>refugees are suffering
>Japan only accepted 27 refugees last year
Why is this allowed?
Western nations should together push Japan to take immigrants and refugees!!!
>refugees are suffering
>Japan only accepted 27 refugees last year
Why is this allowed?
Western nations should together push Japan to take immigrants and refugees!!!
sage this shit
But Is rael is closer!
No. It shouldn't It should remain a land beautiful and uncorrupted by globalism.
Oh most definitely.
GTFO shill!
>fuck the wapanese
>2 of the 27 have already started up the rapin'
japan has the duty to save Japanese people.
It is from the other side of the world.
And they don't have kikes in their country, so you can't push so hard that agenda.
Ps where are YOU from?
Silly Jap
>only took 27 refugees
>2 of them gang raped a jap woman
Fuck off.
Israel hasn't taken any refugees and they border Syria! They're a white supremacist government who doesn't understand cultural enrichment even though their people invented the concept of multiculti
Davido kun, you still haven't finished your Zangyou. Get back to work and stop shitposting.
OP, youre lucky
the rest of europe is being flooded, an island thousands of miles away doesnt need Syrians
Japan is a bit small dont you think? Its kind of a tiny island. Do they really need more people. Im actually kinda ok with the japanese going extinct
What a cuck
>2 is considered a gang rape
Bitch was probably asking for it.
This. We don't need anymore of their degeneracy.
whats good for yous not for the jew it seems
>complaining about degeneracy
You don't realize how lucky you are jap. Japan should stay as it is.
Fuck off Bernstein
The western world should be copying the brilliant nationalism of Japan. Who cares about dune coons
Kill all refugees.
Idiot Nip. You're my backup plan.
Why do I hate Neanderlands so fucking much. Your country is fucked doesn't matter anyways, your girlfriend will be raped by Muslims
Japan has been a homogeneous country for over 2000 years. Leave them be.
only christian retards and whites living in Japan want more abdools.
Israel should indeed become more diverse. They've only experienced a taste of cultural enrichment.
In fact, I'll bet Sweden has a good 100,000 that they'd be happy to take in.
Why do you give a fuck let them all die i say
VPN or self flagellation?
Japan is gonna be one of the last bastions of nationalism to stand against the tide of barbarians after us whites cuck ourselves off.
Stop posting these shill anti-Jap threads Jew
They're not welcome here you dipshit
Fuck off proxy fag
these sick fucks moved the body...
they moved the body for a better photo!
Her name was Ebba Akerlund
Japan must accept at least 1mil+ immigrants per year to make up for the labor shortage. It is simple economics, otherwise Japan will be unable to compete with other countries in the near future.
>Japan only accepted 27 refugees last year
... and about half of those carefully selected 27 Doctors and Engineers have been arrested so far for (sexual)assault, stealing, etc.
over half of their "best" are animals. fuck off, cuck.
t. Jew
Fuck you pushing your globalist ideas on the nation of Japan. KYS shill
Japan only needs white westerners to keep japan as it is no sand niggers or non-white or Asians form comie shit holes
Baizuo cucks should get the fuck off this planet.
>bomb north korea
>refugees flood japan
>japan labor shortage fixed
>anime is saved
Japan is its own sovereign nation. You can't tell a country what to do! Be glad it took some in the first place. Besides Japan is an over crowded island you dumb fuck.
>>Japan only accepted 27 refugees last year
and of two those committed rape in the first month they were there. It is almost as if shit skins are animals and bringing them in amass is a horrible idea.
nice try, Soros
Or the western world should learn from Japan and stop fucking taking in pieces of shit that just ruin society.
Japan should push western nations to follow their example.
and 8 out of those 27 gang raped a woman within a week
Is this a dead baby joke thread?
What is the difference between a baby and a onion?
Japan is smart. They know what is best fag
No one cries when you chop up the baby.
t. Hiroshima Nagasaki Goldstein
TOP KEK, maor
Didn't 2 of those 27 sandfleas rape someone already?
An Onion still has purpose?
His name is Yenstein you anti-semite.
>Japan only accepted 27 refugees last year
>Why is this allowed?
