Redpill: Christianity *IS* White Culture

People shit on Christianity, especially Catholicism, for adding customs of man, including influences from Pagan traditions and rituals, to the word of God in the Bible.

Redpill: this is a feature, not a bug. By being Christian as a white person, especially an American, you are taking part in the culture that guided the white man to progress over the past 2016 years, which, despite having origins in the Middle East, also contains aspects of the various cultures of your forefathers.

If you're white and atheist, you're rejecting your culture. If you're white and "Pagan", etc., you're embracing the culture of your distant forefathers, but rejecting the enlightenment that Christianity brought them.

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Bumping with another 8/10 redpill about Christianity. 8/10 because there's two things it misses:

1. God's pronouns aren't capitalized in it. This is more than just a tradition thing, to me, it shows that He is not masculine, in the traditional sense, but that He is a higher power, beyond our ability to truly understand as mortals.
2. Going to mass is very important. Group worship is very important (for reasons too long to list in this post), and attending mass brings the congregation together as a community. My parents both have healthy social lives with their fellow Catholic churchgoers; both participate in church events, cooking food together, etc. In today's electronically-connected world, more excuses to meet up in person with your community are needed, and going to church is an excellent way of doing this.


Is there any truth to the white/Aryan Jesus stuff? Like tying him to the Gauls through Galatians or some shit. Saw a YouTube vid on it recently and it sort of made sense but I have no idea.


What enlightenment did Christianity bring to us exactly that Greece or Rome didn't?

mainly the idea of salvation through good works.

What about the non-whites?

Anyone have some unbiased Rosenbergian stuff? What's the deal with Positive Christianity?

Top lel.
But why we must fight? I understand atheists fighting theists, but pagans and christians fighting each other is dumb.

God is not racist and does not want us to be racist but instead to be kind to everyone.

"Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all."
>Acts 10:34-35

Again, God is not racist and does not want us to be racist but kind to everyone.

If you spread false lies and add to the bible God will punish you according to Revelation 22.

This is a trick.

Christianity is a piece of shit religion that the Jews want to succeed in converting the masses so that they can promote a culture of weakness and slave-worship where we are constantly competing to see who is the bigger victim; it's the religion of the SJWs.

t. Nietzsche



Not sure but I've wondered this myself, because even if you don't believe in Christianity, the resurrection, etc., the greatest objectively-true miracle of Jesus Christ was that He was a Jew that did not succumb to kikery and, in fact, preached against it. I could be wrong but I think there must be some sort of genetic component to Jews' predisposition to jew everything up, it's not purely societal.

Many things, but chiefly, the acknowledgement of one God, and the rejection of false idols

All are welcome to praise God and be Christian, of course, but being non-white complicates things somewhat, because everyone should embrace their cultural heritage, and Christianity is a chiefly white religion. This is why Hispanic (Mexican) Catholics are usually devout and based in my experience... well, at least the ones that can stand to live north of Colorado. I'm not intimately familiar with the history but apparently they have like 500 years of culture there, and that's pretty cool. The Mexican-American Catholics I've met have strong, hardworking fathers, and decent, traditional mothers. They go to mass every week.

"Progress" is actually a middle eastern concept. It's a byproduct of money-fear.

Man falls to his death from building because he works a comfy job in an office, and he has a wife and kids, yet he loses half of his money to a bad investment. That man is a product of progress and is no happier than the blissfully ignorant hunter/gatherer.

You know this to be true.

Acceptance of Christianity isn't a disease but a byproduct of the disease of monetization. It teaches values like "rewards in the afterlife" for doing religious rituals. The only reward is IN this life. And yes, I believe in something afterwards, and I do believe in a God, but I don't think god cares about us on a personal level.

He tells us to judge things by their fruits and the fruits of modern universalist Christianity is multiculturalism which is a train wreck.

Notice how OP didn't provide ANY scriptures?

aside from the fear of Hell and the hope for Heaven, why do I as an Aryan required Christianity? I already live a moral life and have a sense of community. Is there more?

>Christianity *IS* White Culture
Yeah, that's why most Christians aren't white.


