Do you agree?
Do you agree?
He ate that booger on live tv because it had the exact same consistency as his usual Israeli cum diet.
It will be fun thinking on this post when you're busy defending trump for sucking israeli cocks next week
>2 godz
What was meant with this?
let's do it solely for the troll factor.
Have fun using it against people who aren't me.
I fucking despise Ted Cruz and have since I first learned about the shit he pulled at that forum for middle eastern christians.
>choosing jews over fellow christians
(((Evangelicals))), not even once.
Does anyone else ever think how much better the world would be if the holy land disappeared?
It means "hours" in Polish
Actually yes.
I would agree but only on the day Israel actually behaves like it's inhabited by Jews trying to protect God's word. What Israel is now is a bunch of neocon Jews manipulating simpletons like Cruz who think meaningless platitudes are a cheap substitute for real integrity.
Israel supports ISIS, is irrational, and has nothing in common with biblical Israel. The capital of modern Israel might as well be Newark or Palm Beach There isn't much difference and there's little of Modern Israel worth saving. It's become USA lite, with corruption and manipulation being the main driver of all activity.
Israel is a leech on America.
Sure why not. It would be a shit move but it would finally put an end to this. Just let israel steamroll over everything and let them fade into history.
I think we need to tell nato to fuck off, let israel bomb or do whatever. Then tell israel they better not sholomo us or we will bomb them too.
Fuck Ted Cruz and fuck good goyim
I just don't fucking care.
Yes. Do this, let Palestine chimp out, then let Israel eternally BTFO the Palestinians and take the rest of their land so I never have to hear about any of this bullshit ever again because I'm fucking tired of both of them.
Just pull out and let the mongs fucking kill each other
Inb4 Trump does it
On the one hand I hate Muslims and it would piss them off.
On the other hand I hate Jews and they would like for this to happen.
Jesus Fucking Christ, the entire (((Republican))) party is nothing but kike shills for globalism and anti-white ideology.
Why the fuck does Sup Forums not realize that both parties are objectively working against out interests? That they have never once stood up for us, the working men and women of the US? That they sell us out to globalist kike bankers at every single opportunity? Why?
wouldn't Iran level israel if they wiped palestine out?
>Why the fuck does Sup Forums not realize that both parties are objectively working against out interests?
Sup Forums does realize this. Are you saying you don't want the wall or tax reform? Foreign policy is dumb anyway, literally doesn't affect my daily life unless there is a massive war and the draft is reinstated.
Fuck off and grow up. You get what you can, when you can, from whomever you can. You're a fucking retard if you think any politician will fit perfectly with your ideals.
They would try, but Israel has nukes.
It would light the powder keg that is the ME. At this point I just want that to happen already so we never have to think about it again.
No more Palestine, no more Israel, no more Iran, Saudi Arabia probably gets involved and wiped out, too. The ME would glass itself.
Why doesn't all of Sup Forums support this?