This is a /comfydixie/ thread. Please, y'all mind your manners. We're going to have a polite chat here.
This is NC Op from yesterday. Weather was damn hot today How y'all johnny rebs doing?
This is a /comfydixie/ thread. Please, y'all mind your manners. We're going to have a polite chat here.
This is NC Op from yesterday. Weather was damn hot today How y'all johnny rebs doing?
Savanna checkin in
Damn. Seems I have to bump again. Where are you fine southern gentlemen this evening?
Best city in the state. How is it like living there?
Sweet I go to university here. Girls here are super cute. Hot af rn tho.
What school? Yeah, the weather today felt like it was 100
Ga Southern. So more like Statesboro. But I go down to Tybee when the waves are good.
Interesting site, thanks for the link. Seems too normie tho
So uhhhh....when can we bring back lynch mobs?
Is georgia waters filled with dirt or something?I always wondered why it was that color.
not soon enough, apparently
Hear me out: Sherman *isn't* the South's greatest enemy, he was a visionary. Having spent 4 years in Atlanta, I can confirm that Sherman had the right idea about what to do with that God-forsaken hellhole of a city.
Any southerners can answer?
I'm from Jersey. Young guy, 22. I'm thinkin about moving to Tennessee and getting into HVAC. I have one last year of community college left. I'm not sure how to go about moving from one state to another. What's it like down there? I'd rather hear it from you guys rather than google searching 'experiences'.
I hope so, tired of these smug niggers destroying our legacy.
The red clay leaks into the river and tybee is at the delta.
Yeah lol. Wouldn't mind another 21st century sherman, mind all the other cities he destroyed.
Tennessee is a fine state. Where will you be moving there?
>hint: Dont say Nashville
southern MS here, been raining all day and everything is hot and humid
supposed to rain the next few days, just hope my crops don't get flooded
already lost some carrots, onions, and cucumbers ;_; that's why it's red....I just remember going to tybee a while back and pondered as to why it was like that, guess I know now.
small towns in the south are the comfiest places in this country. my town has between like ~16,000-18,000 people
I'd say the cutoff for comfiness is probably somewhere between 50,000-65,000 people
Yee Yee bo. Salt Life!
Do anti-rain dances exit?
yeah. It increases the shark population too. They like to hunt in murky water because the fish cant see them coming.
I found chatanoogie comfy as hell.
But seriously if you come down with your stupid faggot jersey accent acting all high and mighty dressing like a douchebag everyone will hate you and you'll be miserable
Are Hosiers welcome?
Mind your manners, driving, and vote red. If you follow those steps you'll be well accpeted.
Guess it depends on the town and/or demographics.
Jackson for instance has a very similarly sized population, but it's a total shithole.
Blue Ridge is kinda cool. On its way to being the next Asheville, though. Fags moving there in droves.
Visited Tennessee once, never wanted to leave.
Tennessee is a national treasure you fucking fist pumping guido
The south WILL RISE again
cracking open some tinnies for you lads, fuck the Yankees
I'm looking to assimilate. Lately I've been reading and trying to absorb as much as I can about the southern way of life. I'm looking to live in a relatively small town (not Nashville), still close to stores, but not smack dab next to neighbors like how it is up here. I'm tired of living up here. Don't get me wrong, I like Jersey, but it's too congested and hostile up north. I want to start my real adulthood down south where I can raise my kids right and get a decent respectable job.
HVAC is a damn good profession if you don't mind getting into dirty areas and basements sometimes. You would probably get more business being in the city though, but fuck money, if you want to move down there, first go visit. Things are quite different down south.
Sherman married his sister & Lincoln was a Homosexual.
“Sherman viewed Indians as he viewed Southerners". During the Civil War, Sherman practiced a total war of destruction of property used to feed women & children … Now the army, in its Indian warfare, wiped out entire villages.”
Sherman ordered his men when encountering Indians, “to act with all the vigor he had shown in the Shenandoah Valley during the final months of the Civil War.”, where they burned and plundered the Valley when only women, children, and elderly remained there.
Sherman insisted that the only answer to the Indian problem was all-out war — of the kind he had utilized against Southern civilians.
Sherman's compulsion was extermination. In a letter to his wife early in the war, he declared that his ultimate purpose was “extermination of the people of the South, till not one habitation is left standing."
Sherman considered Indians to be subhuman and racially inferior to whites and therefore deserving of extermination.
Sherman himself thought of the former slaves in exactly the same way. “The Indians give a fair illustration of the fate of the negroes if they are released from the control of the whites,” he once said.
Sherman’s goal was a “racial cleansing of the land,” beginning with extermination of the Indians.
Sherman conducted more than one thousand attacks on Indian villages, mostly in the winter months, when families were together.
Califag reporting in
SCV member and reenactor
Fuck Yankees and Praise Davis
South Carolina reporting in. Go Tigers!
Yeah dude, this heat is a bitch. Fayette-nam checking in.
>Sherman *isn't* the South's greatest enemy,
Correct he was a pussy that made war on women and railroads in the final months of the war when the south was already defeated. When challenged by confederate forces he fled.
Grant was the south's greatest enemy.
>I like Jersey
What aspect of that Godless degenerate shithole do you like?
Yorkshire checking in. Y'all
What part, lad?
You mean his adoptive-sister?