>the acknowledgement of one God, and the rejection of false idols
So, nothing. Fuck off.

how wrong can you be

culture can be symbiotic and religion can act as a canvas but you can absolutely seperate and respect and admire culture that played a large part in or was influenced by christianity

we are mentally capable and advanced enough to do this. get a grip

Some day you'll realize that you need God far more than He needs you.

You say you have morals, but how do you know a crooked line is straight without having seen a straight line?

In the same way that modern atheists are cultural christians, so are modern pagans. Modern whites aren't abandoning their Christian roots by embracing the ethos of their distant forefathers. The benefits of the Christian tradition are in our bones. Pagans are just course correcting where ancient ideas are actually superior.

>Some day you'll realize that you need God far more than He needs you.
Yeah I'm hoping its right now, which is kinda why I'm asking. Why do I need Christianity?

>but how do you know a crooked line is straight without having seen a straight line?
You dont consider doing good for others, not indulging in drugs, living a clean life while helping as many as possible isnt moral or is there something else im missing?

>If you're white and atheist, you're rejecting your culture.
you can do pretty much everything the bible wants you to without believing in a sky daddy

red pill 1/1

No. He was a brown Jew from the Middle East. Christweenie edgelords on Sup Forums are the white equivalent of the niggers who yell at people on the street in New York.

> He was a brown Jew from the Middle East.
not entirely true.

Isn't that the basis of Aristotle's virtues?

>acknowledgment of one god and rejection of idols

Christianity wasn't the first monotheist religion, and one can argue that Christianity has many deities (god, Jesus, holy geist, Mary, saints, angels).

Acknowledging racial and cultural differences is not racism. Or, I guess, it is NOW, because the term has been co-opted and people have been brainwashed, but it shouldn't be.

Personally I believe that human societal/technological progress is the natural state of things, and will result in a singularity, which is the same thing as the Biblical apocalypse.

Given that we live in a world where competition is natural and humans are inherently lazy and prone to sin, Christianity provides a solid moral framework to guide souls to happiness and salvation.

>It teaches values like "rewards in the afterlife" for doing religious rituals.
This is a very naive view.

I had this revelation during mass a few weeks back, during those stupid Berkeley riots. I saw a bunch of brainwashed retards marching and chanting hateful bullshit, and a stoned-off-his-ass hippie dude shittily playing guitar and trying to get people to sing along. I realized: this is the same sort of thing we do at Catholic mass, conceptually. We say words and do physical motions in unison and sing beautiful traditional songs (backed by talented-but-far-from-professional musicians) to praise the Lord. Yet, when I looked around myself at mass, I didn't see anyone that looked anywhere nearly as unhappy as the brainwashed SJW libtards protesting in Berkeley. After mass, everyone greeted each other, I talked with a high school teacher I hadn't spoken to in years, all over cookies and coffee. One of these groups is inherently better for your mental health than the other.

>pagan emperor decides a 3 in 1 god will appease his empire
>suddenly actual monotheists are satans cocksuckers.

I'll never understand why I got into Catholicism. Glad I left.

itt: degenerate losers who want you to accept Christianity because they believe you're a degenerate loser who also needs saving from his own lifestyle and choices

>one can argue that Christianity has many deities (god, Jesus, holy geist, Mary, saints, angels).
if he's okay with lying.
>Acknowledging racial and cultural differences is not racism.
sure? regardless of semantics and whatever sophistry you want to use, if you're trying to get more gibs at the expense of anyone (like foreigners, someone of a different race), that's not right.
look up the parable of the good samaritan

He was brown no matter what. It was a religion suited for people in a very bad posture having nothing who invented some great reward on the after life to stand their lives without falling into complete anarchy and crime which is the outcome for every poor population. The viking gods rewarded warriors and bravour because they needed them to be that, christianity rewards bumps if they don't steal and kill because they needed them to do that and not turn complete gypsies. No mystery, every religion can be logically explained. Ever wandered why the muslim paradise is a giant oasis ? Because desert dwelling coons needed just that to get incentive. Religion is really civil/penal law in times when the states didn't dispose of the police force they do today, so they created a placebo sort of one.

Positive Christianity removed the Old Testament, and replaced it with Tacitus's Germania. Christ was reconfigured into an Aryan philosopher and the Christian ideal was seen as Old Germanic warlords rather than ascetics. Without the OT, focus is now on Europe particularly Germany.

