>tfw the swedish government will never pay you to have sex
Tfw the swedish government will never pay you to have sex
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A friend told me Sweden work days are only 6 hours, because people can only be productive 6 hours per day. They have plenty of time for the D.
>tfw the swedish government will never pay you to have sex
Ah man not even a handjob? I think a good ol' rub and tug would help me get through a day of work
if it werent for the enrichments, i would move to sweden as fast as possible
>if it werent for the enrichments
says germanistan
The one hour of enrichment.
The breeding grounds are not far away.
says trudeau
This is a misunderstanding of his proposal. There's a thing in Sweden called "friskvårdstimme", which is a type of paid break for municipal/local government employees to go to the gym etc. It's kind of like how some employers have a gym at the office and allow people to work out during office hours so they stay healthy and in shape, so this is probably similar to something that can be found in many other western countries. What this guy suggested was that municipal employees should be allowed to have sex during this "friskvårdstimme", arguing that sex is a type of cardiovascular activity and that there is evidence of its positive effects on health.
The proposal may sound crazy to non-swedes, but it's not strange at all compared to all other stuff you can find in Sweden, like the extremely "generous" parental leave laws, how people take a year off from work to work on their hobbies and that kind of shit. All the stuff that you hear bernie voters use as arguments that Sweden is the best country in the world.
That's not true. The Swedish work day is 8 hours a day, 40 hours per week. There have been test implementations of 6 hour work days at some places though. The socialists love it but it's not really supported by anyone else. Most people in high-paying positions or in prestigious positions in Sweden are paid by the month and generally work >50 hours a week like in any other country.
>tfw I will never live in the Swedish welfare state utopia and get comfy welfare payments
>how people take a year off from work to work on their hobbies and that kind of shit
wait actually ? How are grown adults able to do this shit ?
you can if you start following the words of a certain prophet
Just imagine. Every day for one hour it would be a sexual purge when guys roam the streets raping people. That's how it works, right?
And you probably don't want to either, because the price you pay is massive. A well-paying job in Sweden pays less than 1/4 of what the same job would pay you in the US after taxes. And while you have the government health care and so on, most other living expenses are higher, such as food, technology etc (25% VAT). And the health care in Sweden is good compared to not having health care, but it's nowhere near as good as private health care in the US. If you need a surgery or some other standard procedure you will likely have to wait for months if not years in a queue before they have time for you. We have private health insurances too but then you basically have to pay for the same thing twice since there's no getting out of paying for the government health care.
And the immigration makes it worse in this respect. While it used to be that a tiny percentage of the population didn't work or were greatly subsidized by the government while most people worked and at least somewhat contributed, immigrants are becoming an increasingly large burden on the welfare state. The health care queues are getting longer and longer because it hasn't increased at the same rate as the population. The infrastructure, police etc are overloaded partly because of the population increase, but also because immigrants are a much bigger burden on these services. Almost 60% of all social aid payments are paid out to immigrants, despite them being a minority of the population. This is just the regular social aid, which they will likely stay on for the rest of their lives. 50% of all immigrants coming to Sweden after the age of 40 will not work a day in their life, according to a recent study. The new refugees are much, much more expensive per person. They cost the Swedish tax payers billions and billions each year, and this has caused a massive deficit in the Swedish municipal budgets, who will have to increase the tax rates by several percent for years to come.
>Almost 60% of all social aid payments are paid out to immigrants, despite them being a minority of the population. This is just the regular social aid, which they will likely stay on for the rest of their lives. 50% of all immigrants coming to Sweden after the age of 40 will not work a day in their life, according to a recent study. The new refugees are much, much more expensive per person. They cost the Swedish tax payers billions and billions each year, and this has caused a massive deficit in the Swedish municipal budgets, who will have to increase the tax rates by several percent for years to come.
well that sounds unbelievably shitty; how did you guys even let that happen ?
It's called "tjänstledighet", where you request time off from your job (you don't get a salary) for a specified amount of time. I don't think most employers allow it, but if you work for the state they let you do it. People sometimes do this to study, sometimes they do it to do random shit like travel or build miniature airplanes (or that kind of shit) or they do it to try out another job without having to quit from their previous employment.
This sounds great of course but the issue is that the employer needs to hire someone to replace that person while they're gone, but then they can't fire the person who is away to permanently replace them. So while it's great for those who are already employed, it's another really shitty policy for those who are unemployed, making it even harder for them to get a job. It's similar to minimum wage in that respect.
are we assigned partners or do we have to find our own?
>how did you guys even let that happen ?
Why did you crash your country?
Just to show how not racist you are?
The media hasn't said anything about it. Until recently all newspapers said that immigration actually made the economy stronger and that we profit from it, and that's what everyone believed. Well, if they didn't believe it it's not like they could say anything against it because then they would be called a racist. It's not until the last couple of years (since they closed the borders in early 2016 I think) that it's started to become okay to even talk about the costs of immigration or the overrepresentation of immigrants in crime statistics. Before that, only "alternative media" published stuff like that, and nobody really trusted them because they were nazis/racists, and to be fair they were pretty unreliable.
Today mainstream media has started talking about it but what are you going to do about 60% of welfare payments going to immigrants? Now people are just accepting that it was a massive failure from a financial viewpoint and say "oh well" and deal with the higher taxes.
Yes, roughly speaking.
Well yes. Most people in Sweden don't have an urge to show they're not racists (this is only common in V and MP voters, the radical left), most are just afraid of being called racists. So it's not that people actively crashed the country in order not to be called racists. It's more like they allowed it to be crashed because preventing it would have labeled you a racist. Being labeled a racist in Sweden is kind of a big deal. It's like being a homosexual in many countries. It's not like there's a judicial punishment for it, but everyone will hate you, you will lose friends, family, your job, media will write about you to incite violence or at least spite against you. The fear of being called a racist in Sweden may be a sign of cowardice, but it's certainly justified.
fucking sweden i swear to god.
Why do people work under those conditions? Just be a NEET and have kids and live off welfare like Varg does in France.
Because working is the custom. It's frowned upon to live off welfare unless you have to, at least if you're Swedish. No woman would want to date or marry you, and certainly not have kids with you if you lived off welfare.
And despite the masochistic behavior of the nation, most Swedes love Sweden and Swedish culture, even though they will rarely say it. Most would never move abroad for this reason.