Today the leader of the free world curtsied to muslims.
Today the leader of the free world curtsied to muslims
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New low for America.
I'm sure he'll go lower in private.
this isnt the first time
usa kissed japans emperors ass and just last month trump was licking kim jong un's asshole clean by calling him a gentleman
USA more like UAS united ass suckers
retarded lefties dont know what a curtsy is
fucking idiots
For a good building project, sure. The guy became a walking joke now. Time to impeach!
fuckin gay cunt that you with your uncle or something? fuck off before i glass ya
>doesn't recognize his own president getting kissed by his boyfriends
Russian confirmed.
we dont have a president we have a prime minister and ours is female ya gay cunt
Instead he made an arms deal which is WAY WORSE
Russian confirmed.
my bad i thought julia gillard was still in
I genuinely hope for your sake that you're actually Russian.
I mean, I voted for the guy and love the keks and his dont-give-a-fuck attitude but shit like this just makes me emberrassed
>leader of the free world
You sound like brainwashed North koreans when you say shit like that
At least he hasn't put on a kippah yet
If you don't support Saudi Arabia then you are LITERALLY a communist/lefty/sharieblue SHILL
Foreign media like der Spiegel uses the same terminology.
Why the fuck didn't he get Saudi Arabia to pay for the wall?
Would just had been another 10 billion for biggie
Fuck off you mudshark.
>The little man trying not to bow and pumping his fat ass up like a bitch
The arms deal you just did is way worse than having to bow for them while they put you a leash, fucking moron.
>Bin Laden born in Saudi Arabia
>15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi
>Saudi Arabia financed the attack, currently getting sued by the victims family
>Saudi funding ISIS today
You are literally getting sexually harassed and anally probed by TSA staff 16 years later because of Saudi Arabia. You lost your civil liberties because of Saudi Arabia.
Tell me again how the Iranians are the problem.
>all these shariablue talking points
nice try shill
Fuck Donald Trump
fuck off and die le donald
America is literally the most free country though. No other country has the same degree of free speech and free press as us, despite any of the more bullshit terrorism overreach of the last decade or two. Even in Canada you can go to jail for being racist.
He didn't curtsy you shill. He's just so fat his knees gave out for a second.
>he didn't shit on himself you idiot, he just pissed all over himself instead
He had to bow extra because he's 2 feet taller than this manlet rofl
>being this uninformed of your own government
Top goy. Embarrassing really.
Checked, good bantz
>Forgot all about Obama massaging the world's balls for 8 straight years
>Liberals are proud of this
The dude was too short to put the MEDAL OF HONOR on Trump, so he had to lower his head. They then went to a party and banquet in honor of him. They love Trump now. You fags are the ones jerking it to the homoerotic fantasy. There's a reason why people think liberals are gay degenerates. This thread is pozzed as fuck. Sage.
He curtsied, whether you want to see that or not.
Your sage is ineffective here, much as you are in the rest of your life.
Nice projection, manlet. The saud is probably taller than you. I'm sure your future girlfriend will have to bend at the waist to kiss you on the top of your head too. That's provided you're not actually a tiny faggot. How does it feel knowing everyone is literally looking down on you?
The only person trying to look down on me is you and you're having a hard time doing that on your knees choking on my dick, you cock cobbling faggot.
Right sell them arms so they can continue sending Peace Trucks to our fucking countries.
Are you this fucking stupid?
>Sup Forums calls itself redpilled
>Sup Forums thinks their vote matters
>Sup Forums thinks Trump is not the Rothschilds controlled opposition
How can a board be so cucked?
Wake the FUCK up.
Haha I knew you were gay! What a flaming homo!
You're not thinking very big. Each of those weapons has a US identification number. Imagine Saudi Arabia scurrying to explain how ISIS got a hold of those weapons? That's very nearly checkmate and entry way for the US to claim that sweet, sweet oil.
Stay mad, poor fags. We's oil kings now.
The US and Israel send ISIS arms via Saudi Arabia. They are not doing it behind your backs. It's all part of the Rothschild's plan.
>Look down on me
>But sucking my dick
What the fuck? Are you retarded? Learn how to insult before trying.
>Suck my dick
Haha I knew you were gay! What a fag!
You're not thinking very big. Each of those weapons has a US identification number. Imagine Saudi Arabia scurrying to explain how ISIS got a hold of those weapons? That's very nearly checkmate and entry way for the US to claim that sweet, sweet oil.
Stay mad, poor fags. We's oil kings now.
Shut up and swallow this load already you dumb fag.
OK troll, whatever you say. Can't convince you how much of a dumbass you are so whatever.
He's going to Israel next
Massive influx of shills defending it since its a key point.
absolutely pathetic
>At least he didn't let the king cum on his face
More damage control by Drumpfags
Both compelling arguments, Shariablue. Excellent posts! Upboated :))
>Today the leader of the free world curtsied to muslims.
i canĀ“t see Merkel in that webm
As well he should, I hope you white devils have learned your place and follow the example set by your leader
Really? I haven't seen a single person say anything that could constitute "defending". That shit looks fishy as fuck.
