There are great differences in IQ between different groups and regions...

There are great differences in IQ between different groups and regions. Are these disparities caused by genetic variation or memetic (cultural) variation?

I believe the entire continent of Africa should be enslaved. Physical labor is about the only contribution to the world of which these "people" are capable.

Even after European settlers came and introduced superior culture, the blacks have not reflected this in their intelligence. For this reason, I believe they must have some genetic difference which prevents them from developing brains comparable to those of members of other races.

They would prove to be excellent in labor if we were to utilize them for such purposes. If we were to enslave their continent, then we would finally be able to progress.

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Here is another relevant graphic representing IQ for various nations.

updated map,that shit is old.
also,iq is not solid.believe it or not,niggers can increase their iq,and probably will in the coming century.

>Are these disparities caused by genetic variation or memetic (cultural) variation?
>implying that the 2 are mutually exclusive
Mainly genetic variation. See pic related.

Thank you user.

lol this is so wrong. i'm italian and i have an iq of 168

this map is either false or old

2012.latest when it comes to europe.
you have the site there,check it out.

Where is an online IQ test that goes that high?

I have gotten the highest score possible on all the ones I have taken, and they only put me around 140.

>There are great differences in IQ between different groups and regions. Are these disparities caused by genetic variation or memetic (cultural) variation?
Both. Biologists, psychologists and anthropologists are all divided on this, but they all acknowledge both play a role. The question is what degree is it environmental or genetic.

And no, they should not be enslaved. That's immoral and inefficient. All groups should pursue improvement and sovereignty. Not to mention the difficulty of trying to define these groups, hence why I and many anthropologists prefer "clines" to "races.

In a few years we'll have genetic engineering that will allow for massive improvement of all humans.

I would be careful with Lynn, his work has been subject to intense scrutiny.

if you had IQ of 168 you'd know that national IQ's are shown in averages.

I'm sure he was joking.

everyone i know is very intelligent - they're not like me but above the average for sure

You must not have an IQ of 168.

yeah,your IQ is not 168 for sure.

no i was joking. butthurt i guess. the fact is i don't think iq tests are a reliable way to determine the broad concept of "intelligence" people use. anyway, a person's iq is for an 80% inherited genetically so i guess differences between nations may very well be explained naturally (keep in mind that there may be a reason rooted in cultural factors like what happened to jews and usure)

If it weren't genetic we would see an intelligent & successful African nation. The lack of one points to a strong genetic factor.

Their brains are physically smaller as well.

>iq is for an 80% inherited genetically
that's the very highest end of current estimations. most estimations fall around the 40-60% mark

Here's an FAQ I found also.

The real value of Africa is in its natural resources. The monkeys just get in the way of it's explotation.

that guy's blog is pretty sensible. he shows how you can acknowledge differences without being a racist fool

do you think it can be possible that a reason is the agricultural differences between, say, western and african cultures? corn and wheat are world's two most consumed cereals but aren't really cultivate in africa

It is quite possible that their inferiority is also partially due to their difficult environment.

Most think it has something to do with selection pressures that the cold, hostile Europe of prehistory imposed on us.


>I believe the entire continent of Africa should be enslaved.
Why make the same mistake over and over again? All the niggers in Africa should be killed off. They are worthless and will only end up destroying the world. Their population will continue to explode. They need to be culled. Maybe the Chinese can do it or at least mix them out of existence.

the fact is cultural factors play an essential role in the shaping of certain natural features. caucasians can drink milk because of phenomenon like the one i described. so i think culture could be a big role in the lowering of differences between nations


Honestly no. We tried it and look where it got us. Affirmative action, reduced standards (did you see Piper's PhD holy shit), any time you say ANYTHING bad about blacks liberal SJWs cry "racism!!!" and immediately dismiss your argument. If you aren't self-flagellating in public then you're a white devil who has profited off slavery.

We should have just left them to their own fucking devices. Then niggers would be ruining Africa, cutting each others limbs off and giving one another AIDS, and the United States would be prospering. There wouldn't be any niggers in America to claim it's somehow America's fault that niggers haven't advanced African civilization one single iota while rejecting that it might somehow not be everyone else's fault.

Culture changes genetics; genetics change culture.

I don't think people were that smart 1000 years ago, even in the western world. IQ scores have been evolving constantly.

>has IQ of 168
>doesn't know what an outlier is

sounds at least reasonable to me. here's the thing: take any (((sociology textbook))) and go find the paragraph about intelligence and race. the authors are very harsh on those famous researches who shed light upon iq's differences. everything is just explained away shrugging. this program of research won't evolve because it could have disastrous and unpredictable social consequences.

>based on PISA

poorly trolled, poorly baited

this is the only reasons eurasians are smarter on average than everyone else

its because we had to develop higher capacity for abstract thought to deal with the winter

it wasnt pastoral food everywhere, it was fallout conditions, hell on earth.

of course the smartest people survived, a genetic bottleneck happened and thus resulted inbreeding and all the races we know today were born.

or rather clades of humans really

yes , the flynn effect is pretty much accepted by all experts now

Most Africans are too dumb for physical labour. You need at least 80 IQ to be successful in a factory job.


I'm left wing but i acknowledge differences, because I think it's the only we can make progress in this area. Like you say, suppressing it will only do harm and let people with dangerous motives seize upon it to do harm to people, instead of thinking how to improve all of humanity's intelligence and social conditions. Of course, that isn't to say intelligence is the only thing that matters, pursuing it at all costs can have negative consequences, as Ashkenazi Jews and their inbreeding problems shows us.

>or rather clades of humans really
yeah it's important to note this. clines/clades is a better way of viewing humanity according to many in the field, simply because of the way humans tend to gradually vary rather than be defined by sharp differences. the number of races can vary between 3 and 30 depending on how you look at it, which raises some issues. there's clearly differences, the question is how much, and where to draw a line

id say eurasianoids and negroids

the two sisters must be reunited eventually and stop this white vs asian shit

That's a strong term. I'd suggest an enlightened servitude based in market capitalism and the West's need for the natural resources found in those countries. What's wrong with a puppet government that will enable western companies and multi-nationals to supply and serve their customers?

what about aboriginal australians? or khoisan?

The four races are negroids, mongoloids, caucasoids, and australoids.

an abbo and a khoi-san are the two most genetically different peoples in the world

khoisan are descendants of the people who stayed in africa, bantus evolved later during the bottle neck

abbos fucked denisovans and never dealt with ice age when bottleneck happened. but genetically speaking i dont know if they're distinct enough from asians to call them a different race, but i dont think they should be integrated in society.

they're still part of the eurasian group, though personally i like to look at from a Turan and Aryan point of voice as those being the two sisters from the eurasian steppe.

all tribes that did not have to deal with the ice age during the genetic bottleneck became brown inbred fucktards

we became smart inbred warmongering fucktards

id rather be the latter

Australoids are such a small portion of people that they are often forgotten.

Who wouldn't? We rock.

>non sub-Saharans possess Neanderthal DNA
>this DNA has been shown to contribute to increased brain size and to effect certain cognitive abilities and behaviours
>Neanderthals and Sapiens split more than 400,000 years ago
>in other words non-blacks possess DNA from a lineage which has been distinct from that of sub-Saharans for the best part of half-a-million years
>we all evolved equally