Why do they vote Republican? I live in Rockland County, NY and the Jews here use welfare more than the fucking niggers. Yet, they voted for Trump overwhelmingly.
Why is that?
Why do they vote Republican? I live in Rockland County, NY and the Jews here use welfare more than the fucking niggers. Yet, they voted for Trump overwhelmingly.
Why is that?
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maybe to get off welfare. Dems set it up to make it hard to get off of it. GOP will make it easier to do so.
They're social conservatives, not necessarily economically conservative.
finally someone with a brain. God why are people on Sup Forums so got damn retarded? It's the same way these religious poor ass white republicans vote again their own interest.
you are a retard
Orthodox Jews are your friend Secular Talmudist Jews are not we must learn this if we are ever to defeat the Jew real Jews are our ally
Because the republican x democrat is just a show to keep the dumb goyim entertained.
They know it means nothing
You cannot be a orthodox kike without following the Talmud.
>the_donald intellectuals
Be nice to /ourjew/
She has a great set of tits and is a virgin and thinks women's suffrage was a mistake.She's beguiling.
Remember when the only ''white'' faces you saw at Hillary's convention were kikes? Or the kike running the DNC that stole the primary for Hillary from that kike Bernie? Or how all the most loathsome kikes in DC all are democrats like the worthless kike chuck schumer that your shithole of a state has cursed us all with?
Niggers, spics, and kikes are about all that votes Demoshit anymore. If your kikes are voting GOP something is amiss.
This meme needs to die. Republicans are not, and never will be against welfare.
Liberals have been shilling this meme for many years, yet whenever Republicans have total power (like they do now) they never get rid of welfare or even cut it.
Why? Because they aren't against welfare.
I too have witness fat orthodox jew families pull out EBT cards and was confused to see it.
I thought jews had money.
the image is right in front of you , but you as such stupid question...
a billionaire against muslims
that sound almost like bush?
yea nigger, your land and country has been pulled from under your feet..
you should welcome those commies, because they gonna turn everything that was nice and green to absolute horse shit..
you can tell me hurr durr, but come back in 5years time and we shall see..
the problem is the jew and their commie bullshit.
kill the jew and nigger, and you will not have any crime, bombs or crazy fuckers driving over people in busses..
but then again, the mass media is owned by jews, so you cannot even believe anything coming out of a jew's mouth
They dont get married legally through the state, they are married in the temple ans that is all they , this allows the mother to be a single not working parent of 15 kids
Literally every single jew I have ever met votes democrat.
>tfw I matched with this chick on tinder
cuz they wana nuke iran and other sand nigs
This. The Talmud is ingrained into every kike's psyche. You cannot trust a Jew unless he openly/publicly denounces the Talmud, or follows Jesus Christ by heart (not a "Christian" cryptokike)
Because they're real Jews?
The lefty ones aren't; they're agnostics in all but name.
I grew up there, it fucking sucked watching the kikes filter in from the city in the 80's. I fucking had to sing Jew songs at elementary school because Schlomo moved in and complained. Fucking temples everywhere, oven stuffers on 59 walking everywhere on Saturday. You have to treat them like fucking deer!
Actual scholar who studies Jewish Orthodoxy, Haredim and Hasidim.
Trump represented the preservation of their culture and values and did not threaten the standing institutions which have allowed the community to thrive. If Clinton had won, there would be more individuals (refugees, migrants, legal immigrants, etc.) introduce to the welfare system; this would create substantially more competition for services such as Section 8 housing, Medicare or Medicaid, financial subsidies and food stamps. These systems are essential to if you want to maintain a "modest" lifestyle, especially if you are scholar studying Torah, Talmud, Jewish texts etc. In those cases, you are unlikely to work to earn money, however top scholars do receive scholarships and complementary housing, usually by higher ups in the community like top religious leaders or by wealthy businessmen to make up for their inability to study because of work. Families use it maintain a "modest" lifestyle. The more stringent and religious a community is (i.e., emphasizing scholarship over work) the more likely you are to see families on welfare.
Jew Outside of Westchester, Nassau, NYC, Buffalo and Rochester, (and possibly) Syracuse and Binghamton, New York voted overwhelming Republican.
if you're a jew, you might as well go for a nigger because the jew blood line comes from the nigger
Because they abuse the corporate tax structure as well as the welfare system. They are all parasites.