>I wish people gave me a medal and held a banquette in my honor, Bawwww T_T
I said free world, not cucked world.
As a canadian who has been reading these threads all day ill contribute. Showing humility and grace in interpersonal situations can sometimes be attributed to being illusive, diplomatic and cunning. Maybe trump is sheikelkhabuhrir guy's little bitch tho. I dont pretend to understand politics as an uninformed sub 120 iq whitetrash cunt.
Careful, this is globalist shill territory. See how upset they are about people showing respect to Trump? Welcome to the salt pits.
How long until Merkel fucking leaves? I'm tired of waiting on your country to kick those "tolerant refugees" out.
>admit canada up front
>add a legitimate opinion
>conclude with self deprecation to reduce shitpost responses
9/10 good work
finally America has accepted the superior teaching of Islam, assalamu alleikum habibis
Today the leader of the free world got curtsied by the King Muslim.
All of the men who approached the plane had hunched shoulders. Check the video.
>White apologist
Please. I liked your post until you did this. Why do you have to be such a fucking leaf?
>Maybe Trump is a kike
No but he needs to be treated as an equal by the kikes, and this enrages them.
>But Trump bowing his head to receive a medal is a total fag, haha!
Keep posting.
No they weren't, you should re-check the video
>"So you want my oil? so you want me to spend a trillion dollars in your weapon companies? Then bow to me, dog. Attaboy, just like that, let everyone know who's your master. And don't you ever try to insult my son in your twitter thing ever again"
>Trump curtseying after receiving a medal isn't totally gay and submissive
The pinnacle of white intelligence is realizing that if you are not an alpha white then you have mediocre reasoning skills at best. Blacks and asians cuck whites in two different ways but whites cuck everyone else in every way and still capable of putting up a decent cuck against asians and blacks. You gotta understand your niche and domain as a white especially in canada.
Not really though.
>Hyperbole for days
>Still mad
>The arabs curtsying upon his arival weren't totally gay and submissive first
Ok so they're both fags. I'm not sure what you're aiming at here, OP. What's the purpose of your thread other than "hurr Trump bends the knee! American conservatives are weak!" You're obviously a liberal shill who is so supremely butthurt by him making trade deals, solving problems, and all around winning. Are you going to tell me next that he hasn't kept a single campaign promise now? That doesn't stop THE WALL and that doesn't bring your precious illegals back!
The arabs did not curtsy. Only Trump did.
After years of abuse towards Obama for showing respect, Trump behaved like a little girl after receiving a chunk of gold.
Hm. Good post.
Should I post videos of the Pope kissing nigger feet? Or maybe Justin T allowing a female Muslim (submissive in Islamic culture) to lead him in a dance? Or how most of your beloved progressive leaders have all bowed their heads to the floor while wearing headscarves to their Muslim overlords? Trump is the absolute LEAST cucked president we've had in recent years. The fact that you're asserting how IRREPARIBLY BTFO he is for bending or even kneeling slightly to receive an award is laughable. Too typical of a liberal shill to blow, such tiny moments that will ultimately be forgotten in the sands of time, out of proportion. You really need to stop getting so upset over his food choices, dude. He's going to eat burgers, ice cream, and steak and he's not going to give a single flippant fuck what you think about it.
this fucking gif (pronounced jif) gets me everytime!
He does care what people think, what you're not understanding is that he's incapable of normal behavior. He doesn't understand what's normal. His autism is only compounded by his entitled sense of impulsiveness. He's used to doing whatever he wants, lying out of it, turning the lie into a way to boast about himself, and moving on.
There are incredible parallels between Trump and Chris-chan. He was incredibly naive and allowed himself to be taken advantage of time and time again. He never was willing to accept responsibility for his actions and it made him livid when people mocked him. He couldn't let it go, even if his response was equally ridiculous.
You can defend an autistic president all you want, but the self-destructive behavior that took down Chris-chan will ultimately take down Trump as well.
Leg cramp..he's in his 70s
>Trump is a retard
>Now he's a fag
>Now he's autistic
o y v e y
Do your libcuck handlers know you're talking in such an offensive way?
Uhhhhh, we've been saying Trump is autistic before we even knew Barron was.
>Trump gets taken advantage of
>Trump is totes a cuck
K, list some examples then, since it happens all the time.
Also check out your Emperor Obama. Not a cuck tho, right? :^)
Muslims may have won on the bow. But Trump has turned a generation of Saudis degenerate this day.
>Making fun of children now
>We know for a fact that Barron is an autist
How much is Shariablue paying you? Or do you also do it for free?
You should look at your own posts then, the lot of them.
I'm not defending kikes but clever response I wasn't expecting from a communist monkey.
How much of your free time do you waste thinking about shareblue?
Can't say the same about a moron simply denying what he does out loud
You people are faggots
Why do you still call it the free world?
I hope you're saying it ironically