I think that number is way too high, too.
What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?
A baby in a microwave.
its was more than 2
These are fucking retardedly good, i tip my fedora to you sir
second post best post
Israel needs way more muslim refugees. Diversity is important after all. When these jews just keep breeding with other jews, then they end up with their genetic problems like they have. They really need to let some muslim men breed their wives and widen their gene pool
I think Israel should take in more refugees
Never seen this shit...the narrative would be better like this. This is crazy.
No country has to take any refugees
you have betrayed your people and your family you must commit seppuku now!!!!!!!!
Of course they moved the body. How would a body just randomly wash up on a beach in that kind of condition? If someone can't even tell that much then there is no helping them.
What is pink and goes black with a "hiss."?
A baby thrown into a furnace.
How many dead babies does it take to paint the wall?
Depends on how hard you throw them
Fuck no. Japan is my backup plan incase shit here goes south. I started learning the damn language and all of the necessary cultural shit back in 2013 for that very reason once everything here started stinking of SJW pandering and Jewish tricks.
I did not learn how to properly eat with sticks and spend countless hours learning hundreds of Kanji with a bunch of unwashed weeb neckbeards in night time language courses just to get there and find it infested with gaffi stick flailing sandpeople like everywhere else.
Faggot, I had to eat Natto in one of those courses. You ever eat Natto? It's like eating an old foot. I've earned a sand nigger free future.
Eat a dick OP. Eat all the dicks.
this is why the americans nuked you
Japan is not falling for this shit
just like isreal
Do not repeat our mistakes, Japan. It may be too late for us but YOU MUST SURVIVE
natto is delicious user-kun
also lots of vitamin k so you'll live longer desu
((They)) are worried about the whites not about what various kinds gooks are upto. ((They)) know the aryans are the only actual threat to Jewish superiority.
Isreal IS diverse we have Jews from around the world living in Isreal our rate of immigrants from around the world is unsurpassed. Honestly we are SOO diverse you can't compete.
We have a right to exist. We'll take syrian refugees when Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, South Africa and Pakistan take refugees.But again this irrelevant since we are a nation of refugees and immigrants from the rest of the world.
>refugees in japan? wow, no way!
>japan is my backup plan
really made me think.....
27 too many.
USA needs to round up everyone on welfare and deport to africa safe zone.
Then hek deport all democrats while at it.
> Poland only accepted 0 refugees last year
Western nations should together push immigrants and refugees back
I really don't like how Jews are trying to kill enough time for reparations to be too late while simultatiously being by far the most aided state in the world.
Tldr the Jews are hypocrites and need to be shamed for it.
Diversity is genocide.
Also lebanon has a population of 5 million and has already taken well over a million refugees. I lived and worked with the other side of the fence and you could get your head punched off for saying stuff that ignorant around me.
Want to unleash hell on your nation?
Go ahead nip, be my guest....
Assuming he is actually learning the language, and planning to actually work, it's definitely not as bad as a refugee.
Not good, but definitely better.
We need support and aid we're the most bullied state in history. No one gets picked on more than Israel.
Lebanon isn't taking refugees the way north america or europe has been and needs to take refugees. In Lebanon they don't have rights to work, to stay on the land they are living on. They are essentially not treated like refugees they are charged MONEY just to get to BE in Lebanon, its not right and needs to change. Or Europe and North America, Australia etc need to take more of those refugees and honor their rights. You are ignorant Israel has so many refugees, no nation has taken more persons in need of international protection than Israel!
Too much radiation. The last thing we need is mutant refugees.
I like your
>tfw being nip
threads better
>Why is this allowed?
Why should they be forced to deal with problems that have absolutely nothing to do with them?
>27 refugees
>2 have raped already
>thats like a 7 percent rape rate
>letting in thousands
McKill yourself brah
You realize Japan is going to drastically change their ways once the Olympics start there due to all the tourism right? They're already working on getting rid of all the lewd underaged girl comics.
$15 is way too much lmao
How about we just genocide the refugees instead problem solved
Turk bro here
br above canada, spain and australia