Gib me your best red pill on faggots. Why is being gay a mental disorder?
The Faggot Redpill
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Because it is. You know it. You dont need a scientific study to tell you that. Just like you know murder or rape is wrong. If the image/thought of sodomy doesn't bother you at all, well...
Now, aside from the moral stuff, it's a health risk. AIDS, bleeding, infections cause you know, you re getting shit up that pee hole.
Sounds like you're jealous of gays getting so much sex. Be honest, though, if you had absolutely no chance of impregnating any of your partners, you'd be less apprehensive about have sex. But since you're an out of shape, loveless virgin who has no charm and stunted communication skills, you haven't had too many opportunities to fuck a woman.
How did you know?? Pic related is me
Young gay guy here.
I'm fairly attractive, and I've enjoyed homosex.
I also have a good amount of life experience.
I'd be willing to try conversion therapy / psychiatric help if it wasn't all bogged down by religious dogma. Not in distress about it or anything, just curious to see if it would yield any changes.
no, please dont. Stick to buttfucking AIDS shit life and remove yourself from the gene pool. The last thing we need is homos reproducing
it's a mental disorder because if it wasn't those genes would've died out a long time ago.
Here's the easiest way to see if you're pussy compatable.
Step 1. Fuck a chick.
Step 2. Was it enjoyable?
There, you've just audited your faggotry.
It's time
>remove yourself from the gene pool
u jelly of my Western aesthetics, Vasile?
Also, way to buy into the "gay genetics" fallacy, fucktard.
See simple enough
thanks, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
The skin in the anus is very thin because it is not a sexual organ that is why Gay people have high rates of AIDs because bleeding during gay sex is common. The sphincter muscle is designed to keep things in so you dont shit everywhere not keep things out therefore anal sex goes against mature because it is being used in a way it was not designed to be
everyone starts as a female in the womb. i assume gay dudes brains just don't make the full transition into male mentally
got some more
you're really interested in fags my dude
yes, very humerous
they are one of the most destructive and degenerate forces in society today
God fucking damnit, this again.
Can you people at the very least use studies that are not 4 decades old or sources like the (((San Francisco Sentinel)))?
OP, I need you to delete that idiotic picture because whenever you use it and someone actually bothers looking at the sources, your argument is suddenly void because your sources are either shit or so outdated they don't apply to current generations.
What you have right there is not 'your best redpill', it's shit. It's nothing.
If you want a proper argument, research proper, new stuff. Cite studies relevant to people actually alive right now.
Every two days the same shit, I swear to god you idiots just don't learn.
i appreciate the posts brah
no problem, the memes must flow!
If you took a heterosexual person and, from childhood, did the following things you would end up with similar statistics on them. Imagine how warped and sick an average heterosexual person would end up if, from childhood:
• told from birth they are degenerate scum, less than human, perverted because of the attractions and sexual feelings that they feel naturally from earliest ages
• their innate romantic and sexual feelings relentlessly mocked, punished, and labeled as evil, sinful and degenerate
• given zero advice or guidance in how to socialize, date, have relationships with the people to whom they are innately attracted; forced to mimic those things with people to whom they have no attraction
• in the face of outright attacks, rejection and suppression of normal relationships with the people to whom they are attracted, they instead seek out encounters in unsafe and unhealthy outlets such as public sex, anonymous sex and unsafe sex
• The violence, shame and stigma applied to their sexuality and relationships result in a hesitation to seek proper medical care and rejection/discrimination from healthcare providers when they do seek medical care
Shocking that fags haven't achieved the perfection that is men/women relationships as described by you so called red pillers.
People that can not differentiate between a guy who likes men and (((gay or LGBT culture))).
One is something that has existed since men and women do, the other is a cancer on our society.
The problem is not the homosexuality, it's the shit attached to it.
Countries like China and Japan had a long history of homosexuality that had no negative influence on the culture until western idiots started making a big fuss about it and turned it from a thing you do and noone cares about into the big blown up issue.
The solution is very simple: Stop turning it into some shitty identity politics shit that can be used by retards to create their little groups and identities and just don't give a shit about it.
