This is the Europe Sup Forumstards want

This is the Europe Sup Forumstards want

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And? I don't care about race but I think we have to agree European culture is one of the best in the world.

What's your point?


And that's bad because ?

Yes it is.

How dare white people have white children! WHERE'S THE FUCKING BULL?

I'm calling my lawyer mr. goldstien tomorrow and we'll see you scum in court!

Very true

>Sup Forums wanting more inbreds born

Surprisingly makes a lot of sense

This what actually Europe looks like

ara*bs always look ugly as fuck

I am actually disgusted by how much this dumb bitch's wedding has been in the news this week.

Nah that's only the west

that pic is supposed to represent something wrong?

The pic looks like it was taken from Nazi Germany

Yeah, romacucks are even darker

What a damn shame. Maybe if you sand niggers stop trying to get free gibs it would be better.


No I am for republics. The class system is one of the reasons we are here. Because rich cunts don't want to do real work so they become finance Jews. So the need mass immigration to make it viable.

That looks horrible Will Africa or the Middle East save us from such a horrible fate?


I'm not disagreeing

That's bad because?

This is the Europe I want.

Btw, I'm Jewish.

come on, you've got some of the most beautiful women in the entire region

Pretty much.

She must suck dick pretty good. She's not very attractive, in fact I find her annoying to look at, she's the sort of girl alphas pump and dump.

niggers like niggers

Yes we do

>Muh "we are not Arabs because of some bullshit I actually believe in" meme

yeah that looks about right

It's nice to see Muslims coming together to shit on a turncoat who wants to take advantage of others' goodwill.

Eat shit, Egypt. You got conquered by Macedonians.

O-Oy vey, delete this goy!

im not muslim or arab

berber? berberberberber?

It's doesn't matter that it's the best. What matters is that it's yours.

You have internet in jordan?

but this is what it looks like
here at least...

Fuck off. Always a mick cunt.

I hope that, for your safety, none of the Islamists in your country ever get power.

have you ever wondered why?
because no one, NO ONE INCLUDING NIGGERS wants to live in your shithole

heh, you right, you got me here
now go, spread the message that poland is a shithole where no one want to live

>Downtown Abbey 2017.

Your wish is granted.

Sour grapes much?

>white people are nazis

fuck this world


You can curse here its okay friend.

As it should be. Europe are White lands. You don't see Whites invading non White lands and demanding shit. So fuck off.