Because they're cute, have big tits, and our children will get Jew privileges
Slavs also have big tits, it's an eastern euro thing.
havent met too many jew girls have you
ive fucked dozens
the cute ones are russian or yugosalvian whos mom converted
>you will never lie on her dirty pillows
ive fantasized over CK's tits for like 5 years now
Because the Republican party is kosher as fuck.
>Republican = Orthodox Jews
>Democrat = Atheist Jews
That's why the US is a shithole, also Trump was the most kosher candidate in the race (aside from Bernie but they were noticing a pushback to leftism). Meanwhile Sup Forums and Retarddit fell for "le maga pepe shadilay alt right" psy op.
Also this Politics is a show, same applied to Le Pen (kosher nationalist), Geert (jew), and others. Hell, even Putin is a Jew.
The Jews for Trump are pretty much a lie. I guess we must all forget that the Jewish owned press was completely against him during the election and still is.
Yet Trump is considered the most Jewish President.
Shit man, whenever I go to Palisades Mall, Jews are EVERYWHERE.
Also, MUH
looks [pretty non jew to me!
Heh, my captcha for that post.
I don't think Israel digs him too much, it's all smoke and mirrors. He told the HJIC not to build anymore settlements or didn't you catch that? Trump did that shit on camera, that fucker is on notice.
There's no clothing tax in Bergen Co. The kikes save money, it's win/win.
Nevermind, I was thinking of Paramus. The Nanuet mall was cool back in the day, they didn't go there.
I think it's most likely that there are indeed different factions, but because all of them agree on maintaining Jewish supremacy they're considered one in the same.
You have it backwards, the media's "hate" for him was smoke and mirrors. Look at Trump the Candidate vs Trump the President.
Only thing he's kept true to is his undying support of Israel.
That heeb bitch used to post here too, back in 2012 or so. Disgusting.
pls be trap
They don't USE it, they EXPLOIT it. What merchant is not going to hoard free gibs while they're available? It's not like they need it or anything.
No it's just an ugly kike bitch ultra capitalist (no surprise), named Communism Kills.
My uncle dated a Jewish woman and she was poor as fuck
damn... powerful shit, is this a common thing in isreal right now?
They oppose it because they want "the Jewish messiah" to make Israel/restore Temple. They still believe in the Talmud, and think lowly of any non Jew.
Is it Communism Kills?
>Orthodox Jews
Fixed* Aryan now
I don't know.
I just wish they had all been gased.
>Republicans are not, and never will be against welfare.
Are you new to politics?
Treating Jews like they are worth saving - even in small numbers - is a HUGE mistake.
Even one fertilized Jew embryo is far too many.
I actually think his son in law is a splinter Jew who realized he's never going to get into power and is sick of the old guard. I'm not too sure what to make out of him, we'll see.
All anyone is going on is the MSM reports and face it, they are mostly shit. Remember Bannon was going to be out on his ass? He's still there, all this shit started when he left his old gig. He's some master manipulator of media, I think he's up to some shit making everyone guess what's going on.
The same Israel the commie kikes in this country shit on almost as much as the mudslimes? I think the rightful hatred of American Jewry more often than not deflected by muh Israel posts. Its clear for what ever reason Trump is considered a threat by the globalists in this country and that's whats important.
Only say nice things about Ashley plox
nice meme, but he has a point, when has a republican ever cut welfare?
Hello user, here's a member of Cohn&Lew. We care about our client privacy. By posting a photo of Eliza Liebeck on a neonazi forum you have commited a crime.
You must contact your lawyer now.
Because your didn't ask Eliza, first.
On behalf of Eliza Liebeck,
Avraham Lew, member of Cohn&Lew.
Never trust a Jew, the international/communist Jew will fight against other Jews, but will always unite against the non Jew.
Some of the most virulent anti-semites are Jewish by blood.
well that sucks
Proof that Jews are the superior race
Sup Forums thinks White people do better at life than niggers because niggers are genetically inferior. Yet can't admit that Jews do better because Jews are genetically superior higher IQ beings
This only applies to two Jews, Brother Nathanael Kapner and Bobby Fischer.
Being unscrupulous, amoral, better at lying and deceit =! superior.
How about this guy?
