Back for another AMA! Ask a male-to-female transgender woman anything :) Let me educate you fuckers.
Back for another AMA! Ask a male-to-female transgender woman anything :) Let me educate you fuckers
How do you feel about Muslims?
wut dat mouf do?
When are you planning on killing yourself?
post-op or gtfo
You're a man and always will be, no matter how much you mutilate your body. You know it to be true, no matter how much you lie to yourself.
Let me educate you instead.
Yea! It's Halloween everyday for you!
Just kidding faggot, your still a male. Just barely
Absolutely hate them. They hate me too though, so it's mutual. Ban them all, for my safety and for humanity's safety.
When did the mental illness started ? What do you think started it ?
Sing Katy Perry and educate people.
It's a mental illness. Stop glorifying your failure.
On the dangers of mental illness?
How long until you commit suicide?
why would you put Dumbass Disks in your head
Never. Never been happier.
A man? Tell that to my breasts, my vagina, my female hormones. You have such an uneducted view on gender, it's very fluid, and I AM female from birth. It's what I've always been.
When are you going to commit suicide?
Wow, you're very stupid to believe that.
I'm female, always have been ;)
You think that a vagina is the same as a carved up penis?
>A man? Tell that to my breasts, my vagina, my female hormones.
What about your chromosomes, mate?
You know, the stuff inside your DNA.
Inside every cell that composes your body.
>I AM female from birth.
According to what?
you´re not a female unless you can pump out a healthy 9month old baby from your womb , oh wait you dont have that.
you´re mentally ill and fell for the jewish tricks to mutilate yourself and thus you will go to hell.
>pic is what a real woman looks like with a real vagina.
This pisses me off SO MUCH. SO what it's a mentall illness, the only known cure is transitioning, so who gives a fuck if it is. You don't shit on people born with one arm, but the MOMENT it's mental, it's just a mental illness that needs to die. FUCK OFF stupid.
You look better as a woman desu senpai.
thanks :)
>I AM female from birth.
Got some proof ?
What does your birth certificate say about your sex ?
why are you so self-obsessed that you've decided that you don't have to do actual work to survive? like how do you live with yourself knowing that you are a homunculus of a deluded, withered mind?
I hate you OP, but only because I'm jealous
please see
I'm not even anti-trans. I totally support your decisions/feelings about yourself. I do not, however, have time for idiots who lie about reality. Be honest. You're not female. At best you could be considered a woman by progressive people. You are a male with a mutilated penis.
I would've banged if you kept it, though.
fuck off
>being mad at a mentally ill person for sterilizing themselves, shortening their lives, and taking their shitty genes out of the gene pool all the while making something useful of themselves as a cumdumpster
you're all looking at this the wrong way.
to believe what? its fact. google it.
A baby is not 9 months old when it's birthed
lol a birth certificate doesn't know my actual gender, that's created by old doctors with older knowledge.
Of course, why should we promote defects into or gene pool? Are you literally this stupid?
>the only known cure is transitioning
Not according to all of you who kill themselves because you're psychological and hormonal messes.
Seek psychological help, mate.
Wow that face on the left side ... when did the mental illness start?
hihihihi :)
>shortening their lives
LOL, any proof? you know better than doctors right... ugh so stupid
tits or get the fuck out
Whatever you do you will always have a y chromosome
taking hormones and growing your hair out doesn't make you a woman.
>lol a birth certificate doesn't know my actual gender
ok i need to stop getting into bait threads but i just love it too much
>lol a birth certificate doesn't know my actual gender
No, your chromosomes do.
In fact, they're the only intrinsic reality of someone's gender.
What are yours?
that's not what ANY trans people look like... silly person.
you have an Aubrey Plaza look going on
I'd probably get seduced until I realized you had a penis then have a panic murder-suicide episode
Do you like tha bbc? Also pls kys
it is if you believe life starts at conception
Why do you think the male to female trannies are significantly more prevelant than the reverse? Thoughts on sites like 'transition regret'? Should children/young teens be allowed to get hormones or should there be a minimum age e.g. 16 and older?
So because she doesn't look like you, she isn't a real trans person? Sounds pretty fucking cisnormative, you piece of shit.
I heard that in the islamic world they have other methods of curing faggotry.
Get back in the closet faggot.
Really? Shorting your life was the ONLY thing you found wrong with that post?
i refuse to get breast implants, but the hormones are doing their job correctly :)
Can you post another picture to prove it's true and you aren't just LARPing?
l2spell, tranny
Hey, (You)'re cute.
Why did you feel the need to mutilate your ears too though?
triggering trannies is fun because their male brains demand they succumb to reason and logic but their female hormones demand they react violently to any and all threats to the ego
Is all this because of your inability to grow a beard?
How do you plan to kill yourself?
>Sit in car with hose from exhaust through window
Not an argument.
I was happy when I married my wife, not an argument either.
How do you explain everyone of you who kill themselves?
PS: I have nothing against you or trans, IDGAF, you're excluding your sick genes out of the gene pool anyway.
But fuck, you're do deluded.
> they're the only intrinsic reality of someone's gender.
you're stupid beyond believe. get educated on gender
skirt wearing faggot
Oh damn i fell for a troll.
Yes i shit on people who tell me that having only one arm is a good thing.
What kind of 'women' cant have babies btw? Also show fake pussy.
i wanna fuck you before you kill yourself
Post boipucci
now post your asshole
Women do not have much of a reason to transition because there is no real benefit to being a guy, many people get this.
Subconciously, almost every guy can see how good women have it in this society.
Trans people are just homosexuals who are into cross dressing.
Prove me wrong.
no timestamp...
>brown eyes
It was a good idea to remove yourself from the gene pool
more tits and boipussy
You consider your self ill?
You are kind of cute I guess. But you look super annoying and unpleasant to be around. Are you good at sucking dick?
Jesus Christ, what a pathetic little faggot
>you're stupid beyond believe
Not an argument.
>get educated on gender
So you do not have any rebuttal, as I see.
How does it feel being crushed by your weakness?
I could even imagine having a long term relationship with somebody like you. Because you absolutely can't have babies and I don't trust women.
>people are replying
trannies have their own board for their insanity, redditards go back please
Are you pre-op or post-op? And if you're pre-op - for how many years? And If it's been more than 5 how many different excuses do you have?
dating trans girls isn't weird, so thanks but no thanks
sure, and NEVAAAH
cuz being a woman is awesome in this society! AND ABSOLUTELY. i knew since i was like 5 years old, wish i did it then, cuz i hate my voice
bitch, people like you make it hard to make me come out tO BEGIN WITH; i aint listening to you fucktard
>my vagina
please tell me you didn't fall for the gaping wound meme
Are you sure? Have you checked your chromosomes lately?
Post a pic with a timestamp saying "Hello Sup Forums", Otherwise this is a shit bait thread and you can fuckoff.
i don't wanna fuck you anymore
Because men don't want to be men and they want to be get a free ride.
lol stop larping. i actually know who that is and they're not fucking belgian. they're mexican.
So beta that he turned gay. Implying that you can trust a mentally ill faggot
Time stamp or fake
Seriously man, when did Sup Forums just take photo's pulled off google at face value? Timestamp or its a shitty larper trying to get (you)'s.
define 'female'
You don't cure mental illness by going all in on the delusion. If I thought I was super man, the normal response of society would not be to agree that I'm superman
I didn't say about marriage, just a relationship.
Pff, who even cares.
>it's very fluid,
>and I AM female from birth.
Choose one retard, which one is it?
If you can't procreate a baby in your womb then you're not a woman.
What are the purpose of the holes in your ears ? Was it something like a vagina projection ?