Brit/pol/: Laura Trott Edition

>2 days left to register to vote

>One in four Labour voters back a split if party loses election

>Lord Sugar says he will vote for Tories in the General Election

>Cigarettes sold in plain green packs under new rules

>Corbyn restates commitment to Trident after Thornberry casts it into doubt

>Indian UKIP candidate suspended for racist tweets

>Pippa Middleton marries James Matthews

>Conservative and Unionist Party Manifesto:

>Labour Party Manifesto:

>Liberal Democrat Manifesto:

Other urls found in this thread:


The future after Corbyn:

Redpill me on the BBFC lads.


Just mastered Paganini's 6th Caprice in G minor on violin. I taught myself how to play years ago via the abusing amphetamine and not sleeping method.
I can probably play better than most classically trained posh wankers who had their parents pay for their schooling... and they hate me for it.

What have you lads done recently to improve yourselves?
Don't tell me you're one of them "always stationary" type of guys?

Love her, she's put on weight though apparently

You lads watching the NASCAR race tonight?

Anyone can win it (unlike in F1)


Get out. Refugees not welcome



Where's that German that keeps demanding shekels for the EU?

liking anime DOES NOT make you a nonce

Stop eating kebabs you degenerate Muslim supporters

That's because she's pregnant you spaz.

>the current state of this country
Just fucking kill me fampai

Remember to vote Yes in indyref2

Corbyn was local to me today (wirral), the Corbs seemed fired up. Seems deluded

*blocks your path*

It does make you as pathetic as someone who plays video games past 18 years old

>turning left is a sport in america

>prime of your life

Why are you on here on a Saturday night, user, and not out socialising with your peers? Your mum and dad worry about you.

Pic related.

How fucked would the parties be if its hung?


Reminder tō min Ænglisc brōthorum thæt gif ēow cunnan sprecan sēo tung of ēower forekind, ēow is nought a trēowe Ængelcynn and sceolde bēon gōssed.

>implying 18 year olds aren't children

There are teens aged 15 who are more mature than some students out there.

I'm socialising with my peers on here.

If its a hung parliament then Labour wins. I doubt the Lib Dems would risk a coalition with the Tories again and nobody else would work with them

Wouldn't you rather be having a nice quiet drink with a gf?

Pic related.


I have mixed feelings about this, I want to see the conservative fail for betraying their minarchist values, but I don't want that commie in charge neither

>a man polling at 2% with nothing to lose

Is this picture proof that Nuttall is going to offer May a trial by combat for PM?

Apparently he's a T*rk living in Germany. Divide and conquer is the name of the game.


People all mature at different rates and start maturing at different times. did no1 teach you this in school?

reminder we own you

>reminder to my english bretheren that if you can't speak the tongue of our(?) forefathers, you are not a true englishman and should be gassed

Didn't use Google at all

That's what I mean. May will probably get fucked if this election doesn't end up with a total Tory rout.


Where are the black and brown minority children? This doesn't represent what UK is about!

Scenes on brit/pol/ when the progressive alliance comes to power

Lad, at least 3/4 of 30 year olds are still children in this country.

Fixed this poster lads. gizza rate

Called it

Hope so

>will literally cause the nation to descend into total chaos

Point is that most of our youth is retarded nowadays. Brit/pol/ NEETs who watch some KyoAni are nothing compared to some of the filth out there.


Just like the eternal Anglo poster?
>He wasn't seen again after this

if may blows this election and gets corbyn in power surely she has to resign? if she does who would replace her?

Brought my plane ticket to Australia lads, no going back now.

Fuck off nonce

Steven Woolfe

Where abouts in Aus are you heading

Probably Boris to make the tories a complete laughing stock

Tim Farron has ruled out a coalition with everyone except for the cuckservatives


so true

Thats just people being thick as fuck in general. sometimes i used to think people were all generally competent. how naive i was.

Farage will rejoin Tories and assume leadership


He's only saying that because he's competing with Labour for the young votes

Feel like the libdems would get rid of Tim if it meant they could be in government


>waahhh my entire continent used to rule the world now its been overtaken by a single country who is ecomically, militarily, and culturally superior
>best make enemies with them that'll make them like us even more

You can be thick but an adult you fucking mong.

Total fucking Recall on ITV right now, lads

reminder that he shot up a mall, at least his eternal legacy lives on

It keeps happening


Not even English but this fucking made my heart burst with an overload of patriotism.

>54% white

Aha. Didn't know about this. Perhaps it's a different guy.

Wel-dōn, ēow fagot. Dōn ēow want mē tō blāwan ēow?

>tfw when your lecturer throws in these little gems in his presentation

Reminder that the conservatives will fuck things up long term

Reminder that the Conservatives only won by 6% in the 2015 general election


rate my meme lads please :(

ur the nonce senpai

ohhhh i re-read that and got your point. yea, but its getting increasingly worse.
i meant that i thought most people were competent. so blow me cunt.

You know I never used to care or even think about about where girls had been before coming here but now I do. Every day it's a constant barrage of "coal burning" women who I have now grown to feel physically repulsed by and as a result I've even stopped hanging out with a good friend because she now dates a black guy.
They say instagram is bad for mental health but this place is far worse and I can't quit or go back to how things were.

I wish you'd just stop it. Think of the youngsters that are posting here because of the election and how this stream of doubt is making guys insecure.

God bless America

>muh young people are mature too meme
18 is the cut off point for childish toys, if you need childrens hobbies to entertain yourself as a full grown man then you're failing your father and your country.

Who gives a shit if I'm not white?


has to be satire

Why are the Lib Dem's doing Theresa May's campaign for her? Are they controlled opposition?


Actual real polls just posted

please rate

We do - this is Sup Forumsso fuck off

this is such a beautiful photo desu from an aesthetic point of view aswell


This new polling has got me scared tbqh lads. Thought my constituency was gonna turn blue but now I'm not so sure at all

They want to get rid of him anyway, because they can see he's the only thing stopping the party from progressing. There's a huge undercurrent of hate for Tim Farron in the party, both in and out of parliament and it's a question of when not if he gets removed
See pic related

>You need to lighten up, user! Have a drink!

I'm not pathetic excuse for an adult male that watches sexualised cartoons of school girls you nonce cunt.

>rustling a random American user
>making enemies with America

Lad, this is Brit/pol/. Everyone here revels in degeneracy. It's the side effects of the blackpill.


Wrong face merge