Race War: Allies & Axis

If a race war were to erupt in a multicultural society, such as America or portions of the EU, which races would be on which side?


> Whites/Euros
> Hispanics
> Middle Easterners Minorities (Shia, Christians)
Axis of Jewry:

> Jews
> Arab Majority (Sunni)
Now, the reason I put Hispanics with Whites is that, even though there is a lot of racial tension between the two groups, it is nowhere near the rage between black and white. Hispanics come from countries that are upward of 90% Catholic, and they absolutely hate nogs. I'm sure if a war broke out, they'd reluctantly side with whites.


As for Middle Eastern minorities, they would most certainly side with Whites. Most of them even consider themselves as Caucasian, and hate the Pan-Arabic identity. The Shia can be quite based and call out Israel for its garbage without being so anti-Jew that it reaches retardation. The Christians (Lebanese/Syrian) usually have a very high quality of life, and thus, less children. Their kids become doctors, lawyers, businessmen, or follow the family business. They despise Sunni and radical Muslims, don't mind Shia, and are some of the most devoutly Christian people on Earth, seeing as how their ancestors have been in Biblical lands since Christ. They would choose Whites, while the Sunni Arab-identifiers would go to the Axis.
What are your thoughts, Sup Forums?

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what about chinks?

Cant we just play a soccer game instead of going to war :D

>Eastern Europe
>East Asians
>Southeast Asians

Axis of Jewry:
>Western Europe (atheists and LARPagans)

Chinks hate niggers and like captialism. So white side most likely. Plus they have values.

Race wars don't happen IRL, only in the imagination of stormfag brainlets.
Any war within USA would be standard civil war, any war within EU would be standard world war clusterfuck.
Meaning whites against whites, because whites are best at war.

Es um delicia


i dont think war means actual weaponized war, more a war for recources

also: JEW reporting in, here on the side of whites

Race wars happened in africa turkey yugoslavia austria hungary soviet union etc..

Always on winners side

Good guys-
United States
British Empire
Nazi Antarctica

Bad Guys-
Everyone else.

what else were you expecting? there is money to be made in war

pretty boring then desu
if your qualification for race war is any old conflict where ethnicity happens to be a factor, most wars in history are race wars then.

I really want to fuck Brazil-chan.

Oi what's yer problem with pagans?

Asians, whites, hispanics and muslims would all team up to kill niggers and kikes at the same time.
Then we'd all team up to kill muslims, then hispanics.
Whites will not care about Asians, and Asians will know that whites outnumber them 10-1
We will peacefully segregate and suddenly there would no longer be any problems.

then open your borders and have a multicultural society free of hate (:

Kuruminha is his name.

>Eastern Asians
>Normalized Jews

>Kikes (elitist Jews)

Prove me wrong.

Robbery using extreme prejudism as a tool.

Chinks will fight on our side.

>whites outnumber Asians 10-1

Nigga wut

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away!

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3 ,4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers

Sorry to break it to you, but Britannistan and sometimes Spain are considered Western-Europe as well.

suspect as fuck ew fuck off fbi

Latinos would side with niggers, they despise whites and they are becoming increasingly anti-christian.



I'm on the allies side.
Nukes and stuff help a shit ton.

Oh shut the fuck up you americuck. Allies were the anti-whites of World War II, Axis were the pro-whites and pro-Japs (the best Asians). Stop trying to make excuses for your anti-white country taking the wrong side of the war.

What about northern europe you fat fuck?

We allies, you fat gravy sippin chocolate deep fried motherfucker.

>H U E

Is this the macaco thread?


How can the United Jewish States possibly be on the good side?



2D version

White Hispanics (Actually ones) and Mestizo Hispanics will never get along no matter how faggots think guys that look like Andy Garcia and the guys that look like George Lopez are friends


It's a shame to say that whites would be on both sides.


>muslims on allies side
>jews on the other side

I'll take jews over muslims ANY day.

Surely the Jews would stay hidden, control the both side to turn a pretty penny.

Nope. War is more entertaining.

In this case, 3D definately looks better.

a race war would just be a black american genocide desu

>I really want to fuck Brazil-chan
Vem gringo.


Soccer is for eurocucks and brownies. War is the white man's game.

>western europe

Countries like Poland are the last line between europe and the kebabs.

Chinks will be selling weapons to both sides


Pretty sure niggers and arabs would sucide bomb and rape 99% of the white folk.

kek that picture.
Dudu really became an international meme.
The best part is he probably doesn't even know.

>Jewish States
>Freemasonic Empire
>Good guys


hi im user i whack off to tribal nudity

Asians would join whites obviously, especially Japs and Koreans, Chinks might stay out of it

t. Morty Shekelsteinberg

Poland is in central Europe.

I bet you would, Mordechai.


explain why jews would be on opposing side of whites in this LARP conflict? How can you look at someone like Kushner or Ivanka and tell they are jewish or white?

Mediterranean is the superior race.


Latino? I just call you all beaners because you certainly aren't white (european hispanic) and latino is a terrible insult to the Latins of rome. You are unworthy of such titles.

t. Shlomo Goldberg

C-Can i...?