What we need to get rid of, best with tons of Zyklon B and Deathsquads killing every last one of them is:
>pic related
you appear to be retarded, faggotry is caused by a disease called T.gondii
Or you could do your own research and see that the guy who made the toxoplasma gondii post was shifting facts all so slightly to fit his idea.
He claims that rats are sexually attracted to cat urine after infection, when in reality rats are naturally repulsed by cat urine (Of course they are. If they smell it that means that one of their biggest predators is nearby.) and Toxoplasma Gondii simply decreases the aversion to cat urine.
It's not a manipulation of sexual preferences as that guy would like you to think, it's turning off the flight reflex rats have when they smell cat piss.
Now, in the very unlikely case that Toxoplasma Gondii has the same effect on humans, it would not turn you into a cocksucker. It would instead make you change your behaviour towards cats in a similar way.
Get the funds and do a study on the correlation between people infected with Toxoplasma Gondii and people who are not repulsed by the idea of cleaning cat litter, we might get some interesting results on how people perceive cats before and after infection.
Why cats? Because Toxoplasma Gondii can only properly reproduce in felids.
it's the same in SF, the most gay-friendly city in the world
I was under the impression that coversion therapy had more to do with familial role relationships and nothing to do with religion.
SF is a cancer and the result of what wrote, not the cause or the solution.
Look instead at cultures that never had any of the stigmas attached to it until they were introduced to them by others.
>Get the funds and do a study
sure, brb
One of the best, most red-pilled threads I've ever seen.
What is this, fucking reddit?
Do I need to add /s to things not meant seriously?
oh, you're whole past was sarcasm? I see, my mistake
you are entitled to your opinion, but so are we, and I think the t.gondii theory makes sense
Science isn't based on opinions.
If you think cat piss tastes delicious and I disagree, those are opinions and we can both go in peace leaving the other with his opinion and think "What an idiot, cat piss is totally delicious/disgusting. His loss!".
But in this case we are arguing about facts. 1 and 0. Yes and No.
Correlation does not imply causation, the good old meme. All that.
And the guy who made the t. gondii post damaged his own theory by manipulating facts to make it seem more valid.
you're wrong.
what are you trying to say?
That in this case, no, you are not entitled to your opinion because there aren't multiple viewpoints.
You don't "believe" that t.gondii causes dicksucking.
It is not a matter of opinions, it's a matter of the facts.
And the facts in the picture linked have been manipulated, making the conclusion invalid because it is based on wrong facts.
>one of
I do have a fairly large folder on islam too
what are the wrong facts?
See >He claims that rats are sexually attracted to cat urine after infection, when in reality rats are naturally repulsed by cat urine (Of course they are. If they smell it that means that one of their biggest predators is nearby.) and Toxoplasma Gondii simply decreases the aversion to cat urine.
>It's not a manipulation of sexual preferences as that guy would like you to think, it's turning off the flight reflex rats have when they smell cat piss.
thanks user
kek will do
my please bro
This disgusts the faggot and the jew only.
>He claims that rats are sexually attracted to cat urine after infection, when in reality rats are naturally repulsed by cat urine (Of course they are. If they smell it that means that one of their biggest predators is nearby.) and Toxoplasma Gondii simply decreases the aversion to cat urine.
do you have a citation?
Please, please do.
By all means, the way homosexuality has developed in the west is utterly disgusting and every little bit that turns someone against this disgusting and shit (((LGBT culture))) is welcome.
But you need to make sure to actually use proper sources that can not be disregarded because of age or other reasons.
>Can you people at the very least use studies that are not 4 decades old
wew, we'd better re-examine gravity huh? I mean, that's over 50! years old now
>goal of all life is to reproduce
>become the one thing that makes sure you can never reproduce
gg gays
seriously. if this was a game, the winner is the one who makes babbies. fags are like "hmmmm this class says *YOU CANNOT WIN WITH THIS CLASS* I think I'll pick that one!"
>Why is being gay a mental disorder?
