Is Zeitgeist (((redpilled)))? I've seen it multiple times, and can't dispute the points about religion, 9/11, and the World Bank (Jews). The movie almost seems too good to be true, considering you can still find it on netflix, so I'm not sure.
Good or Bad
>can't dispute the points about religion
... you can't be serious
>you can't dispute the points about religion
Thats literally the worst part of the movie.
it's top-tier.
It's garbage made by an autistic pedo
Widely debunked
total pseudoscience. propaganda for a command economy. not as if that would bother pol/ cause we think climate change was made up by the chinamen.
Commie propaganda.
You mean that it got the fake news treatment for ten years.
Movie it's solid and the second and third one are even better cause he adressed many of the criticism.
You want pseudoscience?
(((Peter Joseph)))
>command economy
Pick one you fucking idiot
I understand the appeal, and it may even be a good starting point to a political awakening, but it is very flawed. Granted, some of the people who criticize it are religious nut jobs, but that does not make the thing they criticize sensible.
The biggest problem is that he advocates a central authority to spread resources. It is practically impossible to pull this off without starving millions of people even if the authority is perfectly honest.
babby's first propaganda film lmao
>It is practically impossible to pull this off without starving millions of people even if the authority is perfectly honest.
How so? With our current stores and supplies we could literally feed the entire planet right now, so what would change?
Molymeme has a decent debate with peter joseph. sort of nailed him down, somewhat communistic guy, but there are some good points in Zeitgeist, if you can see through all the one sided views
Resource economy doesn't makes sense in a world of the already starved, it makes sense in a world when you managed to redistribute wealth enough to eliminate the starving masses.
Wich was the point of any economy so far.
It's points on religion are false. The comparisons it makes on Christianity and Egyptian mythology are false and are easily proven in a short time just by checking the claims.
Hell, Christianity itself doesn't even claim that Jesus was born on December 25th, that's just when Christians in Rome celebrated Christmas, because for a while Christianity was illegal, and there was a Roman holiday on December the 25th.
They are only false if you expect the texts to be identical, but if you expect them to be oral stories open to translations and re-interpretations, the similarities are striking.
that's only 3 supposedly "debunked" prophets albeit sharing the same basic characteristic of being born "outside" of conceiving.
Out of a whole list he shows in the actual film.
Anyways the reason why this film triggers /pol is religion, obviously. But the film is quite good.
Attempts to control complex things like an economy universally lead to massive suffering. Information is (passively) spread through an economy when people make their own choices. One authority could not have complete information of the economy and if they did they would be subject to all sorts of biases. Do you ever notice how traffic slows down when police are directing it? Its all about the transfer of information.
It has many interesting perspectives such as bread and circus in modern society and how the elite keeps attention away from their mayhem by putting up circuses for the sheeples.
Pretty sure that's not actually true. A sizeable amount of grain is used in the raising of livestock for meat, and eliminating meat isn't actually practical. Diets mostly based on grain aren't very healthy, and because most people in history lived on them, most people in history were shorter than the average person alive today.
Sweet Fiction Jesus this girl.
>being slightly shorter is worse than millions of people starving to death every year.
It was the shittiest movie when it came out. It's even worse now. They literally shill communism in the second one.
Only retarded /x/fags and LARPagans could be so dumb as to believe it.
>the film is quite good
>a kike
The only part that has any truth to it was ripped off from Alex Jones.
>everyone being malnourished is better than most being well nourished and few starving
Neck yourself commie faggot.
All of those births are virgin births as in no one had sex to give those births. You are a retard for not seeing the patter and you need to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
only good part is the 9/11 part. it's pretty much bluepiled trash.
>not having sex once is the same as being a virgin
fucking leaf.
You can't dispute the claim made in the 2007 film "final" release that by 2008 the Amero currency would be rolled out?
The religious part is hillariously embarrasing and literally crackpot fan fiction.
fuck off negroid, my flag has nothing to do with you not being able to come up with solid arguments
Welcome to communism.
Crypto-commies are the worst. Literally will recreate the USSR or Venezuela if they ever reach power, but will do it wven faster with bullshit RTS algorithms.
>"Goys we should totally get rid of religion! Don't you know how many deaths religion is responsible for!?"
>"How dare you say we should get rid of Jews! Do you know who did that last? The NAZIS! Oy vey it's anudda shoah! What an anti-semite! Let me tell you about the six million..."
>t. (((You)))
Nice arguing of semantics by the way. It's like your entire Jewish IQ meme is built entirely upon arguing semantics and hairsplitting. You guys would make great lawye-
>getting this ass blasted
Are you stupid or just baiting?
the religious part is insanely wrong. A tonne of the things they say about mithra for example are unequivocally false
>jidf memes
hit us with another one. make sure it's 10/10 insulting
The best part of Zeitgeist is the religion part. But even that shit is mostly wrong.
The 9/11 part and le ebil banks let's establish gommunism xD are hilariously incorrect.
Really it's left wing conspiracy media, just as Alex Jones is right wing conspiracy media. Except Alex Jones is more entertaining desu.
The fact that the retarded left wing conspiracy nut Peter Joseph got BTFO in debates with the autistic cult leader Molymeme just shows how low that shit is.
>using semantics as a colloquial for sophistry
>not understanding that semantics are very important in uncovering or defeating sophistry
Let me guess, you're a Caribbean nigger
stupid faggot you will never become uncucked
don't believe his lies
It's got nothing to do with communism. I think you should do your homework.
gas yourself
gas yourself
They're just misguided. You're doing God's work kikenon.
you got cucked hard
accept your destiny cucks
even more proof that christianity was made to control people xd.
100% right of the Federal Reserve
t.angry jew
your jidf memes have no power here serpent
>t.eternally cucked whiteboi
how many of these do you have?