>This was posted almost a day before the Paris terrorist attack began
>This was posted almost a day before the Paris terrorist attack began
Other urls found in this thread:
The Truth about Patton
Wtf how the
>*posts a picture*
cringey faggot
KDC dropping redpills today. Pic related (click on the image in this post to enlarge it for easy viewing as it is relevant to the text you just read)
Is there any proof whatsoever to what you and the picture claim?
I never saw this one.
EBooks are a very common thing for bots to do, search "ebook twitter spam/scam"
It just takes random excerpts from wherever and spams it, people click buy on "horses running fast encyclopedia ebook", and they charge an outrageous fee to bind a book filled by spam bots with keywords of what you clicked on
everyone that came here after 2011 should consider himself a newfag, including myself
Ask me anything and youll see im here to truthbomb
Im an oldfag with some very "suspicious" memes
>what are timezones
This user is a bot.
Kim is a fat fuck who lies on the internet for attention
>Media loses their shit because Trump kicked out a muslim protester from a private event
>Media completely ignores the jew right next to her that led the protest and also got kicked out
First big fake news of the election in 2015 that redpilled thousands on jewish/media lies/deception
This was posted about a day before the event began as in number of hours, not timezone or anything.
Im talking like (((people))) got a heads up warning to get the fuck out of Paris before it got hit if they followed this twitter account before the shooting began.
Not saying I don't believe you but how do you know this?
I screenshotted it after those beyond our perception told me how to find answers
I know it sounds cliche, but "Free Your Mind"
>Complains about OP being a cringey faggot
>Doesn't post a picture
>Doesn't drop any redpills
cringey faggot
daily reminder that Sup Forums supports Bashar Al-Assad
Omar Mateen was in contact with the FBI before the attack and he was trying to buy illegal weapons/body armor while attending mosques that preached about killing gays
He was also a paid actor
This guy knows how to spot shills
23 strawman arguments
Reminds me of occupy democrats, very lame and extremely ineffective. White people are of a generally higher social class. Class of birth is the most important factor to one's economic and social prosperity, moreso than any amount of gibsmedat agencies for blacks.
Add Seth Rich
We do not want him replaced with a vacuum to be filled by terrorists though
Assad is lesser bad guy than those who would replace him, so we just don't want him removed by force with war. He should be negotiated with peacefully, not sabotaged with terrorist proxy armies in an attempt to overthrow his nation into chaos by an internationalist cabal
Here's a vital one
i wish
too bad its a waste of time.
why wait till now to say anything.
im a beliber but not this faggot
Lol so Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim and a Jude?
I remember this guy promised he had leaks that would bring down Hillary during the election. He never delivered.
The fact that fucking Fox News is talking about Seth Rich makes me suspicious of the whole theory's legitimacy.
Volkmar Weiss: The Population Cycle Drives Human History
HUGE redpill
They are not strawmen, they are arguments you hear all the time from leftists.
Generally higher social class because they don't rely on leeching, they work harder and are given less to do more with. They don't have "white" scholarships or funds/organizations to help them get ahead, they do it by merit and only merit.
>they do it by merit and only merit.
They're generally of a higher social class and inherit prosperity from their families. It's not purely merit.
This should be adjusted for population growth. It's meaningless otherwise.
accidentally hit submit too early
>they are arguments you hear all the time from leftists.
Not all leftists make those arguments. That makes it a strawman. It's also identity politics to lump "leftists" into a category rather than judging them as individuals.
It is by merit, even if their social class helps them. Black culture is clearly inferior, and they stubbornly adhere to it; it promotes degeneracy, violence, and lawlessness. It is also being (((co-opted))) to fall in line with marxism and the destruction of culture (see the princeton math grad as an example: boards.Sup
Jews rule the pale niggers
Get over it
Well Bing Search Engine said he is
>rate per 100k
pay attention
I suppose you're right about lumping them together, but understanding redpills gives you a toolset to use more than anything.
There are clearly people who hold those dissonant views, and you can counter those people if you see someone make an argument for one side and suspect the person holds the other view as well.
Everyone should be saving the redpills that make sense to them, and disseminating them in future redpill threads. That is how the truth spreads.
no it wasn't
I approve of this meme
People underestimate the power of corporations
Governments are their tools
Thanks for trying to SHUT IT DOWN friendo
Doin gods work boy
>what are timezones
>what is "inspect element" in Firefox
Only too of the many ways to explain your pic.
Google those and you'll find out they are fake.
KFC is a known attention whore and never delivered on anything
definitely has arab ties
>what did he mean by this?
got more, but I think its time to pack up
see you all in the next redpill thread
Daily reminder that Google is an evil company run by kikes and you should all be using the legacy captcha. Scroll to the bottom of the page, select settings, quotes and replying, then check the option for legacy captcha. Then click save and the page should reload automatically.
>Class of birth is the most important factor
Nope its education which in turn correlates to money i.e. if you can afford a decent education.
Hell race plays a bigger role than class unless you live in a society that barrs certain ethnicities from recieving/getting an education.
don't do this or they will know
The new captcha with the tiles spies on you and runs all kinds of extra scripts on your machine through the browser. The old captcha is the best option if you're too poor for a pass.
This is an amazing essay. Everyone should read it.