>Greatness is absent from the nature of the woman and the Jew, the greatness of morality, or the greatness of evil. In the Aryan man, the good and bad principles of Kant’s religious philosophy are ever present, ever in strife. In the Jew and the woman, good and evil are not distinct from one another … It would not be difficult to make a case for the view that the Jew is more saturated with femininity than the Aryan, to such an extent that the most manly Jew is more feminine than the least manly Aryan.
Higher IQ, Higher rate of college education, Lower crime rate etc etc
All the stuff that makes White people superior to niggers, supposedly
The anti commie Jew are just useful idiots.
Once they help us erase their brethren we will obviously shove them into the lake of fire as well.
I'm a Jewish student from Long Island New York. We actually voted for Bernie
How do you "fuck" girls anyway?
>Higher IQ
IQ in Israel is 90.
>Higher rate of college education
Bumping of elbows, nepotism thus allowing entrance to (((Ivy League)))
>Lower crime
Reported? Maybe, but they're involved in many crimes: sex trafficking, organ harvesting (Haiti, Serbia/Kosovo, Palestine), ritual blood murder (See "Blood Ritual" by Philip de Vier), arson (also named as Jewish Lightning in order to get insurance gibs), gibs fraud, white collar fraud, etc. This isn't including the genocides the Jews have caused such as the Armenian Genocide (The Young Turks were cryptos/donmeh), Holodomor, current massacre of Syrians & Palestinians, as well as the millions killed via communism.
>Higher IQ
Only in Ashkenazim, from interbreeding with high IQ Europeans.
>Higher rate of college education
Nepotism and other tribe benefits. Granted they are very well trained academically since childhood by studying the (satanic) Talmud.
>Lower crime rate
Lower violent, street crime. As for organized crime, they're world champions. Just because it isn't registered in a police record doesn't mean the crime isn't there.
>religious poor ass white republicans vote again their own interest
Because supporting policies that will see to their demographic replacement, and the destruction of their culture is totally in their interests amirite?
Fuck off Red.
>Lower violent street crime
Don't be so sure, the Kosher nostra is still around and many famous gangsters back in the day were Jews.
>ritual blood murder
>This two-year old child from the Italian town of Trent was kidnapped by a few Ashkenazi Jews from his home on the eve of Passover 1475 AD. At night, the kidnappers murdered the child; drew his blood, pierced his flesh with needles, crucified him head down calling “So may all Christians by land and sea perish”, and thus they celebrated their Passover
Literally controlled opposition.
>and our children will get Jew privileges
You mean a free train ticket to the camps?
No way in hell I'd breed a Jewess, and it has nothing to do with my antisemitism. It's too much of a risk to the future of my bloodline, at some point they'll have to go through a culling.
Why do Ashkenazim have this sickly look? Even when their chicks would be decent enough after a few drinks something in my stomach screams, "no".
Has any politician done literally anything beneficial in the last 70 years?
Republicans and democrats are both shit tier parties.
Off to the ovens. Asap. A FUCKIN SAP.
don't you remember trump's aipac speech? huge crowd. huge cheers. pro israel, unlike obama.
Not for long Jew boy.
Who cars.
Trump will NOT lead the Jew cull it's NOT gonna happen.
However he is - unwittingly - laying the crucial and necessary ground work for whomever the hero is that will.
You're right. Also, many of them get bailed out by (((lawyers))). Child rapist here almost got free, only to get lynched by a group of brave men from town. True men who are unfortunately too rare these days.
Rest assured, they still use this particular case for "victim" points. Remember, according to the Talmud, raping a Goy child is no crime.
>That heeb bitch used to post here too, back in 2012 or so.
Remember that half French-Jew, half Vietnamese chick that used to post here?
they want to rule the world and like capitalism
the rest of the jews want to rule the world and like communism aka they want us to believe in their religion of the state while they are our slave masters
Post your Jew lewds.
They need it. Because they are stupid fucking niggers anyway. All white trash are stupid fucking niggers. Fuck them at your leisure.
But don't pay them.
Reminder, the self depricating white guilt shit only comes from jews who want to subjugate and bash us under the guise of "hello fellow white people", but pull the jew card when someone calls them white.
>that obnoxious smug expression
Every. Single. Time. Why are Jews so smug?
The hasidic community will vote for whomever promises them more regardless of political party
t. orange county resident
But Jewish women are also very hairy and have cute noses and eyebrows. Wish I could marry one, but they pretty much don't exist in my shitty country :(