I think he was adopted as a child and that's why he was so fucked up in later life.
Shit im right in the area. Didn't realize Sup Forumsacks in SAV
There are three different Tennessee cultures. The East is the whitest but also the poorest and least developed, Middle is probably the best bet in terms of culture and economics, especially if you go to Chattanooga or Nashville. The West is a rotten edifice of crime and degeneration and I don't recommend it to anyone.
Tell me about this flag
Too bad Jefferson was a shit.
The dogwood represents Jesus, the red bars are the blood of patriots, the white the purity of the cause.
In a more realized Confederate States he'd have almost zero power, the real power would be in the hands of the individual state governors.
It's by the ocean, and the rest of the country dumps on us. It's a certain kind of pride when you're from a retarded mix of New York, Pennsylvania, and Deleware. But that's it, nothing else. Politics suck, and don't even get me started on how ((diverse)) it is. It gets whiter the further south you go.
>live in North
>yfw want south rise again to save white race
Why do I get this thought?
HHI fag checking in. The tourists are coming soon edition :(
Chattanooga, went to the caves.I miss all the white qt's, nothing but niggers in Georgia.
Yorkshire has a great aesthetic. West Riding has the best flag in the whole country
athens checking in. i miss my kennesaw.
Consider someplace like Oak Ridge or Sevierville, even Kingsport. Basically, you'd have a small town vibe but you're a 30 to 40 minute interstate drive from large cities and lots of retail areas.
The Confederate flag is objectively better than the stars and stripes.
The flower is the white rose of the house of york. I don't know where it came from, but I love it as I'm from Yorkshire and feel an affinity with the US south
You're right. But he was needed as a face and personable person to cast the CSA in a good light, which he didn't.
Does Kennesaw still have a law every household must have a gun?
Consider the circumstances. The government was constructed ad hoc during wartime. It was as useful as the Continental Congress was during the Revolutionary War (read as: fucking useless).
I'm from kentucky. I don't even know if we count.
Telling you how to do things, no doubt.
What a sad site the Blue Ridge is today. All the trendy hipsters made west NC/East TN go blue. God save Hendersonville, last bastion of Dixie out there.
>East TN go blue
Never going to happen. East Tenn is about as red as red gets, has been for decades. We are the last bulwark against encroachment from the roaches in NOVA. Virginia has fallen, but Franklin never will.
howdy Dixiebro
I'm from up north even though portions of my family in west virginia, you know I was reading up on the history of Lincoln's aggression and what I found was the all the banks who were loaning money to buy slaves, all the insurance companies who insured the transport of slaves against loss, well all that big money from this slave business must have been in Georgia right? or Mississippi? surely the heart of the slavery commerce must have been headquartered in the south?
heck no slavery as a business was run from Boston and thats where all the profits went
so my pal who was upset about his ancestors owning slaves I told him, hey don't be upset, your forebear was trying to stay competitive in a rigged market, he didn't even own those slaves some jew in Boston held title on them
every house must own a handgun, as far as i remember.
why else would i be in this shit hole
The CC/CC made the Chevron station take down their giant flag on 76 a few years ago. I knew it was downhill from there.
Maryland here. W-we're southern too, right boys?
Unironically agree,
Please send help in the form of Bushwhackers
True. Im originally from Forsyth county.
Yeah, funnily enough, when the CSA was established, in their constitution they banned the international slave trade (note: this is before the Union was even concerned about the issue).
Three hundred thousand Yankees
Is stiff in southern dust.
We got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us
They died of Southern Fever
And southern steel and shot
I wish there were 3 million
Instead of what we got.
I can't pick up my musket
And fight 'um down no more
But I ain't gonna love 'um
Now that is certain sure
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am
I won't be reconstructed
And I do not give a damn
delete this
Dixie will never die
as long as there is blood pumping through southern hearts the rebel spirit will live on
Nice, always appreciate flags that held Christian symbolism.
So long as a single true Rebel draws breath, the Confederacy will never die.
According to Mason & Dixon, yes. But to be honest, y'all weren't much help.
Well they are long dead no one in open rebellion as far as I can tell and if they were they would probably be dead by now.
very interesting. didn't know oprah did this before. thanks for sharing.
>The south will rise again!
Over 100 years later still nothing.
We couldn't help it. Do you know what Lincoln did to us?
Until the mid-80's, N GA had several billboards that read, "Nigger, don't let the sun go down on your black ass".
Good. We should put those signs back up.
Filthy Yankee here.
If round two chimpaboo happens and dixie goes free, the midwest has your back. Done dying for useless coastal statist shits for sure, hence why we went red this year.
And the libs can't guilt trip us about nigs up here since we was on the winning side last time.
Rust belt is going to get some payback on those globalists for sure.
>barely won after sustaining almost a million casualties and the treasury practically bankrupted
>lol you surrendered
Yankees are literally more autistic than the Russians when it comes to gloating about pyrrhic victory.
Pic related.
At least you southerners remember your history too, stupid libs who brag about the union winning don't even know what the north's major battle flag was (the eagle on the blue).
Rainy here in South Mississippi. We still have our confederate statues, so we're doing pretty good today.
Around 1917, I believe, the Forsyth County KKK had had enough of niggers raping white women. They were truly tired of all the lynchings & decided the best way of dealing with blacks was to run them all out of the county. And they did.