Well, my friend, you seem to be mistaken on what "red pill" means. Due to your language ("faggots") I assume that you are here deliberately searching for information which matches your worldview rather than building your worldview upon the information that is present. This is confirmation bias, and it is bluepilled.
The redpilled individual would not form an opinion on homosexuals until they have seen sufficient information.
Why does everyone resort to the "lol ew gay sex le aids" shit when discussing homosexuals? There's perfectly good points to be made about homosexuals having no biological function and thus should not adopting/marrying/infringing on the societal responsibilities and duties of normal heterosexuals.
There's literally nothing wrong with homosexual acts with men, it's the homosexual identity and promiscuity that's the issue.
nice bait
Cmon everyone knows being a faggot is a mental disorder, now I'm just looking for more info to add to what I already have.
do you even know about how faggotry was removed from the DSM(mental disorder listing)? the faggots invaded the annual conference and intimidated them into it
>There's literally nothing wrong with homosexual acts with men
I never stated my opinion. I merely stated that OP is searching for information to confirm his own beliefs.
see He says that he has already made his decision, whilst also admitting he hasn't seen all of the information. Regardless of his belief, he is bluepilled.
but faggotry IS a mental disorder
it's not blupilled to acknowledge this
The goal of life is not reproduction.
The goal of life is to make sure that your genes survive.
For that reason it is not always your own kids that fulfill that goal.
Behaviour in lions has been observed where a female lion would sacrifice one of her own cubs to save those of her aunt, sister or other relative, if those cubs are healthier or if she can save more of them than of her own.
How about all those fags without siblings or aunts or cousins?
Sure, they 'lose' the game of life but they actually enhance the quality of care other people can provide for their kids. At least in theory.
We have a whole bunch of childless, perfectly physically healthy men who will never have children of their own?
Everything they earn will benefit the rest of their group in the long run.
Hell, you can even send those guys to war instead of sending husbands and fathers.
Why turn kids into orphans when you can send their gay uncle instead who will not leave anyone behind should he be killed.
He might even fight harder than the father of two who just wants to go back home.
Sacred Band of Thebes ring any bells?
Do you even know about how faggotry was put on the DSM(mental disorder listing)? the religious faggots intimidated them into it.
Somones being extra niggerly today
Actually, homosexuals should be used to support those societal responsibilities and duties.
Let gay men take dangerous jobs, send gay men to war, instead of taking the risk of some kids losing their father and having to be raised by a single mother.
We have a quite large number of 'spare' adults who should be used that way.
>implying it isn't jews
Homosexuality, unlike gravity, has been subject of many changes in the last decade alone.
Nearly all studies on homosexuality are merely about the societal impacts and cultural relations and all that, not the biological facts.
>Do you even know about how faggotry was put on the DSM(mental disorder listing)? the religious faggots intimidated them into it
why would faggots make faggotry a mental disorder?
I was being cheeky by just slightly modifying your post.
I was talking about religions (Abrahamic religions, mind you.) pushing for listing homosexuality.
>We have a whole bunch of childless, perfectly physically healthy men who will never have children of their own?
>Everything they earn will benefit the rest of their group in the long run.
what nonsense. faggotry is all about hedonism, drug taking, hundreds of "partners" a year and getting STDs. they have no link to the past or future. it's all ME ME ME
yes, almost all the homo promotion faggots are jews
and yes, jews are behind virtually all the degeneracy
but I said "one of", not "the"
It's not genetic, retard.
I absolutely agree.
Todays faggotry is all about that shit because that's where it has been pushed in our cultures for many years.
In cultures where homosexuality was not subject to the same stigma and persecution as in european cultures, all these symptoms were on the same level as heterosexuals.
It is not a problem with the attraction itself. The problem is the degenerate and disgusting (((culture))) that built around it for the last decades.
>Homosexuality, unlike gravity, has been subject of many changes in the last decade alone
it's no longer men sticking their dicks up other mens shit filled assholes?
if not genetic, what is the cause?
Sorry, took a while to find the original source.
Read this:
At no point is there any talk about sexual attraction.
