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Memri thead
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That's a fake, the original says 'Albania'
This is true.
Where do y'all get this shit?
t. leaf in disguise
Fuck you, spaghetti nigger
half the "prophets" in their dumbass faith are jews, sandniggers dont know their own fuckin religion
this one isn't wrong though
Please, continue posting the originals spaghetti.
I don't have many, gonna run out soon
What's with slimes and their distaste for shoes?
Wouldn't quite mind living an ISIS caliphate tbqh.
Live action Memri
come on, i was having fun
>Muslim bantz
Fucking hell, my sides.
>not posting the full image
MEMRI TV, while hilarious, is a Zionist founded and funded organization.
Pic related. Literally founded by ex-Mossad agent.
Enjoy the memes, but know (((who))) lurks behind the camera.
>implying anyone thinks anything on Memri TV should be taken seriously
Are you saying that it's an anti-Muslim psyop or an anti-antisemitic psyop?
Dont you think they aren't really doing their job properly though?
I'm saying enjoy the memes and laughts, but know the the organization behind MEMRI TV is a Zionist, Jew-controlled Mossad-influenced black hole.
So be careful and know.
i just wish we had as memeable live tv as them
The purpose is to portray Muslims as barbaric and backwards people who hate Jews.
Now, this is true. They are barbarians who hate Jews. I am simply informing that MEMRI is not an Arab organization, it is a Zionist organization, so watch out.
I think most of us are aware that this is a jew operation to show us dumb goyim how ebul the muslims are. We don't care. The most endearing trait of Arabs is their burning hatred of the Jews.
Some of the shows are staged by (((actors))) to discredit Arabs.
NOTE: I am not an Arab apologist. I want to see the Kabbah destroyed and Saudi Arabia conquered for its oil.
But the ARABS are public enemy #2. And a distant second.
We are in the end-stages of a complete Zionist takeover of global governance. (((ZOG))) is not a meme anymore.
So, enjoy the dank memri-memes but know who lurks behind every post.
well this is for the rest of us who thought it was a legitimate Arab news org.
Just another example of Jewish tricks.
DAILY REMINDER: Holocaust remembrance is the #1 aspect of modern Jewry.
Well, what can you do? You attack the Jews, you help muslims. You attack the muslims, you help the Jews. If you have two enemies who hate each other, you will always end up in this situation.
Just view it as using them against each other. We can use this Jew propaganda against the muslim problem just as well as we can use the muslim propaganda against the Jews. In the case of Memri, you can even use the content for both angles, depending on how you approach it.
MEMRI's translations are overwhelmingly correct according to an Arab guy I know.
The only issue is that they don't cover equally hateful statements in Israeli media.
I agree MEMRI has great agit-prop potentials:
1. Show arabs as violent backwards goatfucking haters
2. Expose the Jewish Tricks
I am simply spreading the Redpill that MEMRI is a Zionist organization, and Sup Forums should be aware.
Especially with the influx of redditors and paid shills.
NOTE: I am not an Arab apologist. I am against ISLAM 100%. I am simply tying to redpill that MEMRI is a Zionist organization and thus should be questioned.
Not saying stop the memes, I love memri-memes. But know who is behind them.
holy shit my sides
holy fucking shit, these are all solid gold
> autismal
Why do Memeri guys hate Albainans so much?
More coming lads
>informing people on a board dedicated to redpills is autism.
My favourite
I know and their bias is that they claim to monitor all Middle Eastern media but only show hateful Muslim media and not the Israeli media that can be equally hateful.
>Some of the shows are staged by (((actors))) to discredit Arabs.
Sorry for being slightly off topic... Is the reason the Muslims hate Jews because of Jewish oppression and influence? Or do they simply hate the Jews for being infidels like the rest of the west.
>MEMRI's translations are overwhelmingly correct according to an Arab guy I know.
Audible kek. My god. The writers are geniuses.
Muslims hate Jews because according to Islam, Jews were informed that a prophet will come up in the future and his name will be Muhammed. And even tho Jews knew Muhammed was the real prophet they rejected him because he wasn't from their tribe (jewish).
Hmmm. Thanks.
well I don't know about that... the 30's were chill I guess.
true, but once again the tone-deaf Jews fail to realise that it makes the Arabs seem based (as opposed to vile, which is what they were going for) and just give us more material to laugh at the pathetic Jewish rodents
the idea is that you as a good white goy will see this and think "omg Arabs are literally Hitler, wtf I love Israel, the only democracy in the ME now!"
Yeah based to us that are aware of the JQ
But for normies, it just is a sympathy well for MUH 6 GORILLION