Rosenberg himself was a pagan but Positive Christianity was a middle ground.

Well you have stuff like the divine council. Basically 70 something demi-gods which god appointed to the nations.

Thanks for the rundown.

What's their to lie about?

Catholics worshiping Mary and saints is a common criticism that Protestants have. Considering many pagan gods were turned into saints, and saint and god seem to be semantics, I don't see what the problem is.

If you don't want to marry a black person, don't.

But if you think Christianity is a "white" religion, you're very, very wrong.

The sermon on the mount shows us that we must have love for everyone.

Jesus was the son of a Magi (Zoroastrian priest) and a Jewish woman, Miriam. Miriam stood against the Jews of her day and agreed to the Plot. She would bear a child with the wisest Aryan in Iran and the child would begin training at age 9 to be the second Messiah of the Jewish people, whom the Jews were all waiting for while under Roman rule. There is proof for this claim, of course. The first people to recognize Jesus as the Messiah were three "wise men" from Persia, which of course is Iran and the wise men were Zoroastrian priests. Why would they know about Jesus? There's also the fact that when Jesus was on the cross he said to one of the thieves next to him:

>Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)

What's interesting here is that the Jews do not view the afterlife or even Heaven as a "paradise." This view, at least in Scripture, is unique to Jesus. What's even more interesting is that the word Paradise originates in the Avestan language. Avestan is the language which Zoroaster used to record his teachings in the very first actual "holy book" called the Avestan -- named after the first actual "holy language."

So, in Jesus' last moment, he used an Iranian word to describe an Aryan afterlife.

Jesus Christ was a Jew by tradition (Miriam, his mother, was Jewish and therefore Jesus is considered Jewish according to tradition). But he was also half Aryan. Jesus lived among Jews, but he lived in a way benefiting an Aryan, not a Jew.

>Catholics worshiping Mary and saints
they ask Mary to pray for them, just like you can ask your neighbor to pray for you. all power ultimately is from God.
>Considering many pagan gods were turned into saints

What is your take on Melchizedek? Abraham had sought his blessing before there was Judaism . I was thinking recently he may have been linked to Zoroastrianism. There are of course other theories such as him being Christ also.

1 - no such thing as a "half-aryan", by that definition Obama is half-WASP
2 - nazis went full retard with their we wuz theory they had to correct in practice by killing gypsies, purely aryan, like persians, in theory. Bullshit, shitskins the lot of them.
3 - provide actual sources other than your ass and jewish tales translated 5 times
Interesting reading nonetheless.

thank you, I was looking for this one.

Of course it wasn't the first monotheistic religion. There is only one God in Christianity, don't get me started on that. But another great thing about Christianity is it was the 2.0 patch on Judaism, a wake-up call to the Jews, an invitation for them to stop jewing and get back to praising God. Of course most of them denied it, and literally had Christ crucified for it, but that's the Jews for you.

Who said anything about gibs?

You misunderstand me, because you're viewing my words through the lens of "racism" that has been pushed by ((someone)) in recent years. Christianity started in the Middle East, but the whites made it mainstream and spread it throughout the world. Anyone can and should be Christian, and non-white Christians should integrate it into their culture for future generations, as the Mexicans did (see ) with Catholicism. At my Catholic church here in the midwest, far north from Mexico, we sing a few songs in Spanish here and there, and observe some Mexican Catholic traditional holy days. I'm not Hispanic but I think it's pretty cool.

I don't remember any of that in the bible.

Also her name was Mary, not Miriam.

>Matthew Chapter 1
"This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham:

Abraham was the father of Isaac,
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,
Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar,
Perez the father of Hezron,
Hezron the father of Ram,
Ram the father of Amminadab,
Amminadab the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,
Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab,
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth,
Obed the father of Jesse,
and Jesse the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife,
Solomon the father of Rehoboam,
Rehoboam the father of Abijah,
Abijah the father of Asa,
Asa the father of Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat the father of Jehoram,
Jehoram the father of Uzziah,
Uzziah the father of Jotham,
Jotham the father of Ahaz,
Ahaz the father of Hezekiah,
Hezekiah the father of Manasseh,
Manasseh the father of Amon,
Amon the father of Josiah,
and Josiah the father of Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon.
After the exile to Babylon:
Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel,
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
Zerubbabel the father of Abihud,
Abihud the father of Eliakim,
Eliakim the father of Azor,
Azor the father of Zadok,
Zadok the father of Akim,
Akim the father of Elihud,
Elihud the father of Eleazar,
Eleazar the father of Matthan,
Matthan the father of Jacob,
and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.

Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah."

Nuh-uh. Paganism is troo roots. Worship trees and suck penis like real white men of yore.

Abraham didn't exist.
Torah was not written by a couple authors (Isaiah, Moses, etc.) but instead many Jewish rabbis concocted the OT stories, most of them taken from pre-existing Aryan religions, such as the Genesis story and the flood.

A man born of an Aryan man and a Jewish woman is biologically half Aryan. Jesus is considered Jewish because his mother was Jewish.
The genocide didn't happen but it may..
pick one of the many claims I made and ask for a source if you want one

Read the Bible again.
Miriam is her Hebrew name.

That's not entirely true. Certain gods have certain aspects, healing, wellness of crops, finding lost things, patrons of certain professions or animals, etc, just like gods. If Mary or a saint just relay your prayers then why are they more powerful?

>saints turned into gods

One example is pope Gregory turned castor and Pollux into the Arab doctor saints. The is saint brigit from Ireland (goddess Bride), st Demeter in Byzantine empire. There was even saint Alexander the Great and even a dog character from Aesops fables that ended up as saints.

Paganism is white religion.

There's a lot to learn from Christianity regarding morals and responsibillity, something that's pretty much nonexistent nowadays in some socioeconomic classes in the West.

Back in the day you wouldn't even dare to sin because that would mean that you wouldn't go to this mythical place called "Heaven" and end up in "Hell". Nowadays most of us laugh at this concept while eating cool ranch Doritos and fapping to trap porn while thinking "what went wrong in my life?".

It might just be that the Heaven and Hell is not a physical place that you end up in AFTER death, but a mental state that you make up in your own mind. A personal prison or garden.

>sandnigger religion
>White culture

>Germanic folklore in the modern era associating mandrakes with semen means Odin in the Viking age drank semen

Putting the "source" in the image makes it even worse.

England is Christian. You must be a pajeet

Maybe it is Miriam in Hebrew

>Abraham didn't exist.
>Torah was not written by a couple authors (Isaiah, Moses, etc.) but instead many Jewish rabbis concocted the OT stories, most of them taken from pre-existing Aryan religions, such as the Genesis story and the flood.

Abraham was real, the flood really happened and you need to improve your faith.

>Redpill: Kike on a stick is a White culture
That's a good goy.

Suck penis and be white, my friend.

nice webm, but a true Christian doesn't get mad at others repent on God. especially when it's a human created resemblance of him.

>Abraham was real, the flood really happened and you need to improve your faith.
care to discuss your claims or nah?

we wuz peaceful noble savages an shiet nigguh, we wuz vikangs.


Yeah, a kike with zero tolerance for kikery, first of His kind in generations, see .

Well, if you had read your bible I don't think there would be much to discuss.

That's just embarrassing that you can sit there and read the explanation and not just laugh or feel pain from how stupid that is. That's pure bullshit from the author and you know it. Is intellectual dishonesty a sin?

Also, nice interracial homoerotic picture you have. Maybe if you die in an accident and your family looks through your photos, they'll think you were a closet fag and bury you in a rainbow casket.

>he guys I had a dream that in the hotbed region of terrorism some terrorist attack might happen at any time in the future at any place in these countries
>let me accompany that by one of the very few possible and plausible target of a terrorists attack even existing in this countries
>skyscraper in Dubai catches fire year later due to an accident. not a terrorist attack
>BTFO! Proof the entire universe was made by skyfairy No.285 and he wants us to fap to green anime girls
>there are actually retards who post this macro unironically

>the culture that guided the white man to progress
And how exactly did Christianity guide the White Man to progress? Europeans became dominant despite, not because of, Christianity. Ancient Rome, the empire that built Europe, was originally Pagan, and the dark ages that followed it were Christian. The civilization cycle has more to do with it than Christianity.

so you're trying to troll and arent interested in discussion. ok,

>a self hating kike

OY VEY! It's annaduh shoah!!!

