Why isn't he talked about in the media like Richard Spencer? Is it because he's much better at debating his points?

Why isn't he talked about in the media like Richard Spencer? Is it because he's much better at debating his points?





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Taylor died though

Media want ratings. He's too smart and not funny enough, they could put something else in the timeslot to make more money.

The real reason is that he has much lower political objectives. Politically Jared Taylor wants immigration restriction and absolute freedom of association. Socially Jared Taylor wants to be able to discus racial reality in intelligence and crime. Jared Taylor wants America to return to the 1950s.

Richard Spencer wants something else. His goals are, in this order, White identity, White ethnostate, and a White empire. White identity is the immediate goal, by which Whites accept their racial identity and take an interest in it. He hopes identitarian Whites could create a White ethnostate where Whiteness is the founding charter for that country. His dream is that the ethnostate would grow into an empire.

Richard Spencer agrees with Jared Taylor regarding racial reality in intelligence and crime. Richard Spencer just doesn't believe that information is as useful politically. Richard Spencer believes most Whites are willing to ignore all of those findings if they see Blacks playing sports or music.

Richard Spencer also disagrees with Jared Taylor on the JQ. Jared Taylor believes that Jews are White, and ergo potential allies. Jared Taylor has hosted many Jewish speakers at AmRen conferences in this vein. This was a common view at one time and even the late Sam Francis believed Jews were White.

Richard Spencer believes, factually I might add, that Jews aren't White and have been detrimental to the White race and civilization for a long time.

They also differ in defining Whiteness. Jared Taylor believes it to be any Caucasoid, but is willing to accept people that self-identify as well. Richard Spencer limits it to persons of European ancestry who aren't Muslims.

Jared Taylor is a better speaker than Richard Spencer, but his goals and values aren't as challenging to the status quo. That's why the media interviews Spencer because they think he is a threat.

Weird that nothing shows up about that, not even from Amren

That's because it didn't happen. It's a shoop to make us blackpilled.

They're scared of him and don't want whitey getting any ideas.

>Richard Spencer wants something else. His goals are, in this order, White identity, White ethnostate, and a White empire.

He wants to Balkanize the United States into different ethnostates. Fuck that, my ancestors fought and died for every parcel of land to make this a white nation and I'm not giving up an inch. Jared Taylor wants to maintain the white majority because any other solution means the end of the United States as we know it.

>Richard Spencer believes, factually I might add, that Jews aren't White and have been detrimental to the White race and civilization for a long time.
Spencer is a fag lover and Jew lover. He spouts memes and makes WN look bad so he gets more airtime to discredit the cause

Because he has a degree from Yale
A worldly experienced life
He makes sense and he is not an edgy faggot like Spencer.

Your country is destined to Balkanize. Its already happening in states like California

He's harder to make look like a retard. I mean with Spencer you don't even have to edit the footage.

richard spencer is easy target and possibly a plant doing those things on purpose.

jared taylor is intelligent and has well thought out arguments which are hard to refute.

I literally cannot stand that last debate you posted. It's utter trash. The other dude basically outright calling for the mass genocide of whites. Pisses me off so much.

Our country is already gone. That's why the focus is White Identity and not American Identity. There are over 100 million non-Whites inside the United States today. If the US doesn't Balkanize it will lose its White majority. America is already dead.

Jared Taylor has had both gay and Jewish speakers at AmRen so I think you've been duped.

I'm sorry you've bought the 8ch/JIDF lies against Spencer. I hope you get treatment for autism someday.

There is literally no one better at conversing about racialism in the world than Jared Taylor.

He has his own issues, but when it comes to general human biological diversity he's great. I'd like to hear him have a round table discussion with geneticists, anthropologists, historians, geologists, etc. just to hear their interaction with his points.

hey if America gets destroyed can us remaining whites come live with you guys in the Volkstaat?

>It's over goy, you've lost! This country isn't yours anymore, give up huge swathes of territory you conquered and purchased

We did lose dumbass. Cut off the gangrene and save what we can.

Not funny.

Fuck you, I'm not giving an inch to beaners, niggers, and kikes

You already did. Jewish influence has dominated our country since Woodrow Wilson. In 1965 they opened the floodgates. Our country is on life support, but will die in the next 15 years tops. If you're lucky you live in the red parts of this map. If you're in the blue press F.

Spencer gives the MSM exactly what they want. That's why they give him so much attention. He talks about Trump and larps like a Nazi. That's literally the only interest the MSM has in the alt right, connecting Trump with Fascist neo-nazis. Jared doesn't do this.

Drastic measures can be made


he is quite the articulate man

They haven't been and I'm not going to hold out hope that they will be. All empires fall. The moral fall comes first. When the people stop caring for each other and lose faith in their rightness the end is guaranteed. This happened in our Age of Commerce which kicked off under Wilson. We are now in the Age of Decline and Collapse. Read Sir John Glubb's Fate of Empires and you will learn that this happened to every empire before us and will happen to every empire henceforth. Empires last on average 250 years, we're at 241.


Peterson is BASED as fuck.

(((they))) will probably kill him

good one

spencer knows how to expertly use cringe to get media attention, 64D chess baby! dude is not autistic at all

That's fake news of some kind or just a shoop. He's been on Twitter today.


Jared Taylor is actually smart. He doesn't dance for cameras like Spencer.