It's about aversion of the smell of predators which is either turned off or overpowered by the rats natural strong exploration tendencies when infected with T.gondii.
>It is not a problem with the attraction itself. The problem is the degenerate and disgusting (((culture))) that built around it for the last decades
I suppose that might be partially true, but it grew from the root of acceptance of the degeneracy
Because it's gay
what is your point? the gondii infection causes a change in the rats behaviour. y/n?
If it was genetic it would have died out when the first human developed it.
Instead it shows up in every culture, in every single place where humans (and many other animals) have lived all over the entire course of recorded history.
You are being dense deliberately, aren't you?
It's not the sexual act itself that is the degeneracy, it's all the shit, no pun intented, attached it.
It did not.
Countries like Japan, were homosexuality was perfectly accepted until the mid 19th century with the Meiji Restoration, have not had any of the problems that western cultures have.
The degenerate (((LGBT culture))) we have here in the west is the result of decades of sneaking around and hiding in the shadows, so to speak.
When a man would marry, have kids, but sneak out at night for a quickie at the local park because that was the best he could get.
That way this degenerate (((gay culture))) developed that is solely based on sexual attraction.
It never should have come this far in the first place.
It changes a different kind of behaviour.
It has nothing to do with sexual attraction but instead with the flight and run instinct ingrained into a rat when it smells cat.
Like someone suddenly forgetting that a stove is hot or that Toadstool is poisonous.
Pic related happened in a (((polgbt))) thread 2 days ago. more proof that they are mentally ill ppl and lefties.Thread is here Homosexuality is normalizing mental illness. Isnstead of gettingg treadment they think its okay to be a sexobsessed nutcase.
They only reason homosexuality is not considered a mental illness is because in 1970 faggots protested it so heavily:
The only reason homosexuality was ever considered a mental illness is because abrahamic religions protested it so heavily.
>If it was genetic it would have died out when the first human developed it.
>Instead it shows up in every culture, in every single place where humans (and many other animals) have lived all over the entire course of recorded history.
not necessarily, genes are complicated things, if it's a recessive trait, it could easily be propogated even though those who get the faggotry don't propogate at all(and it's not like gays are physically incapable of making a baby iwth a woman)
>You are being dense deliberately, aren't you?
It's not the sexual act itself that is the degeneracy, it's all the shit, no pun intented, attached it.
I partially agreed with you, but maintained that faggotry is the root, and all the degeneracy was the fruit
>It never should have come this far in the first place.
I can agree with that. but the problem is the acceptance, and the jewish gay lobby demanding special rights and acceptance
>It has nothing to do with sexual attraction but instead with the flight and run instinct ingrained into a rat when it smells cat
so where did the OP of that post get that idea? is that the study he cites?
Ask your doctor.
>They only reason homosexuality is not considered a mental illness is because in 1970 faggots protested it so heavily
yep, and they were backed by jewish money and media. it's another attack on our societies
can you back that up?
I can think of many problems with faggotry that would see it shunned
List any of those problems that are not related to our culture.
List only problems that would actually be problems in any situation.
Remember that STDs are not exclusive to homosexuality and the promiscuity found in western homosexuality is a result of the degenerate (((LGBT culture))) that developed in the shadows because of the social stigma and legal problems.
they have litterally different brains.
"A recent report by LeVay claims that another nucleus, INAH-3, is more than twice as large in heterosexual as in homosexual men, whereas Allen and Gorski found that the anterior commissure was larger in homosexual men than in heterosexual men or women."
How about you come up with an argument???
>Remember that STDs are not exclusive to homosexuality and the promiscuity found in western homosexuality is a result of the degenerate (((LGBT culture))) that developed in the shadows because of the social stigma and legal problems.
no, the problems you are talking about are only a problem because of jew lead acceptance of faggotry
please prove your point that the stigma is what caused the problems, and not the faggotry itself. if you believe faggotry is naturally good absent stigma, why would fags not be promiscuous?
why would they not be hedonistic?
why would diseases not spread at a much higher rate if they are promiscuos?
>another nucleus, INAH-3
what does this mean? what'sa nucleus?