We do everything we can to assimilate. We have family values. We hate niggers. We wear the American flag all the time. We join your military and die for your country. We cut your grass and pick your fruits. What's not to love?
Why do you hate Hispanics?
I love Hispanics. Just not natives. But Hispanic women are better than non-hispanic white.
because you're brown and you behave exactly as a brown person would
I love Hispanics, just stay in your own countries.
I don't hate you, I just don't want my country to be full of you. I want to remain the majority.
You could be a goose stepping Fascist who thinks Hitler was literally god, and I still wouldn't want you in my country. Because you don't belong.
Go back to Mexico or wherever you came from and make it a great country on par with the US. We will be friends and allies with you then.
Because you collect the welfare, smuggle in the drugs, commit the crimes, run the gangs, ruin the neighborhoods and you filthy fucking spics actually hate America which is why you're a bunch of soccer loving shitskins who constantly wave the beaner flag because you ruin everything you touch.
>We do everything we can to assimilate.
How can there be (only) Spanish-speaking restaurants in the US then?
Sadly, this. They'll cook for you and don't have the same level of entitlement.
Get rid of your shitty gangs. Learn the language.
You guys don't assimilate as well as you think.
Also it depends on where you are from I suppose.
For example the Puerto Ricans and central Americans in my city are pretty shit all around.
The Latin Americans make an effort to be part of the community, they take free English classes at the local Uni, they get jobs, they try to go to school.
It's always central Americans, and Puerto Ricans, and to some extent Mexican La Raza faggots who create such a mess and so many problems that it gives a stigma to the rest of the hard working folks.
I don't, but I dislike illegal immigrants.
There is no "your", It is our military , this is our country, and we are American. Period
Brown people need to act as much like stereotypical middle class white people as they can.
Its not the color of your skin, its the way you talk, act and dress.
all have massive chips on their shoulder; they're the angry manlet stereotype x10
very racist but still pull the race card at every opportunity
hate white people but have a fetish for fair skin and blue eyes to the point that latino girls in central America will be all over you if you're blond
the ones that make it in to the middle class and aren't complete cholos will try to say that they're white
Fuck stupid spics that breed like rats. You have to go back to your 3rd world shit hole
Because You're not white and don't belong
We're not Americans, hombre. This is the simple truth.
In the Bible, Paul the Apostle had Roman citizenship, but was he Roman? Or was he a Jew?
Over the years I've come to accept this truth, but I will say that more recently I've also come to lose any sympathy for these albino cuckolds. The hypocrisy of these white crybabies here on pol has fueled some of it.
Stick to your own, amigo. We are destined to inherit this continent sooner or later, as the so-called "whites" have sold their birthrights for literally nothing.
A lot of them talk in spanish all the time or wont learn english and its disrespectful as fuck. I don't care if your accent sounds stupid, make the effort and youll get a lot more respect.
Yeah, this shit is a problem so is having spanish language words under english everywhere. I once got into an argument with mexicans and asked, if my gringo ass went to mexico would you guys make these concessions for me? and they said, no and they would kill you if you complained too much
Fuck you niggers assimilate or gtfo
Back when I used to give a shit, this would annoy me too, how hispanics wouldn't learn English well or at all.
Then when I decided to put some thought to it, I saw that this isn't the fault of the Hispanics, it's the fault of this country itself. There is no official national language.
Just like a nigger, you are blaming the hispanics for something that is your own fault.
>be """superior""" american
>cant defend your country against an """"inferior"""" race
whites are pathetic
"not sending their best"
>literal marxists
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.
What if we know both and prefer to speak Spanish?
Bretty gud 8/10
>t. jesus alfredo jimenez rodriguez
First, you're not white. Second, you breed like the fucking plague.
Because you're shitting up the place and turning it into the shithole you fled.
back of the line sudaca
Family values? Is this why Hispanics make up 90% of documented gang members in California cities? Is this why the "wanted for violent crimes" section of Crimestoppers.com for any CA town reads like a Tijuana phone book? All those family values?
Wetbacks get subsidized to the tune of 25 Billion a year in CA alone. That's just the illegal wetbacks. Pumping out 5 kids that you let run the streets while you work shitty jobs that still allow you to collect benefits isn't anything to be commended. They've completely destroyed the healthcare and school systems in CA.
Hispanics are the by-product of wholesale rape. A Spaniard raped an Indian, which shit out a Mexican. Shitty roots grow shitty trees.
I don't. It's the victim- class "Aztlan" faggots waving Mexican flags in LA on 4th of July and shouting about "riconquista"that I own as enemies of the USA. If mass deportations do in fact occur. If the wall gets built. If we go backwards in terms of how Hispanic people are viewed. The blame can be appropriately placed upon the aforementioned shoulders.
@O.P., I'm gonna catch a lot of shit for this on Sup Forums, but I don't have an inherent problem with spics. You're not an inferior species like the niggers, and after all, by definition, Hispanics have to be at least partially white. If you learn our language, accept our way of life, and come here legally, more power to ya. I like that you're Catholic too, and bring Catholic morals to the table.
What I DON'T like is when you refuse to speak English, come here illegally, go on the dole, and don't accept our way of life. I feel the same way about any ethnic group that behaves this way, but the largest one that currently does so (at least in part) are the spics, so they catch the most flak for it.
Give it time though. You'll assimilate and then you and I will be hating on the Chinese, coons, and Mudslimes together.
Do you need to learn this lesson the hard way again?
Speak it in your home, but speak English in public.
That "America doesn't have an official language" shit is garbage. America has a de facto official language on the federal level, and most places DO have an official language on the state level. No states have a single official language that is not English. I believe the only states who have dual status for multiple languages are Louisiana, where it's French, Hawaii, where they include Tagalog and native Hawaiian, and a couple states in the American southwest where they have dual English-Spanish official languages. Even California only has English as an official language.
>Hispanic women are better
your a nigger, a bet you would fuck a gypsy woman anytime too, and a monkey also
There's a new deportation sob story every day now told by illegal aliens who have been here a decade or two and still refuse to speak fucking English. How the fuck do you even manage to not adopt the language inadvertently with that much time and exposure? There's no excuse for that shit. It's just blatant contempt and disrespect for the country and every citizen forced to interact with them.
Because you act like niggers. You love ass, you listen to shit music, and you've got a ridiculously high rate of crime compared to everyone except niggers