Why do europeans still defend refugees?
Why do europeans still defend refugees?
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He was having a financial emergency. It's not his fault he hadn't any money, she should of been more welcoming and invited him to eat with her instead of attacking him. We must respect his human rights and be tolerant of his culture. Why is this forum so overtly rascist? How do I downvote this?
It seems as though the excuse is that the US is 60% white so shut up.
I don't get that line of reasoning, though. If anything, it should be a clear warning of what's to come.
Because Europeans are fucking faggots.
stfu manlet
Yuropoors are currently the faggiest faggots in the entire existence of man
Because whites are sadomasochists for some reason..............
This. All the alpha nords went to USA or UK or Denmark. Meds were always alpha.
G*rman and Sc*ndinavian """men""" should be given mandatory testosterone injections at the age of 5.
Years of white guilt training hammered into them by ((((them))))
Shit excuse. All this shows is that whites are easily manipulated.
What if we edit their genes so that they have two pairs of balls? We don't want them to become dependent on the pharma jew.
Then their sons will also have two pairs of balls, or perhaps a clump of three balls if they racemix, and then we can keep the project in check by castrating all malforms found with abnormal ball clusters during penis inspection day.
That sounds expensive. Honestly, Germans need to get their shit together or just get carpet bombed along with Swedes.
Would be based for a Dresden 2.0 across the entire country plus sweden.
>easily manipulated
it took two world wars and decades of social engineering to bring us to our knees, piss off leaf what's your excuse?
What a fucking intolerant bitch defending herself.
I can't fucking stand these racists.
To be fair, that guy probably hasn't had a decent meal in some days. I do some dumb shit when I'm hangry; maybe just not to that extent, though.
its not his fault he's a violent savage. its just their culture!
I like this new word.
People are waking up. Slowly. Probably too late though.
Whites have been manipulated it's true. Modern day whites are generally Godless and so lack the wisdom the Father gives his children. The Jews know this. They fed the Whites the lies of multiculturalism and told the Whites "you know it's good and right, you must do it." Godless whites do whatever makes them feel good, so they accept multiculturalism because it makes them feel good about themselves. The Jews know the knowledge God handed out to them, that you should not mix with bad people because you will be dragged down by their bad ways and even adopt their poor habits. Whites, do only what makes them feel good and not considering what God would say to them, accepted this sweet-sounding poison from the Jews.
"Yes, Goy! Feel good about yourself! You are helping these people! Good, Goy!
>Thought it was rape
>Only theft
clearly cis white men to blame here
>implying she didn't vote for left-wing open borders parties while preaching political correctness and white guilt
burn baby burn
this is a sad case of racism.
with the next gen. groomed on
there won't be anymore
What happens next, Sup Forums?
a "cultural exchange?"
rip finnish feminists
Where happened this shit?
. . . "Europeans."
As opposed to Brits.
Yes, "Europeans" will defend their own demise at the hands of invaders.
Brits are not traitors.
Deal with the traitors as traitors and you'll be fine.
Godspeed limey.
Aryan people in general are too nice now, I don't get it.
Just genetically programmed to be nice but get taken advantage of
She got "culturally enriched".
you've actually got a point
Northen people are less aggresive and often work together, sacrifice each other for the great good. (bad for africa jungle, good for civilization)
Southern people more aggresive, individualist a fuck, steal, rape, kill first, taking any advance over the other that they can to survive (good for africa jungle, bad for civilization)
>Where happened this shit?
Everywhere, everyday.
submitting to fear is cuck attitude retard
I whole heartedly support the refugee in this scenario.
I'd rather abandon this sinking rapefugee boat but don't really know where to go.
How is Canada faring these days? I was born there and my dad has plenty of local friends who might be of help in finding a job.
Niceness is a good thing and is essential for any thriving society. The problem is the lack of God.
Imagine all the times we could have invoked The Bible in the courts to say, "Look! It's there in the Bible! We shouldn't let bad people into our country just like we shouldn't invite a wolf to come live in our sheep pen."
Satan got us to start overlooking The Bible, and we lost it as an authority. In came "Political Correctness" as our heretic-Bible.
Canada is the home of Justin Trudeau.
There is nowhere left, really. The places that are still untouched are generally unwelcoming of outsiders in the first place. The only way to get out of the rapefugee areas are if you were born rich.
fuck off reddit numale
Well fug.
Finland sounds like a pretty decent place to be these days, to be honest family.
I'm happy to be in the US instead despite its flaws, but I mean if you can't find a nice place to live in Finland then why not just try Norway or something?