You clearly don't believe everything that is said in the book of Genesis as truth.

What is there to discuss?

>You clearly don't believe everything that is said in the book of Genesis as truth.
Facts don't require belief.
Guess-work requires belief.
When you want to discuss the facts of Scripture, let me know :^)

I agree OP. No (((conincidence))) that as countries have become more secular and atheistic they've becmoe less white.

It's a joke image and I made it myself. Never seen it posted by anyone else so I don't know what you're on about. I just shared it before deleting it because I didn't want it on my drive. Also, it's one month later and not years, really don't know what you're saying here. The image he posted and the photographs are extremely similar as well as him guessing the location correctly. It is quite a feat but of course in no way to be taken seriously or even as proof for god/s. I suppose that's why they say Germans lack a sense of humor.

So you don't accept all 66 books of the bible as they are?

You don't believe it is inspired by the Christian God Himself?

Oh and keep claiming the discussion isn't happening, it's funny.

>Who said anything about gibs?
white normie: do X and I'll give you money
brown guy: okay
white trash: [autistic screeching] you should be giving me that money instead
see pic related
that's more like cultural appropriation to sort of "ruin" worship of pagan gods.

>r-religion is for dummies goy!
>r-religion totally isn't about solidifying certain values and principles among groups of people create a moral a philosophical foundation that will strengthen and broaden their power
>It's totally not about how it creates a sense of unity among people that is strong enough to fight the Jew.
>there is nothing more to religion than believing in a sky daddy and kike on a stick!
>you are too much of an intellectual to fall for that right goy?
>wouldn't you rather be a faithless uncultured degenerate that feels no connection to his race or nation?


Religion is what keeps a race of people unified under common principles and values. Uncorrupted christianity is the religion of the European. Christianity spreads and upholds the European races. It's another Shoah!

Thank you so much for sharing this.

I actually cried. I love Jesus and I love God for what he has done for us. I feel loved.

>If you're white and atheist, you're rejecting your culture.
All the Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) represent the worst immorality of the world and in no way reflect American culture.

>forefathers, but rejecting the enlightenment that Christianity brought them.
The King of England was the divine ruler, the Christian God's vicar on Earth and Defender of the Faith.

Our country's forefathers reject that divine rule and arbitrary religious subjectivity that colonists lived under. They established a secular, liberal democratic republic that specifically rejects any religious influence in the very First Amendment.

>what enlightenment did Christianity bring that Greece or Rome didn't

Only the philosophical foundation of Science.
You see, Christianity brought with it a world view. Namely that the creator of the universe is Rational, Consistent and Understandable. From that the medieval Christian naturalists reasoned that because God is rational, consistent and understandable, so too his creation would be rational, consistent and understandable.
From that they began the process of repeated experimentation. That is, rather than assume a thing is true because they reasoned it to be true, they tested it with the expectation that it would be the same for all people at all times.
Over the centuries the methods by which they tested were refined until we finally arrived at the scientific method.

No other culture in the entire history of the world managed to develop science, and for the very obvious reason that no other culture in the entire history of the world had the necessary philosophical foundation to do so.

>Jews are literally the #1 enemy of Christianity
>Jews want Christianity to succeed

Nice reasoning bro.

>not being a flat earth young earth creationist biblical literalist fundamentalist christian

still blue pilled living in the world

James 4:4
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

sorry normies

god hates you

>Joseph, the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of Jesus who is called the Messiah.

If Joseph is not the father of Jesus, then none of that geneology applies to Jesus, right? If your wife bears a child sired by her black bull lover, do you claim his child's genes come from your ancestors?

Religious people must have been really stupid back then.

Everything you mentioned is from Greeks. In fact, Aristotle was the single most important figure in medieval science.

Also, technological and scientific progress skyrocketed after the renassaince which was the rediscovery of Greek texts.

Unless you can pinpoint where in the Bible science and technology is promoted or should be sought then we're going to have to give this to the Greeks again.

where did the 66 books come from?

