What kind of things do you do as a white supremacist?

>Put pork in the halal section at the grocery store

>Only give change to homeless white people

>Wipe boogers on non white people's houses

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I racemix and encourage my gf to do the same

Thats what a skinhead neo nigger does
I make sure i help around my community thats mostly white give advice to the youngins about the world and make sure my kids stay out of trouble
Fuck off op i hope you get beat to death by the same pack of niggers your cleary trying to out nigger

I keep my mouth shut so the commies/my own family dont kill me

I stay quiet and I think about my imaginary race war that will never happen when I see muslims

>Put pork in the halal section at the grocery store

that's a fucking good idea.

i place handicap stickers on cars with clinton or bernie bumper stickers

i will happen when we run out of oil in about 46 years or so (maybe sooner if demand increases more than expected).

Swedish cuck tries to trigger real Sup Forums

you rub your tiny dick to black people being superior athletically.

>checks flag

The fact you speak of niggers EXISTING in Canada is why I'm a revolutionary.

Thats pretty childish dude

>checks dem sick trips

Pretty devilish ideas, OP. Are you me?

Fuck off your either being a fucking leaf larping for you's or your a fucking degenerate skin who needs to off himself. Your image is a literal cancer to white nationalism and turns people away from it

i crop dust minorities at the grocery store

>white nationalism

I'm not a (((white nationalist))) dumbass I said I was a white supremacist which means I want to dominate other races by wiping boogers on their houses.

I tell everyone I know I think niggers are subhuman and if you ever see me with a nigress subhuman around my arms you are responsible for putting a bullet in my head for I must have been forcibly subjected to some kind of brain damaging experiment.

>niggers are so degenerate they do degenerate things
>proceeds to act like a degenerate nigger

God damn how long until we have "halal" sections of our grocery stores...

I mean I'm sure there are halal markets around, but afaik no major grocery stores in the US have halal sections.

I'm in commiefornia so if it isn't happening here yet I'd imagine that other states aren't doing it, as we lead the country in (((social justice))).

I buy a large house, fill up the neighborhood with my race, racemix for fun, own businesses, dominate the higher income brackets, and have lots of kids

Oh wait I'm brown lol

Are you fucking kidding me right now how could you agree with a (((Richard Spencer))) clone like that who probably has a smelly penis???

Your reaction should be
>WTF there's black people in Canada?!?!
not shitting on based people like me

>be leaf
>have halal section at grocery store

I would put pork in halal sections if we had them. Thankfully that shit doesn't fly in my town. They aren't even in the hood.

There are alot of niggers in toronto and that shouldn't suprise anyone retard

teach me

I'm not an idiot like you. Of course there's black people in Canada, are you a fucking mong? There's black people in every first world country. I'm just not a disillusioned faggot.

Lmao is this what a leaf fight looks like? I've never seen lead infighting before. No wonder you guys don't actually do anything in the world community or try to fuck with other countries.

Americans think we're all friendly white people in igloos. And besides, there were no niggers in Toronto 30 years ago.

Liar you think we're all friendly white people in igloos

Vote Trump

ITT: people who think they are fighting niggers by being white niggers

I'm not a leaf I'm based

You needed 2 posts to state the same point? Insecure af.

>Only give change to homeless white people


I used to have an over night job and there were a lot of pajeets. My body didn't agree with that schedule and my digestion was messed up and during this period of my life I had the most foul, rank farts. So bad the Pajeets could smell it over themselves. So every night I would regularly drop my bankai style farts against the shoulder of a sitting unsuspecting Pajeet. It was so bad I got fired.

That third thing you said.

Mass non white immigration us primarily an economic phenomena. By refusing to patronise non white business in the west and isolating them, my hope is for these people to see better opportunity in their homelands.

where are all of these people defending niggers coming from?


Americans think we are all passive aggressive narcissists with a holier than thou additude because "were not americans durr" and we all live within 50km of the border and our culture is diluted american consumerism. Actual candians live north of the 55th parallel and they are not wrong about anyone under that

Oh and btw there's no black people in Poland or Australia or New Zealand or Andorra so HA oh and Finland and Hungary and Czech and Latvia and Estonia and Luthuania and there SHOULDNT FUCKING BE ANY IN CANADA OR GERMNAY OR SWEDEN OR FRANCE OR THE UK ONLY IN BUGER LAND CUZ OF SLAVERY


Has anyone else noticed the rise of T_D types this weekend since T_D shut down?

I'll admit that before the election I lurked T_D when pol threads were getting old, but T_D has been shit for months, and I haven't really been following the Reddit drama, but T_D has a couple million users so they all had to go somewhere right?

Are you retarded, leaf? Never researched history? It's time for you to go back.

All white countries were 98% white + up until a few decades ago with the exception of America hovering around 90% because of niggers.

So wiping boogers on nowhites houses and putting pork in halal sections will solve that? Gotcha fun fact 90% of leafs east and west of alberta have room temp iq


How stupid are you? Get out of my country you inbred.

>hurr durr there were always niggers in europe


>implying our enemy isn't just the jews and their white cuck pawns

you faggots are alienating a huge portion of the American population with this autistic bullshit

In the future there won't be "halal sections", there will only be "non-halal sections".

Cry harder

I remain conspicuous and put my efforts to measures like not hiring blacks and redpilling normies.

No. I recognize that (((they))) are the ultimate problem but I still hate blacks more than any other race and they need to go.

Checked and KEKKED

Why go to a ralphs for halal products when you can go to a muslim supermarket and they'll have alot more for cheaper. If i want japanese products like sake or ramen products i go to mitsuwa not fucking albertson's.

>Cycle around my iron horse at 2 to 4 am
>Drive by refugees and hit them with a hammer
>Bury them in the swamp outside town

Oh, no. Lookout everyone. We have a badass here.
Violent actions like these will get that race war up and going in no time.

i am studying history

Sieg Heil