kids are retarded.
nAd doG disa eLt rehet be tshgil ni eht tlvau fo het kys to rsetaaep the ayd rfmo eht hngti nad elt htem erevs sa signs ot rkma esacdr miste and ydas nad arsey
And God said, "Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years"
how about shut up retard
this isn't your gay boomerland of policy anymore
>gosh, i sure do hate people and things that convert people to the right!
>don’t you hate trump now?
ctr/shareblue fec documents
>The US collaborating with Russia -- now that would be a step towards world peace.
Why do you think the (((media))) is in full attack mode on Trump for even speaking to the Russian? A Ruso-American alliance would create a new order.
check this based russian tv clip:
>believed that act
Good goy.
Your board on reddit is working you can go back already.
Are those your heroes on the right? lmao
Well spotted!
4D chess is the same thing as your mom suckin on my cock
CNN NYT reports Trump insults Saudi king by refusing to respect customs
I expect NK to be shooting loads of jiz in to several directions.
Mr dumpf shooting load more of Syrians.
Everything is guided- orchestrated by overlords jews.
S.A. is being good neighbour to jews will redraw Syria and Iraq with US armaments, but not the soldiers for a change