>inb4 god

stay defeated.

If you ever actually read or studied the Bible at all, you'd see that it's basically one long tale of Jews jewing it up, and then every few hundred years God speaks to one Jew and he briefly gets the rest of the Jews to stop jewing, only for them to forget pretty quickly and resume jewing. Protip: God is not a magical sky man, and so when "God speaks to someone", you can interpret that as someone who was unusually high IQ, meditated and figured shit out, and/or had some genetic mutation that prevented them from falling to the base Jew mindset.

Checked. Humans, or at least white people, have an innate, biological need to believe in something to act as their moral center. When you recursively introspect to decide what is moral or how you should act in a given situation, you need a "faith"-based core. Modern atheists think they're somehow above this base need, but they fail to see how they simply replace faith in God with faith in "inclusivity", "diversity", "tolerance", "acceptance", "(man-made) global warming", etc. etc. Basically, ((some individuals from a specific race of people in powerful roles in modern society)) stopped falling prey to their own golden calves, and started encouraging the goyim to fall for them instead.

>All the Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) represent the worst immorality of the world and in no way reflect American culture.
The USA was literally founded by Christians, on Christian values.

I literally don't understand how that has anything to do with what I said. I'm saying that the white man had the honor of promoting the Good Word of Christ to the global scale, and in doing so, set an example for the other races by deeply ingraining it in his culture. White people should realize this (and stop falling for the atheism meme), and non-white people should follow the white man's example and do the same, convert, make it a part of their culture.

I'm also a Catholic from the Midwest.
God created all, and want us to love all, that doesn't mean we prioritize outsiders. We serve our family (nuclear then racial). Love who you are, God made you such, and you must tend to your own first, then the others.

>Aristotle created science

This is the guy who reasoned that a heavy rock must fall faster than a light rock because it is heavier, and never even considered that it should be tested precisely because it couldn't be expected to happen the same way every time because the gods are capricious.

This is the guy who reasoned that the stars must be round because spheres are the most pleasant shapes to the gods.

>muh greek science tho

It was through the Holy Spirit that Mary conceived Jesus.
Joseph had the honor of descending from actual earthly kings which would fulfill the prophecy

Jesus was quite literally, a king on earth and now in heaven in his own right.

>Zechariah 6
"Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the Lord. It is he who will build the temple of the Lord, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two.’ The crown will be given to Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah and Hen son of Zephaniah as a memorial in the temple of the Lord. Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the Lord, and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the Lord your God.”"

flood happened, what about Noahs Ark found on the mountain it was said to be. with compartment for all the animals.

As for Abraham, Genesis 11:31 says that the patriarch's father, Terah, took his son (who was then called Abram before God renamed him Abraham) and their extended family out of a city called Ur of the Chaldeans. Archaeologists took this notation as something to investigate, because according to The Biblical World: An Illustrated Atlas, the Chaldeans were a tribe that didn't exist until somewhere around the sixth and fifth centuries B.C., nearly 1,500 years after Abraham is believed to have lived.
Ur of the Chaldeans has been located not far from Haran, whose remnants are found today in southwestern Turkey.

God inspired each of the writers, sometimes giving them visions.

Turn to Christ, user.

Absolutely. The problem is, white people are culturally and possibly genetically predisposed to wanting to help outsiders. I'm reading "Culture of Critique" right now and so far tl;dr Jews gonna jew because they're tribalistic and always have been, white people gonna stick their neck out for others to the point of self-flagellation because of how we developed early on as a race. It's hilarious how people want to characterize the "rural and suburban retards" of this country (especially the Midwest and the South) as being violently racist fucks, when we're actually the kindest, and most welcoming people there are. But you nailed it, we have to remember to tend to our own first before helping others.

>it took us 2000 years to discovery gravity so Aristotle was a retard


flood story is older than Torah by thousands of years...and was first recorded by ancient Aryans, not kikes.


yes, christianity is white culture

but then why was the ark found to be mesured as the same units as the Bible says. it was the perfect size incubits

Look up William Fink. The tribes of Israel are thr White race, that is why the Gospel was sent to those people when Jesus came only for the lost sheep of Israel.